
Crescent Veil : Chronicles of Intrigue

Lucias, a mysterious young soul with eyes of crimson, awakens in a world beyond imagination. Joined by Nathan, a seeker of truth with golden locks, their destinies intertwine in a city plagued by unexplained tragedies. As they unravel enigmas and confront unseen forces, they become unlikely companions in a realm on the brink of chaos. With reality blurring and illusions thriving, their journey will shake the foundations of the world, awakening dormant powers and shaping the tapestry of intertwined fates. Prepare for a grandiose and thrilling adventure where mystery, destiny, and the clash of worlds await in "Crescent Veil: Chronicles of Intrigue." =====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷== Do you wanted to support the author? Please give me your love and don't forget to added our boy into your list. LOTM Fans are welcome. ORV Fans are welcome. TCF Fans are welcome. Note: I do not own the cover! The cover belong to Ayn from For All Time.

1001001sh · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: Unveiled Strikes, Knight of Light (I)

In the gentle embrace of morning's light, Lucias and the twins bid a warm farewell to the owner of the house that the twins rented, setting the stage for their very first journey from Alpen to Sevila city.

Lyra's choice of attire was both practical and stylish. Her dark, form-fitting tunic allowed her to move with ease, while the leather vest adorned with a small, concealed daggers gave her an air of fierce determination. The sturdy leather pants she wore completed the look, ensuring she was ready for anything that came their way.

Kael's attire reflected his adventurous spirit perfectly. With a loose-fitting, comfortable shirt in earthy tones and a sleeveless leather vest adorned with all sorts of nifty pockets, he looked every bit the daring explorer. The durable fabric pants and the thick leather belt with a handy pouches added to his swashbuckling charm. And let's not forget the massive, weathered backpack that housed all the essentials for their week-long journey to Sevila city.

Lucias, on the other hand, had meticulously chosen his attire with concealment in mind. Draped in a flowing, full-body garment that left only his hands and mouth exposed, he blended effortlessy into the background. Beneath this cloak of anonymity, he donned a fitted, dark tunic and pants that afforded him both agility and comfort. His fingerless gloves, apart from lending a certain stylish flair, proved incredibly practical for someone with his unique abilities.

With their preparations complete, Lucias and the twins met with the rest of the crew at the gate of Alpen village.

Kael couldn't help but jest, his smile infectious, "Who would've thought that looking this good would cost us so much, huh?"

Lyra's laughter chimed melodiously. "Kael, it's not just about looking good. We need to be prepared for anything that may cross our path."

Lucias smiled, grateful for his companion's support even if he couldn't contribute financially.

As they neared the gate, a cadre of seasoned mercenaries, led by the Bruce the Wild Bear, greeted them warmly.

Lyra's eyes danced with recognition upon spotting Bruce amidst the group, and a wide grin adorned her face as she stepped forward to greet him.

"Well, well look who we have here! Bruce, it's been quite some time, hasn't it?" Lyra's voice brimmed with cheer.

Bruce turned towards Lyra, his countenance a blend of astonishment and delight.

"Lyra! Well, I'll be damned! It's wonderful to see you again. When my boys told me you wanted to join us, I could hardly contain my excitement." Bruce's smile was as hearty as his voice.

Laughter rumbled in the air as Bruce enveloped Lyra in a bear-like embrace.

"Time has been kind to you, Lyra. You're as vibrant and charming as ever."

Lyra returned the hug with a warm smile. "The feeling is mutual, Bruce. Allow me to introduce my companions, Kael and Lucias," she said, seamlessly transitioning to the introductions.

Curiously, in all her prior dealings with Bruce, Lyra had never revealed her twin brother's existence.

Bruce acknowledge them with a nod. "A pleasure to make your acquintance. Lyra is one of the sharpest minds I've had the honor to work with. Her trust speaks volumes."

Kael extended his hand, his friendly demeanor shining through. "We're truly grateful for the chance to travel under your protection, Bruce."

Lucias, though mostly hidden beneath his hood and cloak, followed suit by shaking Bruce's hand.

"Thank you for allowing us to join your crew."

Bruce's discerning eyes studied Lucias briefly, as if attempting to uncover what lay beneath those concealing layers.

"No need for formalities here. We're a team now, bound by a common purpose. I promise you, we'll get you safely to Sevila."

With these words, the group encircled the waiting carriage, embarking on their week-long odyssey into Baron Weirner's territory. The road ahead remained shrouded in uncertainty, but with Bruce and his seasoned mercenaries as their guardians, Lucias, Kael, and Lyra clung to a glimmer of hope as they ventured forth on their quest for truth.

As the carriage's wheels creaked to life, and the horses set off with a steady trot, Lyra, seated nearby, turned her discerning gaze towards Bruce, the seasoned leader of their company.

"Bruce," she began, her voice hushed yet brimming with concern, "there's another individual accompanying us on this journey today."

Bruce, a man well-versed in reading between the lines, caught onto Lyra's subtle inquiry and responed with a nod.

"He's a recent recruit," Bruce elucidated, his words dripping with intrigue. "A wanderer knight, one who guards his true identity closely."

Lyra, with her keen instincts and sharp perceptions, couldn't help but feel an aura of enigma enveloping the hooded stranger. Her gut told her that this man was anything but ordinary. However, in Bruce's judgement and the collective wisdom of their crew, she found reson to place her trust.


A night descended upon their camp, the crew efficiently set up their tents, preparing for a night's rest after their uneventful first day of travel. The notion that Alpen was a perilous region seemed entirely incongruent with their experiences thus far.

Around the campfire, crew members chatted and enjoyed their dinner. Lyra's presence added warmth to the gathering, as she easily connected with the crew members.

Kael, noticing Lucias lost in thought, joined him by the fire. He smiled knowingly as he spoke.

"Caught you staring, didn't I? My sister is quite something, huh?" Kael remarked with a hint of pride and nostalgia.

"It's been a while since she smiled this genuinely, especially after our parents passed away. I've often felt like I couldn't be the reliable brother she needed, which led her to work in the tavern and build these connection. She's grown closer to them than me, especially with Bruce."

Lucias listened attentively, his gaze alternating between the dancing flames and Kael's expressive face. He understood that there were layers to Lyra and Kael's history, but he refrained from probing further, respecting their boundaries.

While the crew savored the hearty dinner prepared by their companions, Lucias couldn't escape the sensation of being watched. The mysterious hooded figure, lingering as the camp's fringes, kept a vigilant eye on him, wrapped in an aura of secrecy.

Throughout the night, the hooded man continue to observe Lucias from the shadows, maintaining an enigmatic presence. Lucias couldn't help but experience a blend of curiosity and unease. There was an indefinable quality about this wanderer knight that set him apart from the rest of the crew.

As the night deepened and the conversations around the campfire mellowed, the hooded figure made his approach, his footsteps as silent as a whisper.

Lucias, keenly aware of his approach, turned to acknowledge him. The man's hood concealed the majority of his features, but a pair of piercing eyes gleamed with an intensity that was difficult to ignore.

"May I join you?" the hooded figure asked, his voice steady and measured.

Lucias nooded in respone, and the wanderer took a seat beside him. There was an aura of mystery about him that seemed to radiate from every inch of his being.

Amidst the flickering flames, the hooded wanderer turned his attention toward Lucias. A subtle smile graced his lips as he found something that piqued his interest.

Lucias, his senses alert, observed the hooded figure in return. Though much of the man's face remained hidden, Lucias could discern the contours of a youthful visage beneath the concealing fabric.

There was something more to this stranger than met the eye, something that resonated with Lucias's own complex nature.

Yet, in this quiet moment, both men played a waiting game, a nonverbal understanding that hinted at their shared secrets. Shadows danced around them in the campfire's light, as if nature itself conspired to keep their true selves hidden.


The following morning marked the continuation of their journey towards Barron Weirner territory. An unusual hush had settled over the forest, a stark departure from its typical treacherous demeanor. Even the usually bothersome creatures that often ambushed passing merchants were conspicuously absent.

Bruce, their seasoned leader, couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that something was amiss. Trusting his well-honed instincts, honed through years of adventuring, he ordered his men to remain vigilant. They pressed forward cautiously, scanning the dense woods for any hint of danger.

In the midst of this uneasy atmosphere, Lucias found himself experiencing a different kind of discomfort. It wasn't the forest that unsettled him, but the unyielding stare of the hooded man. Those eyes seemed locked on him for an eternity, creating an unsettling sensation that sent shivers down his spine.

'What's his deal watching over me since last night? I can't sleep because of that.' Lucias mumble to himself.

Desperate to escape the intense scrutiny, Lucias unconsciously sought refuge by inching closer to Kael. However, Kael, with an amused twinkle in his eye, recognized the perfect chance for some playful banter. He grabbed Lucias's hand, squeezing it playfully while sporting an exaggerated expression of concern.

"Feeling a bit jittery, my dear Lucias?" Kael teased, his smile broadening as he drew Lucias closer to him.

"No worries, my little brother. Just clutch onto big brother's hand. I've got you covered."

Lucias couldn't help but chuckle at Kael's teasing. He knew that Kael was genuinely enjoying this situation. In fact, he wondered if Kael might even be secretly grateful to the hooded man for inadvertently creating this amusing scenario.

Kael continued to hold Lucias's hand, a wide grin on his face. It was evident that he was relishing every moment of it, to the point where he even tried to catch Lyra's attention. However, Lyra was deeply engrossed in conversation with Bruce and seemed oblivious to Kael's antics.

After hours of relentless travel, Bruce decided it was time for the group to take a well-deserved break. Throughout the journey, the comfortable camaraderie between Lyra and Bruce had been apparent, their laughter and storytelling a testament to their deep friendship. On the flip side, Kael had been gripping Lucias's hand with a mischievous grin, making it abundantly clear that he was thoroughly enjoying himself, much to Lucias's subtle exasperation.

Lucias made a feeble attempt to extricate his hand from Kael's firm grasp. With an arched eyebrow and a nearly inaudible sigh, he muttered, "You really seem to be relishing this, don't you?"

Kael chuckled, obstinately maintaining his grip. "Absolutely! This is the highlight of my day."

Although Lucias was tempted to use his power to blow Kael away, the presence of too many onlookers stayed his hand.

Meanwhile, the hooded man continued to stare at Lucias as if the young boy were the center of his universe. Lucias felt powerless in the face of this scrutiny and decided to let it be for the time being.

As the crew distributed meager rations consisting of plain bread and water, an unsettling sense of unease rippled through the group. Not because their stomach disappointed with the meal they got just plain bread and water. The ground quivered beneath them, the tremors growing in intensity.

Lyra voiced their shared concern, her wide eyes reflecting alarm. "Could this be... an earthquake?"

Bruce, the seasoned leader, wasted no time. His face etched with gravity, he issued commands to his men. "Prepare for battle!"

Kael's grip on Lucias's hand visibly tightened, his fear undisguised. In contrast, Lucias remained strangely composed. He leaned toward Kael, his voice soothing. "There's no need to panic, Kael. It might not be as dire as it appears."

Kael nodded, his hands trembling as he struggled to regain his composure. Although Lucias was irritated by Kael's playful teasing, he couldn't bring himself to let go of the young boy. After all, both Kael and Lyra were still considered teenagers. Although Lucias found himself in a child's body, his consciousness remained that of an adult.

Amidst the mounting tension, a young and jittery crew member stammered, "I-I've heard tales about this from the boss... stories of monstrous creatures."

As the ground continued to quake, two massive, one-eyed beasts emerged from the depths of the forest, further intensifying the crew's fear and trepidation.

The forest fell into an eerie, tense silence as the hooded man's piercing gaze remained locked onto Lucias. He couldn't help but feel intrigued by the young man's unwavering composure in the face of the colossal beasts that now loomed before them. His eyes briefly flickered to the monstrous creatures before returning to Lucias, and a thoughtful expression crossed his face, his eyes narrowing in contemplation.

With each passing moment , the palpable tension in the air thickened. A faint smile tugged at the corners of the hooded man's lips, a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. It was as if he had finally confirmed something that had been gnawing at him for long time. 

Then, in one seamless motion, the enigmatic figure swept aside his concealing hood, revealing a cascade of striking golden hair that seemed to catch the very sunlight and transform it into spun gold. His mere presence expanded as he strode confidently into view, his imposing physique on full display.

Clutched firmly in his hand was a massive sword, its blade bearing the marks of age with a slight rusting, yet its undeniable size and power made it a formidable weapon. His attire, daringly revealing his chiseled muscles and the contours of his body, left little to the imagination, enhancing the air of danger that clung to him.

His eyes, a brilliant shade of azure that sparkled like the clearest of skies, held a magnetic quality as he stood there-a vision of unwavering confidence and undeniable strength. It was an enterance that demanded attention, and the forest's very atmosphere seemed to shift in response. Lucias and the rest of the crew stood momentarily awestruck, their curiosity piquied as they wondered about this mysterious person.

Drawing nearer to Lucias, the golden man's eyes betrayed a hint of longing, an emotion that stirred curiosity in the young boy. Lucias, however, remained thoroughly perplexed, unsure of what this golden stranger wanted from him.

"To think you would shrink so," the golden man mused, his voice laced with gentle amusement as he affectionately patted Lucias's head.

Lucias felt a whirlwind of emotions swirling within him—confusion, curiosity, and a strange sense of déjà vu. This man, with his striking appearance and the familiar aura he carried, reminded him of someone he had encountered before, although the memory remained frustratingly elusive.

Kael, who had been observing the entire interaction with growing unease, couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. The protective older brother in him bristled at the sight of someone else touching Lucias. His expression tightened, and he moved a bit closer to them, his eyes fixed firmly on the golden man.

However, the golden man's attention soon shifted, and he addressed Bruce with an air of confidence and purpose.

"I'll handle those cyclops. Consider it my way of showing gratitude for allowing me to join your crew," he declared, his voice carrying a note of assurance.

Bruce, the seasoned leader, nodded in response, his initial surprise giving way to a sense of respect for the newcomer's self-assured demeanor and apparent combat prowess.

The tension in the forest had shifted once more, taking on an entirely different flavor. The hooded man turned out to be an idol-like figure, his appearance unexpectedly handsome and his demeanor charismatic. Who would have guessed that amidst the looming danger, a prince-like face would emerge? He appeared confident in his abilities, yet his true identity remained a mystery. Lucias, still entranced and processing information about this intriguing newcomer, snapped back to reality as the impending battle drew near. Anyway the battle begin!


Author's note: Hello, my dear readers. It's been a while huh? I deeply apologize for not updating a new chapter for so long. I manage to finished the first part of chapter 5. I hope you guys really enjoy my novel. My mind can't focus because a lot of works outside and pressure. 

Anyway we got a new character on this chapter. But.... is it even a new character???

You know it well but you might be wrong. The name will be revealed next chapter. For now let's call him Goldie. 

See you in the next chapter my dear readers!^^

"In days of age, when tales were spun, A young knight journeyed, beneath the setting sun, With golden locks that gleamed so bright, And azure eyes, like the heaven light. The Sword of Light in his hands, In a world where the righted deeds went wrong, But his quest was not for fame or gain. To a past where love's sweet memory glowed, In this ageless realm, he roamed the land, Searching for the one who'd undersatnd, The love he held, a flickering flame, Across the ages, it burned the same, For in the past, or future's embrace, Love transcends, leaving a lasting trace. A young knight with golden hair so fair, a guiding star, and a dream from afar."

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