
Crescent Veil : Chronicles of Intrigue

Lucias, a mysterious young soul with eyes of crimson, awakens in a world beyond imagination. Joined by Nathan, a seeker of truth with golden locks, their destinies intertwine in a city plagued by unexplained tragedies. As they unravel enigmas and confront unseen forces, they become unlikely companions in a realm on the brink of chaos. With reality blurring and illusions thriving, their journey will shake the foundations of the world, awakening dormant powers and shaping the tapestry of intertwined fates. Prepare for a grandiose and thrilling adventure where mystery, destiny, and the clash of worlds await in "Crescent Veil: Chronicles of Intrigue." =====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷== Do you wanted to support the author? Please give me your love and don't forget to added our boy into your list. LOTM Fans are welcome. ORV Fans are welcome. TCF Fans are welcome. Note: I do not own the cover! The cover belong to Ayn from For All Time.

1001001sh · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 6: Unveiled Strikes, Knight of Light (II)

The imminent clash hung in the air as the golden-haired man hurled himself into action with breathtaking swiftness. His massive sword gleamed with anticipation as he closed in on the cyclopes, his aim fixed on delivering a decisive blow. Yet, these cyclopes, with their rugged hides, presented themselves as formidable opponents. Their tough skin thwarted the sword's attempts to breach their defenses, and with colossal clubs, they easily parried the golden-haired man's strikes.

"It's been a while since I fought tough opponents," A sly grin played upon the golden-haired man's lips.

The initial obstacle hardly seemed to pertub him. Instead, he accelerated, his movement exuding an unmatched combination of agility and grace. The cyclopes struggled to match the speed of their agile foe, their growls of vexation reverberating through the forest.

In a colossal display of raw might, the cyclopes bellowed in unison, a thunderous roar that appeared to rattle the very earth beneath them. Trees quivered, and the ground buckled under the overwhelming force they generated. It was a daunting exhibition of sheer power.

The two cyclopes, their actions oddly synchronized, embarked on a peculiar and lethal dance. They circled the golden-haired man, their singular eyes locked onto their nimble prey. With each calculated step, the cyclopes drew nearer, their colossal clubs poised to strike.

Lyra, her analytical mind operating at full tilt, detected an unusual undercurrent beneath the bedlam of battle. These cyclopes weren't mere brutish monsters; they displayed a semblance of coordination and intelligence. Her spine tingled with unease.

"Bruce, I've never witnessed monsters behave like this before," Lyra said to their seasoned leader.

Bruce, the seasoned leader, promptly seized upon this unsettling revelation. His authoritative voice cut through the chaos as he shouted to the golden-haired man, "Dodge their attacks! They're not behaving like mindless brutes!"

Recognizing their opportunity, the cyclopes launched a meticulously coordinated assault, converging from both the front and the rear to ensnare the golden-haired man. Their massive clubs swung in unison, systematically closing off his escape routes.

"Incoming from both sides! Watch out!" Bruce's voice boomed with urgency, a warning that sliced through the chaos.

With an astonishing display of agility, the golden-haired man catapulted himself skyward, ascending to remarkable heights above the chaotic battleground. The colossal clubs, swinging towards each other, narrowly missed their target, the golden-haired man, by mere inches, an escape that preserved him from becoming a mere stain on the forest floor.

"Did you truly think it would be so effortless to ensnare me?" he taunted the lumbering cyclopes with a wry grin.

As his massive sword gleamed like a bolt of lightning, he descended with pinpoint precision, his aim set on the eye of one of the cyclopes. The blade found its mark with unerring accuracy, and the cyclopes let loose a guttural howl of anguish, its roar reverberating throughout the forest.

The battlefield quaked beneath the intensity of the moment, the wounded cyclops writhing in agony as the golden-haired man's strike took effect. However, the battle was far from its conclusion.


Lucias remained on the periphery of the tumultuous battle, an intrigued observer to the unfolding spectacle. An inexplicable familiarity wafted from the golden-haired man, akin to a long-lost memory lingering just beyond his grasp. Although he couldn't pinpoint it precisely, a pervasive sense of déjà vu brushed against the recesses of his consciousness.

As Lucias continued to witness the golden-haired man's mesmerizing performance, an undeniable truth became clear in his mind-this individual was no ordinary combatant. An enigmatic power simmered beneath the surface, akin to a coiled serpent awaiting its moment to strike. Yet, it was clear to Lucias that the golden-haired man hadn't fully unleashed his potential; he was merely toying with the cyclopes, his movements flowing with a preternatural grace that defied logic.

"Why does he feel so familiar?" Lucias murmured to himself, his brow furrowing with concentration as he sifted through the recesses of his memory for even the faintest glimmer of recognition.

Standing stoically beside Lucias, Kael never wavered in his vigil. His eyes remained steadfast on Lucias, and he couldn't help but discern the admiration that radiated from Lucias's gaze as it remained fixed on the golden-haired man's prowess. A pang of jealousy gnawed at Kael's heart, an emotion he struggled to suppress.

However, Kael's turmoil ran deeper than envy alone. It was a mixture of frustration and a gnawing sense of helplessness. As he glanced at the towering cyclopes, fear coursed through his veins, and it marked a bitter realization. He yearned to be the dependable older brother, a stalwart protector against any threat that may arise.

Kael, his gaze unwavering on Lucias and the ongoing battle, couldn't help but whisper words of self-doubt under his breath. "I want him to look at me like the way he looks at that man... but I'm just standing here, trembling like a coward. What kind of older brother am I?" His voice was a mere murmur, but the weight of his own perceived inadequacy bore down heavily upon him.

He berated himself for his fear, for his perceived lack of strength, and for his inability to become the steadfast protector he longed to be for Lucias. It was a harsh moment of self-reflection, and Kael couldn't help but feel a deep sense of inadequacy, an unshakeable feeling of pathetic weakness.

Amidst the relentless chaos of battle, the golden-haired man had managed to inflict a wound upon one of the cyclopes. However, it was abundantly clear that this injury was far from enough to tip the scales. Just as he prepared to unleash another strike, a nightmarish turn of events unfolded. The second cyclops, in a shocking twist, turned on its injured comrade, ripping into its flesh and devouring it while still alive. Shock and bewilderment coursed through the onlookers as they grappled with the horrifying scene that played out before them.

In the midst of this grotesque chaos, Lucias felt a sudden surge of energy, an unsettling density in the surrounding mana that threatened to suffocate him. His heart raced as he unraveled the gruesome truth-the cyclopes were not consuming their fallen companion, they were merging together into a monstrous amalgamation, a grotesque fusion of the two colossal beasts. The mana cores within them coalesced, birthing a nightmarish creature that defied reason.

Torn between the desire to intervene and the paralyzing fear of unforeseen consequences, Lucias hesitated. His mind raced as he grappled with the weight of the decision, his brow damp with anxious sweat.

"Should I intervene?" Lucias's inner turmoil raged as he questioned the best course of action.

"I possess the power to halt their transformation before it completes, but what if it unleashes an even greater threat in the process?" He pondered the implications of recklessly interfering, realizing that their transformation was being fueled by the surrounding mana, a perilous augmentation that could potentially backfire if disrupted prematurely.

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, the golden-haired man found himself grappling with his own inner turmoil. He had faced formidable foes in the past, but this unexpected twist in the battle was unlike anything he had ever encountered. His keen eyes narrowed as he observed the grotesque merging of the cyclopes, his mind racing to formulate a strategy.

"This changes everything," the golden-haired man muttered to himself, his voice a low murmur amidst the surrounding chaos. "I must act swiftly, before this unforeseen threat escalates any further."

Meanwhile, among the crew, panic and confusion threatened to consume them. Bruce, their seasoned leader, bellowed out orders in an attempt to maintain some semblance of control over the escalating situation.

"Stay back, everyone! We have no knowledge of the capabilities of this creature," Bruce shouted, his voice brimming with urgency. "Prepare for the worst!"

In response to the impending threat, the golden-haired man stepped forward, positioning himself before the grotesque fusion of the cyclopes. His sword, held high, gleamed with an otherworldly brilliance, its blade pointing skyward. As he chanted, his voice resonated through the clearing, laden with ancient purpose.

"For those who dwell among the skies," he intoned, infusing his words with solemnity and power. "I wield Siegfried, the sword that cleaves through darkness and banishes evil. As a descendant of heroes, it falls upon me to rid this world of its malevolence."

As he continued his incantation, a remarkable transformation overtook the sword. Its once-rusted appearance began to shift, growing brighter and brighter until it became nearly blinding, rendering it almost impossible to gaze upon directly. Simultaneously, his azure eyes radiated with a dazzling brilliance, mirroring the surging power emanating from the sword.

Bruce and the crew, recognizing the sword's true identity, gasped in awe and disbelief. Before them, in the hands of the golden-haired man, was Siegfried, one of the seven legendary swords once wielded by ancient heroes. Its mere presence exuded an ancient power beyond any compare.

"I can scarcely believe my eyes," Bruce murmured in reverent astonishment, his gaze transfixed by the dazzling spectacle.

The sentiment rippled through the crew, each member sharing in the collective sense of wonder and awe. Among them, Lucias alone remained unsurprised, having anticipated this very moment—the moment when the golden-haired man would unleash his hidden might.

The golden-haired man's incantation reached its zenith, and the sword blazed with an intensity that seemed to draw light from the very heavens. Crackling energy surged within it, eager to be released upon the approaching cyclopes.

"It's been a while since I awakened you from your slumber, O Siegfried," the golden-haired man spoke to the sword with a sense of reverence.

On the opposing side, the transformed cyclopes charged forward with a fearsome, earth-shaking power. Their colossal forms thundered through the forest, a sight that instilled horror and terror in all who beheld it. However, the golden-haired man remained resolute, a confident smile playing upon his lips.

As tension continued to mount, Lyra's instincts blared a warning. Her keen senses detected the impending catastrophe, and she shouted to the others with a note of urgency, "Hold on to something! Brace yourselves!"

Bruce and his crew heeded Lyra's warning, gripping onto anything they could find for stability. Kael, his heart torn between fear and determination, rushed to Lucias's side. Together, they huddled on the ground, their bodies taut and prepared for the impending cataclysm.

With a mighty swing, the golden-haired man unleashed the full might of the sword.

"Let your power roar, Siegfried!" he called out triumphantly.

A radiant torrent of ancient energy erupted from the blade, reducing the charging cyclopes to naught but swirling ashes. The released power surged through the surroundings, shaking the very earth itself.

Trees quivered in awe, leaves danced in a frenzied spectacle, and even the sky seemed to bow before the incredible display of raw, unbridled might.


The unleashed power of Siegfried resonated far and wide, reaching the ears of those attuned to the supernatural. It acted as a beacon, drawing the interest of various factions hidden within the world. It was only a matter of time before major churches and secret organizations began to mobilize, their curiosity piqued by the revelation of one of the seven legendary swords, Siegfried.

As the situation began to stabilize, the tense atmosphere gradually eased, and people cautiously rose to their feet. Amidst the aftermath, the golden-haired man stood tall upon the remnants of the cyclopes, their once-menacing forms reduced to nothing but ashes.

"It seems I may have overdone it a bit," the golden-haired man remarked with a hint of wryness, surveying the complete obliteration of the once-menacing creatures.

His gaze then shifted towards Lucias, who had pushed back his hood, revealing his face. In that moment, the two of them locked eyes, their stares unwavering, and a profound silence settled between them.

Bruce stepped forward, a sense of gratitude in his eyes. He extended his hand toward the golden-haired man.

"Thank you," Bruce said sincerely, his voice carrying weight of appreciation.

"You've saved us all on this journey, and I must admit, I never expected such valor from a new recruit." He added as he bow to golden-haired man.

The crew members followed suit, expressing their heartfelt gratitude for having their lives spared. Lyra, too, approached the golden-haired man.

"Thank you," she said, her voice sincere. "Without your assistance, we might have found ourselves in a far more dire situation."

Kael, on the other hand, remained silent, a sense of defeat washing over him as he compared himself to the extraordinary figure who had just saved them all.

In that moment of quiet and realization, Lucias felt a rush of memories flood back into his consciousness, memories of a young boy named Nathan he had encountered in a mysterious realm.

"It couldn't be possible..." he thought, his gaze fixed on the golden-haired man.

The golden-haired man, sensing Lucias's deep contemplation, smiled and decided to introduce himself.

"I forgot to introduce myself properly," he began, "You know, I keep hearing you guys referring to me as 'goldie'." He chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "My name..."

He paused for a moment, as if carefully choosing his words.

"My name is Yuno, a wandering knight without a master."

As Yuno introduced himself, Lucias couldn't help but feel a strange sense of familiarity. Yuno bore an uncanny resemblance to Nathan, albeit in an older form. It was as if he were an adult version of the young boy Lucias had met in that mysterious realm.

Yuno took a step closer to Lucias, his smile confident and warm.

"You seem quite interested in me, don't you?" Yuno said, his eyes locked onto Lucias's.

Before Lucias could respond, Kael intervened, speaking up in defense of his little brother.

"My little brother isn't interested in you," Kael said, his smile oddly penetrating as he looked at Lucias. "He's simply fascinated by your sword, isn't that right, my dear Lucias?"

To avoid complicating things further, Lucias nodded in agreement, silently confirming Kael's statement.

"Is that so?" Yuno mused, appearing slightly disappointed. He then continued, "Well, if you're not interested in me, how about a friendly match to satisfy your curiosity?"

This unexpected proposal left the crew, including Bruce, bewildered. Why would an adult want to engage in combat with a child? However, Lyra, understanding the hidden dynamics at play, attempted to intervene. Before she could, though, Lucias promptly accepted Yuno's offer.

"Sure, if you insist," Lucias replied with a hint of excitement in his voice. He understood that Yuno harbored his own curiosity about him.

For Lucias, the battle was more than a simple sparring match. It was a chance to unveil the mysteries that surrounded Yuno, and perhaps, to confirm the connection between this enigmatic man and the young boy named Nathan.

Only through combat they truly understand each other. What intrigued Lucias the most wasn't the legendary sword Siegfried; it was the enigmatic man wielding it, Yuno. Lucias was convinced that Yuno held some connection to Nathan, and he yearned to confirm his suspicions.

A faint smile graced Yuno's lips as the young boy agreed to spar with him. He hadn't anticipated this turn of events; his intention had merely been to ascertain something. Siegfried had whispered of something intriguing nearby, and that's why Yuno had sought to join Bruce's mercenaries.

The child, Lucias, held an inexplicable sway over Yuno. It felt as though he were gazing into a mirror of his own soul—an uncanny familiarity that warmed his heart and drew him in closer.

Lucias turned to Lyra and insisted she stay clear of the impending duel, but she remained resolute, not wanting to let this fight unfold. Kael, too, tried to dissuade Lucias, his worry for his younger companion evident. Lucias knew they cared deeply for him, but there was something about this overwhelming affection that unsettled him.

"Lyra, Kael, please," Lucias implored, his gaze earnest, a plea for them to respect his decision.

Lyra found it nearly impossible to resist Lucias when he wore that expression. She couldn't bring herself to refuse him when he seemed so genuinely determined. Kael, however, remained unyielding.

"I won't allow you to fight him!" Kael declared firmly, his voice laced with concern.

"I know you're strong, but I can't bear to see you hurt," he added, his tone carrying a tinge of sadness.

As Lucias continued to interact with his companions, Yuno couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy gnawing at him. He didn't relish seeing this display of affection unfold right before his eyes.

"Kael, I assure you, I"ll be just fine," Lucias said with unwavering confidence.

He went on to explain, "There's something I need to confirm from him, something that's really important to me."

Kael, still unconvinced, expressed his concern. "But what's so crucial about him, Lucias? You've only known him during this journey! I just don't want to see you getting into a fight!"

"I can't explain it all right now," Lucias replied softly, "but I promise, I'll tell you everything when the time is right." He extended his little finger, offering Kael a pinky promise, a gesture that held immense meaning between them. Lucias smiled warmly at Kael.

Kael couldn't resist Lucias's heartfelt promise. It was the first time Lucias had made such a vow to him, and it felt special. With a nod and a smile, Kael reluctantly agreed to let Lucias proceed with the battle, trusting in their bond and Lucias's own judgment.

Kael fixed a determined gaze on Yuno and declared with unwavering resolve, "I might not be as strong as you, but if you lay a single scratch on Lucias body, I won't hold back!"

Yuno sighed, his tone tinged with condescension. "Even if you give it your all, you're no match for me. You're just too weak to stand beside him."

Yuno's words landed like a weight upon Kael, but before he could retort, Lucias stepped in.

"Hey, aren't we here for a match?" Lucias said sternly, his eyes locked onto Yuno.

Yuno chuckled and offered a quick apology, "Haha, you're absolutely right. My bad, I got carried away there."

The impending battle held the power to reshape the world as they knew it, a truth not lost on anyone present. Bruce and his crew stood bewildered, their curiosity piqued by the enigma unfolding before them. They couldn't fully grasp the intricacies at play, but the anticipation hung heavy in the air.

Lyra and Kael, torn between worry and hope, watched Lucias with bated breath. He was their cherished companion, and they feared for his safety in this unforeseen showdown.

Yuno, his gaze locked onto Lucias, felt an unshakable determination welling up within him. Ever since he first laid eyes on Lucias in Alpen, an inexplicable connection had drawn him closer to the young boy. There was something he needed to confirm, a promise to fulfill, and a contract with Siegfried to honor.

"This time," Yuno whispered, his voice resolute, "I won't repeat the same mistakes of the past."

Not far away, perched on a tree, a few crows observed the unfolding drama with keen interest. On the other side, in an undisclosed location, a mysterious man wore a faint smile as he watched through the eyes of the crows. It was a scene of profound significance, one that was about to unfold in ways beyond anyone's expectations.

The mysterious man had not stumbled upon this event by chance. He was well aware that something extraordinary was occurring. It was the immense force of Siegfried's unleashed power that had initially drawn his attention. Sensing a phenomenon of profound significance, he had acted swiftly, dispatching his network of watchers to locate the source.

"Fascinating," the mysterious man muttered from his hidden vantage point, his eyes locked onto the unfolding spectacle. The scene before him defied conventional understanding. The man wielding Siegfried was clearly no ordinary individual, and the young child on the opposing side added an intriguing layer to the situation.

He leaned forward, his interest piqued as he continued his clandestine observation. "That child is truly remarkable. The veil that shrouds him in invisibility is impenetrable, masking his true abilities. Such an enigma is well worth my attention," he mused, a gleam of anticipation in his eyes. This unexpected turn of events had truly captivated him, and he couldn't wait to see how it would all unfold.


In the hush of anticipation, the stage was set for the second battle, one that promised no quarter given or taken. Lucias and Yuno faced each other, determination etched into their expressions. It was a clash between the enigmatic child and the wandering knight.

The air seemed to hum with expectation as they squared off, and an unspoken understanding passed between them. This battle held secrets and questions that hung in the balance, waiting to be answered. As they readied themselves to go all out, it was clear that neither would hold back.

Within Lucias, cloaked beneath that enigmatic shroud of invisibility, lay concealed mysteries waiting to unfurl. And in Yuno, the wanderer, an inexplicable connection to the young boy pulsed, a thread of destiny weaving their fates together. The answers to these enigmas were about to be unveiled, and the next chapter of their journey would be etched in the language of battle.

The battle is begin!


Author's note: Hello, my dear readers. Chapter 6 is now complete, though I must apologize for the potential presence of typos and errors. Unfortunately, time constraints have limited my ability to revise and edit thoroughly. Nevertheless, I hope you find enjoyment within these pages.

The impending clash between Lucias and Yuno has piqued my curiosity. It's hard not to notice the striking resemblance between Yuno and our beloved Nathan. But can it truly be him?

As we are aware, Nathan is currently confined within the subterranean depths of Fontaine Castle.

The forthcoming chapter shall grace your screens in just a week's time. Additionally, I am considering revisiting the previous chapter, as I believe it may not have been conveyed as effectively as I would have liked.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

"In the ancient whispers, a tale unfolds, Of light that into darkness boldly strolls. But darkness, shrouded in a crimson hue,

Resisted the glow, with defiance true. Twin moons of crimson, their ominous might, Turned the dark to blood in the silent night. A battle waged, a testament of will, In the shadow's grasp, the light stood still. Once more, the light, a relentless force, Confronted those moons on a cosmic course. Swords that once sundered the abyss, Now shattered by the divine's sweet kiss. In reverence, they bowed, the crimson moons, Before the one whose presence now dawns and swoons. A tale of power, of destiny's might, In the dance of the heavens, a celestial flight."

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