
Crescent Veil : Chronicles of Intrigue

Lucias, a mysterious young soul with eyes of crimson, awakens in a world beyond imagination. Joined by Nathan, a seeker of truth with golden locks, their destinies intertwine in a city plagued by unexplained tragedies. As they unravel enigmas and confront unseen forces, they become unlikely companions in a realm on the brink of chaos. With reality blurring and illusions thriving, their journey will shake the foundations of the world, awakening dormant powers and shaping the tapestry of intertwined fates. Prepare for a grandiose and thrilling adventure where mystery, destiny, and the clash of worlds await in "Crescent Veil: Chronicles of Intrigue." =====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷== Do you wanted to support the author? Please give me your love and don't forget to added our boy into your list. LOTM Fans are welcome. ORV Fans are welcome. TCF Fans are welcome. Note: I do not own the cover! The cover belong to Ayn from For All Time.

1001001sh · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 3: Unveiled Dreams, Feather in Flames (I)

In the heart of Novus Lux, the majestic capital of the Chromium Empire, an exquisite palace adorned the cityscape with its opulent splendor. Inside its hallowed halls, a grand celebration was in full swing, capturing the attention and imagination of all who beheld it. Standing on the balcony's edge, gazing upon the bustling scene below, Layla Winter found herself trapped between a sense of wonder and boredom. This was no ordinary festivity; it marked the momentous coming-of-age birthday celebration of Crown Prince Aiden de Valerian, an event that had ignited a city-wide fervor.

The moon, a celestial companion in the velvet sky, bathed the capital in its ethereal glow. Its luminous beam cast a mesmerizing aura over the festivities, transforming the city into a surreal dreamscape. As Layla brought a glass of wine to her lips, her thoughts wandered beyond the surface revelry and delved into the shadowy depths of the capital's recent mysteries.

Beneath the veneer of mirth and jubilation, a darkness lurked. Report of missing individuals had plagued the city, and eerie supernatural phenomena had become distrubingly commonplace. Layla couldn't help but contemplate the intricate web connecting these perplexing events to the haunting appearance of the crimson moons. With each sip of her wine, an intoxicating blend of intrigue and latent peril danced upon her senses.

Lost in her ruminations, Layla's reverie was abruptly shattered by the arrival of a figure who entered her line of sight. It was none other than the Crown Prince himself-an imposing figure, exuding authority and possessing an undeniable allure. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, and she instinctively lowered herself in a respectful bow.

"Praise be to the Prince of Storm," Layla intoned, her voice resonating with a mix of formal reverance and an underlying fascination.

A warm, disarming smile graced the Prince's lips as he closed the distance between them, his presence radiating an approachability that transcended his royal status. With a gentle gesture, he beckoned Layla to rise, urging her cast aside the constraints of protocol that had long separated their worlds.

"Please, Layla, there is no need for such ceremonial gestures between us," he spoke, his voice carrying an inviting tone, while his eyes sparkled with a familiarity that spoke of their shared history.

Yet, Layla's unwavering loyalty to the costums and traditions of the imperial family remain steadfast, even in the face of their enduring friendship. Though they had known each other since childhood, she couldn't allow herself to display such apparent disregrad for the esteemed descendant of the God of Storm.

"I beg your pardon, my Prince, but it is my duty to honor and revere one who carries the weight of such a noble lineage," Layla respectfully asserted, her voice tinged with a deep sense of reverance.

The Prince, understanding the depth of her conviction, did not press the matter further. Instead, he shifted his attention to the ambiance of the party and the guest in attendance, seeking to engage Layla in conversation.

"Do you find the festivities tiresome?" he inquired, genuine concern evident in his gentle tone.

"I beg your pardon, my Prince, but this evening I find myself feeling unwell," Layla replied, careful not to reveal her true feelings of boredom. She didn't want the Prince to think ill of her or worry unnecessarily.

The Prince's voice filled with genuine worry, "Oh, are you unwell? Should I summon the Imperial physician on your behalf?"

Layla offered a grateful smile, touched by his genuine concern. "Thank you for your kind offer, my Prince, but I believe a restful evening at home is all I require."

With a final bow of respect, Layla took her leave, her steps carrying her away from the grandeur of the palace and back toward her waiting carriage.


In the heart of a ragging tempest, where colossal waves clashed and crashed in an untamed ocean, a formidable pirate ship emerged from the chaos. Its rugged hull, weathered by the relentless forces of nature, stood resolute against the raging storm.

Atop the ship's highest platform, a woman with fiery red hair commanded her crew with unwavering determination. Captain Lionheart, her name whispered with both awe and trepidation across the seven seas, possessed a fierce spirit that matched the tempestuous nature of the waters. Her azure blue eyes shimmered with a blend of exhilaration and confidence, mirroring the raw energy that surrounded them.

"Secure the rigging! Batten down the hatches! We're in for a wild ride, but we'll face this storm together!" Captain Lionheart's voice thundered over the crashing waves, her words carrying the weight of authority and trust.

Her crew, a diverse group of skilled seafarers, responded with unwavering loyalty. They hustled across the deck, their faces etched with determination, even as the danger loomed in every tumultuous wave.

Among the crew, a burly sailor named Jacob approached the captain, his voice barely audible above the roaring wind, "Captain, should we change course? The storm is growing fiercer by minute!"

Captain Lionheart turned to face him, her expression unwavering. "No, Jacob. We stay the course. This storm is nothing compared to the challenges we've overcome before. Have faith in our ship and of course in me." Her laughter, a sound that danced with both mirth and defiance, rang out over the tempest, as if the raging storm were a mere trifle to her.

A young sailor named Emma hesitated, her grip tightening on a rope. The ferocity of the storm was unlike anything she had ever witnessed before. Fear crept into her voice as she addressed her captain. "Captain, I've never witnessed a storm of this magnitude. Shouldn't we seek shelter?"

Captain Lionheart's turned her gaze toward Emma, her eyes filled with a mix of understanding and determination. She recognized the fear in her crew's eyes and knew it was her responsibility to guide them through the tempest. "Emma, is this your first time sailling with me?"

Emma nodded, her trepidation evident.

The captain's voice carried a reassuring tone. "We are pirates, adventurers of the sea! We do not cower in fear. We face storms head-on and emerge stronger. Trust in our abilities, and trust in me as your captain."

The crew exchanged glances, finding solace in their captain's words. Their wavering resolve was reignited, and a newfound determination settled within their hearts. They nodded in unison, their collective spirit unyielding. Together, they would face the tempest, united in their pursuit of freedom and fortune.

As lightning illuminated the darkened sky and thunder rumbled ominously in the distance, Captain Lionheart's radiant smile persisted. "It appears the God of Storm is in a festive mood tonight. The capital must be celebrating my dear little brother's coming-of-age ceremony." She reveled in the exhilarating dance of the storm, finding joy in the thrilling challenge it presented. Her ship, a symbol of her skill and resilience, rode the towering waves with grace and strength.

Suddenly, a colossal wave loomed before them, its immense power striking awe and disbelief in the hearts of the crew. Captain Lionheart swiftly issued commands, her voice cutting through the chaos of the storm. They crew responded with unwavering precision, their training and trust in their captain guiding their every move. Together, they braced themselves for the impact, ready to navigate through the treacherous swell that threatened to engulf their vessel.

In that moment, their unity and unwavering resolve would be tested, for it was in the heart of the storm that true courage and camaraderie were forged. The outcome remained uncertain, but the crew of Captain Lionheart, bounded by a shared purpose and unyielding spirit, would face whatever challenges awaited them on the tumultous seas.


Lucias's gaze remained fixed on the boy named Nathan, who knelt before him, his mind swirling with a mixture of awe and confusion. The gentle touch of Lucias's hand against Nathan's cheek seemed to work miracles, erasing the bruises that marred his body and leaving behind unblemished skin.

"Did he just call me his deity?" Lucias muttered to himself, his mind struggling to grasp the gravity of such a statement.

Nathan continued to regard him with an unwavering gaze, a look that conveyed both complete trust and unwavering devotion. It was a gaze filled with innocence and an implicit readiness to carry out any command Lucias might give.

"I thank you, my lord. Thank you for answering my prayer." Nathan spoke, his voice brimming with gratitude and glimmer of hope.

Still grappling with the unexpected turn of events, Lucias decided to take a seat upon the ornate throne that beckoned to him. The boy, as if sensing his unspoken command, obediently took his place upon the chair that had summoned him mere moments ago.

Among the twelve seats, one radiated with a glowing symbol engraved behind it-the symbol of the Feather in Flames.

As Lucias settled onto the throne, he turned his attention to Nathan, his voice resonating with authority. "Nathan, my first follower, there are matters that require my attention. It seems you sought guidance from another deity, not the God of Storm or Eternal Light. Tell me, what led you to pray to another, and what is it that you seek?"

Nathan's eyes widened with a mixture of fear and anticipation. His past had been one of hardship, confined and unloved by his parents. He yearned for an escape from the confines of his current existence.

"My lord, I... I was lost and desperate. I didn't know where to direct my prayers, whether to a force of good or evil. All I desired was to escape the confinement of my current life," Nathan explained, his voice trembling with a mixture of vulnerability and determination.

Lucias listened intently, absorbing every word that Nathan spoke. He recognized the similarity between Nathan's confinement and his own past experiences.

"How could parents treat their child in such a way? No child should endure such cruelty," Lucias muttered to himself.

He didn't know what kind of comfort words for him to give to Nathan. He's not the kind person who give consol like this.

Raising from the throne, Lucias approached Nathan, placing a hand gently on his head. "Nathan, you have suffered greatly for someone so young. Though I may not have the immediate power to change your circumstances, I promise you this-I will find a way to liberate you from your confinement. Can you wait for me? Give me seven days."

Lucias leaned closer to Nathan, his voice softer now, as if sharing a secret. "You see, I have only recently awakened from a long slumber," he whispered, coming up with a spontaneous excuse.

A drip tears flowing from his eyes, the warmth that he had never experienced before. Nathan couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the touch of his lord, a touch that brought solace and comfort.

A smile of pure happiness illuminated Nathan's face. He had never known such warmth and compassion before. With unwavering trust, he nodded and replied, "I will wait for you, my lord. As long as I can be by your side, I will wait."

Lucias had no clear plan yet on how to liberate Nathan from his confinement, but he knew that in time, a solution would reveal itself. As a final act, he leaned in close to Nathan's ear and whispered, "Remember, the Ruler of the Unseen is ever vigilant, the Beginning with no Ending. Seek His protection through prayer as you navigate the challenges that lie ahead."

With his whispered words, Nathan's body slowly began to fade, his consciousness slipping awas as the dream drew to a close. Lucias was left with a renewed determination to fulfill his promise, to break the chains that held Nathan captive and bring him the freedom he so desperately sought.

"As promised, I must fulfill my obligation in this realm of dreams," Lucias murmured as his consciousness gradually faded from the dreamlike state.


When Lucias opened his eyes, he found himself in a familiar room, with Kael and Lyra standing by his side, concern evident on their faces.

"Lucias, are you alright?" Kael asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Lyra chimed in, noticing his perspiration. "You're perspiring heavily. Should I find someone to attend to your health?"

Lucias became aware of the dampness on his body, the remnants of his intense dream having taken a toll on him.

'It seemed I make the twins worry, did it because I dreamed such a vivid dream'

"It's alright now, Kael and Lyra," Lucias reassured them with a smile, not wanting to burden them further. He didn't want Kael and Lyra to worry unnecessarily.

"Are you sure? I was afraid I hugged you too tightly," Kael admitted, guilt seeping into his voice.

"No, its not because of that, Kael. Don't worry." Lucias replied, trying to alleviate Kael's concerns.

The twins felt a sense of relief that Lucias was not in any immediate danger. Lyra approached with a basket and a towel, ready to wipe away the sweat from Lucias's body.

Lucias take the towel from Lyra's hand, expressing his gratitude. "Thank you, Lyra. I apologize for causing you trouble. I will take care of it myself now."

Lyra smilled warmly, her hand briefly brushing against Lucias's face. "You had us worried. I almost kicked Kael in the face because I thought he had done something to you," she confessed, her words sincere.

Kael, feeling somewhat terrified by Lyra's statement, quickly hid behind Lucias. "I-I didn't do anything to Lucias," he stammered, seeking protection.

Lucias paid little mind to their playful quarrel, maintaining his smile as he wiped away the sweat from his body. He remembered vividly the moments spent in the mysterious realm, realizing that his physical body remained in the real world while his consciousness traversed elsewhere.

"It seem that while I was in the mysterious realm, my physical form remained here. There is a distinct difference between the two," Lucias pondered, his mind abuzz with thoughts.

Amidst the twins lighthearted bickering, Lucias found a moment of contemplation. He sought to comprehend the nature of the dream world and plan for his upcoming journey to Baron Weirner's territory, where he would fulfill his promises and embark on his destinied path.

"Seven days from now," Lucias resolved, his voice carrying a firm determination. The first promise he made in this new life, bore heavily on his shoulders.

As he gazed out of the window, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon.

"That kid, Nathan..."


Author's note: Hello, my dear readers. I'm sorry for the late update for this week. I will be very busy until September. The chapter schedule would be the same, 1 chapter update for each week. It might delayed a bit from Friday to Saturday.

This chapter is cut into two parts. I will do my best to delivery the chapter on time. I really thank you, thanks a lot for reading my book. Since we still have more space for the chapter, I'll add some Trivia in this chapter.

Trivia :

1. Feather in Flames is a name of the symbol engraved in one of the twelve seat in the mysterious realm. It meaning a signifies transformation, renewal, and rebirth. The seat order is no.7 to the throne. Currently possessed the seat is Nathan.

2. Lucias have two different physical form. The kid version in a real world and adult version in mysterious realm. Both cannot consciousness at the same time. His form in mysterious realm cannot be seen by the member of twelve seats as it form covered with veil like garment except hands.

3. Captain Lionheart are member of Imperial Family. Despite being a first born child, a female descendants cannot inherit the right for the throne. The God of Storm favored His male descendants.

4. There are a famous seas among the seafarer, one of them is Sea of Thunder. Which currently in the possession of God of Storm gaze.


I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and as the journey with our boy Lucias.

"Upon the ashes of the past we rise, from ember's glow, new life takes from, My seats of seven by His throne, Love and gazing peace, ethereal flames in my chest, I shall true."

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