
Greatest Warlord In The Multiverse

Chapter Release | 1st Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ A man got a chance to reincarnate in different universe when he die. ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

6 | Departure

As Achilles and the rest went out they walked straight towards where his soldiers were waiting with Elia, Ashara and the kids.

On the way Oberyn asked Achilles "Al, I understood every other warning you give them, but why did you say your house words right before your exit."

Achilles didn't answer him, instead he asked Eddard "Ned, do you know why our house words are Winter Is Coming?"

"Hey don't ignore me." Oberyn said.

"I'm not ignoring you. Ned, tell me now." Achilles said.

"Because house Stark was the Winter King?" Ned said.

"No." Achilles said.

Hearing that Ned looked at Achilles for an explanation, and as Ned expected Achilles started to speak "It's a warning. A warning for house Stark and all the other human beings South of the wall."

Ned eyed Achilles in disbelief and said "You're kidding right?"

"Why should I?" Achilles asked back.

"But those are all stories!" Ned said.

Doran who has been silent till now asked "What are you guys talking about?"

"It's the stories we heard while growing up. Stories about Children of the Forest, the Giants, the Wights and the Others." Ned said.

"Isn't that all just stories?" Oberyn asked.

"It's not. I have seen one Giant when I ventured beyond the wall. And I have seen some of the Children of the Forest too, so I believe that in a decade or two we will be seeing the Wights and Others." Achilles said.

"But that's impossible right?" Doran asked.

"If the stories that we heard were all real, then that is the most important reason for building the wall and it's not built to stop the wildlings from coming South and wreaking havoc." Ned said.

"In every way, Ned. Wildlings, as we call them, are also the First Men. They just didn't want to kneel to a king, so they live beyond the wall now." Achilles said.

"Hey, if it's that serious, why did you antagonise the other Lords? You could have asked for their help." Oberyn asked.

"Will they send their mem, fully knowing that the entire North is still in the way of the Others and the rest of Westeros? I don't think so." Achilles said.

"They will just think along the line that since the Starks have been in the North for the longest, they will be able to stop the Others with northern men alone." Ned said.

"And I don't have to worry about Riverrun, Vale, Stormlands and Dorne. As I'm sure that you will try to help us in any way." Achilles said, looking at Ned and Doran.

"The Riverrun will help us as they are the next line of defence after Winterfell. John and Robert will also send reinforcements, if I tell them the seriousness of the matter." Ned said.

"I hope they will." Achilles said.

Just as their conversation ended, they reached the Myrmidons army that was surrounding two carriages.

Looking at one carriage, Achilles said "Elia and the kids are inside that carriage, she will be going to Dorne first, after the funeral I'll be coming to Dorne to marry her."

Hearing that Doran just smiled and as for Oberyn he hugged Achilles and said in a quiet voice "Finally decided to take my sister as your wife eh?"

Achilles just smiled at him and nodded. Then he also told Oberyn in a quiet voice "The realm thinks that the kids are Rhaegar's kids, their life will be in danger. So I'll be sending my first division with you guys for more protection."

Oberyn nodded back in understanding.

Separating from their hug, Doran, Oberyn, Achilles and Eddard walked to the carriage. Getting inside, Achilles hugged Elia and kissed her he said "Pack up your warmest clothes in a year from now, because I'll be coming to get you."

Elia nodded with a sweet smile and handed Aegon to Achilles. Taking his son in his arms and cooing him to sleep, Achilles looked at Elia and asked "Do we need to change their names or should we keep them in memory of Rhaegar?"

"Let's change them. Or they will be in harm's way just because of their names. And don't worry about our first born, I always told her that the name Rhaenys is only for show and her real name is Alice, named after my mother."

Hearing that Achilles looked at his daughter who is sleeping next to Elia and then looking at the babe in his hands he said "Then I will name my son as Alaric named after my father."

Handing over, now named Alaric, to Elia he gently creased Alice's head and kissed her forehead with lots of love. Then, looking at Elia he said "You do know that Ashara had given birth to a girl right?"

Elia nodded and said "I saw them both, and another woman with another babe in her hand."

She looked at him for an explanation, but all he said was "I will tell you when I will bed you officially."

And she nodded and at that, as she is sure that if he isn't going to tell her now that means it's so important for him.

With one last kiss on her lips, he went out of the carriage and let Doran and Oberyn enter it.

Then with Ned, he went to the other carriage. On the way he signalled his first division captain Menesthius to follow the carriage to Dorne. And as he had been briefed about what to do, Menesthius nodded at Achilles and with hundred men out of two hundred men of the first division moved to protect the carriage where Elia was on.

Then looking at the rest Achilles said "Twenty of you will be coming with me, the rest will take the ship to White Harbour and wait there."

"Yes Sir." The soldiers said in unison.

After that Ned and Achilles got to the carriage and as he was entering it, he gave out one final order "March to Winterfell!"




❌❌❌❌Chapter 6 End❌❌❌❌