Lucias, a mysterious young soul with eyes of crimson, awakens in a world beyond imagination. Joined by Nathan, a seeker of truth with golden locks, their destinies intertwine in a city plagued by unexplained tragedies. As they unravel enigmas and confront unseen forces, they become unlikely companions in a realm on the brink of chaos. With reality blurring and illusions thriving, their journey will shake the foundations of the world, awakening dormant powers and shaping the tapestry of intertwined fates. Prepare for a grandiose and thrilling adventure where mystery, destiny, and the clash of worlds await in "Crescent Veil: Chronicles of Intrigue." =====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷== Do you wanted to support the author? Please give me your love and don't forget to added our boy into your list. LOTM Fans are welcome. ORV Fans are welcome. TCF Fans are welcome. Note: I do not own the cover! The cover belong to Ayn from For All Time.
In the land of shadow and secrets, where the veil between realms is thin, a tale begins. It is a story woven in the threads of destiny, where the fates of mortals and the whims of gods entwine. Amidst the enigmatic dance of lights and darkness, a young soul awakens to a world of mysteries.
In the twilight of an age, a child named Lucias emerges from the depths of an ancient well, his memories a haze of distant echoes. The soul of an otherworldy that not belong to this world. With eyes of deep obsidian and hair as dark as the night itself, he bears the fate of unforeseen.
The world he finds himself in is not the earth he knows. It is a realm where supernatural beings and power exist within the world controlled by gods. The world where power is coveted and secrets hold sway. As Lucias traverse the unfamiliar landscapes, he discovers that his every step is guided by unseen forces, entangled with red string of fate.
Yet, within the intricate tapestry of this world, another soul stirs. Nathan, a boy of golden locks and eyes of azure, carries his own burdens and quest for truth. Drawn together by an unseen hand, their paths converge in a dance of curiosity and revelation.
In the heart of a city plagued by unexplained tragedies, Nathan unyielding pursuit of justice interwines with Lucias, clandestine schemes. As they unravel the enigma that binds their destinies, they come to realize the depths of their own abilities. Lucias, a maestro of orchestrated chaos and Nathan, a seeker of hidden truths, became unlikely companions in a realm teetering on the brink.
Bound by the delicate threads of fate, they embark on a journey where reality blurs and illusions thrive. Through the alleys of forgotten memories and the corridors of divine influence, they venture forth, their hearts filled with determination and their minds aflame with the thrist for understanding.
Little do they know that their interwined paths will shake the foundations of the world, awakening dormant powers and heralding a new era. In a realm where gods are worshipped and mortal tremble, Lucias and Nathan stand poised to weave their own legends, destined to shape the tapestry of their interwind fates. The prologue begins, and the stage is set for a tale of grandeur, mystery, and the clash of worlds.