
Crescent Veil : Chronicles of Intrigue

Lucias, a mysterious young soul with eyes of crimson, awakens in a world beyond imagination. Joined by Nathan, a seeker of truth with golden locks, their destinies intertwine in a city plagued by unexplained tragedies. As they unravel enigmas and confront unseen forces, they become unlikely companions in a realm on the brink of chaos. With reality blurring and illusions thriving, their journey will shake the foundations of the world, awakening dormant powers and shaping the tapestry of intertwined fates. Prepare for a grandiose and thrilling adventure where mystery, destiny, and the clash of worlds await in "Crescent Veil: Chronicles of Intrigue." =====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷=====÷== Do you wanted to support the author? Please give me your love and don't forget to added our boy into your list. LOTM Fans are welcome. ORV Fans are welcome. TCF Fans are welcome. Note: I do not own the cover! The cover belong to Ayn from For All Time.

1001001sh · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 4: Unveiled Dreams, Feather in Flames (II)

In a distant corner of the continent, Nathan's eyes slowly fluttered open, his mind still immersed in the hazy remnants of the dream. The touch of his Lord's hand against his cheek and the whispered words reverberated within him, stirring a mix of awe and anticipation.

"What was that dream? Who was that deity?" Nathan pondered aloud, his voice echoing in the quiet room, as if seeking answers from the unseen.

With each passing moment, a surge of determination coursed through his veins, igniting an unwavering resolve to break free from his father's oppressive confinement and the chains of his current life.

The dream had awakened within him a realization-a shift in perspective. No longer did he cling to the hope that his family would change, that their treatment of him would soften. Instead, he embrace a profound truth: their approval was not what he needed. His body and soul now belong to the Lord of the Unseen, and with that realization, Nathan pledged his entire existence to Him.

His voice, filled with conviction and newfound purpose, resonated through the room as he declared his allegiance. "I will devote myself wholly to the Lord of the Unseen. His divine presence has granted me a purpose beyond the confines of my family's acceptance. I am no longer bound by their opinions or their mistreatment. From this moment forward, I dedicate my life to serving Him and fulfilling His will."

Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that his desperate prayers would be answered by a divine being, surpassing even the recognition of the God of Storm or Eternal Light.

The dream remained a hazy memory, its images etched vividly in Nathan's thoughts. The grand palaces and ethereal seats that beckoned to otherworldly beings felt tangibly real, as if he had truly stepped into the realm beyond mortal comprehension.

"In the presence of the Beginning with no Ending, the Ruler of the Unseen, I humbly direct my prayers to you. Bestow upon me your divine grace and guidance," Nathan murmured, his words filled with reverence and unwavering devotion.

As he concluded his prayer, a surge of brilliant light coursed through his entire being. It was accompanied by an intense burning sensation, as if flames enwrapped his skin, testing his endurance.

"Arrghh..." Nathan groaned, his hand clucthing his side in pain, his determination unyielding. He knew that passing out from the searing agony was not an option; he had to prove his unwavering commitment by enduring this trial.

Tears welled in his eyes as he fought back the tormenting flames, his resolve unwavering.

A distinct stigma emerged on his body-a mark in the shape of a feather, encircled by flickering flames. A single droplet of blood trickled from the corner of his mouth as he gritted his teeth.

"I-I'm almost there... just a little more," Nathan thought, pushing himself to endure the pain, knowing that the culmination of his trial was within reach.

An unseen veil shrouded Nathan's confinement, muffling the screams and sounds within the prison. Even the guards patrolling the underground dungeon remained oblivious to the torment unfolding within its walls, as if the very fabric of reality conspired to shield Nathan from their watchful gaze.


On top of the underground prison stood a magnificent castle, the home of the esteemed Fontaine family. Cirrus de Fontaine, the current Duke and ruler of the western part of the Chromium Empire known as Orehaven, held sway over the land.

Fontaine City, the main city of the region, thrived under his rule, while August Port bustled as the busiest harbor in the entire area.

In the grand dining room of the Fontaine castle, the air was filled with tantalizing aromas as the servants bustled about, preparing a lavish feast fit for royalty. The table gleamed with exquisite dishes, each one a work of culinary art.

As the three Fontaine sisters-Petra, Styrina, and Euryasha-entered the dining hall, their presence exuded an air of confidence and entitlement that was hard to ignore.

Taking their seats at the table, the sisters exchanged knowing glances, well aware of the power dynamics at play within their family.

"You know, it's rather comical," Petra remarked with a hint of amusement, taking a sip of her wine. "Father seems to believe that any one of us is worthy of inheriting his illustrious title."

Styrina, sitting beside Petra, smirked playfully and added, "Yes, dear sister, it's quite apparent that only one among us possesses the true qualities required to bear the weight of the next Duke of Orehaven."

Euryasha, the youngest of the sisters, couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Oh, we all know who that is, don't we"

Petra's smile widened. "Indeed we do. Our bloodline deserves a leader who not only embodies strength but also possesses the intelligence and wisdom to uphold our family's legacy."

As the sisters settled into their seats, their gazes locked in a silent but fierce battle for dominance. Just then, the two Fontaine brothers, Alexios and Lykos, made their grand enterance into the dining hall, further heightening the already charged atmosphere.

Petra glanced at her sisters, a playful glint in her eyes. "Ah, look who finally decided to join us. The prodigal brothers have arrived."

Styrina couldn't help but join the banter. "Seem like they couldn't resist the temptation to engage in their usual sibling rivalry, even during such an important gathering."

Euryasha rolled her eyes, dismissing the brothers with a wave of her hand. "Let's not waste our energy on them, sisters. They are inconsequential as that illegitimate child Father keeps hidden away."

Alexios leaned back in his seat, a hint of arrogance in his voice. "Ah, the ever-charming Fontaine sisters, always quick to dismiss anyone who challenges their precious status."

Lykos couldn't help but tease, a mischievous grin forming on his face. "Oh, don't worry. We'll make sure you don't forget our prescence. After all, Father's favor can be as fickle as the wind. Nathan might not be your only concern."

Petra scoffed, her confidence unwavering. "Oh, how frightful! The mighty Fontaine brothers coming to protect their beloved sibling. Truly a touching display."

Styrina leaned forward, her eyes sharp and pierching. "Let us not forget, dear brothers, that Father holds nothing but disdain for Nathan. He is nothing more than a punching bag for the Duke's frustrations.

Euryasha smirked, her voice filled with conviction. "So, let us focus on what truly matters-our own ambitions and the power struggle that lies ahead. When the time comes for the succession, nothing else will matter. It will be a battle for supremacy, with each of us fighting for our rightful place."

Alexios responded with a mock confident tone, determination shining in his eyes. "Indeed, let's not waste our precious time on insignificant matters. For I assure you, I will emerge as the one true successor, without a shadow of a doubt."

Meanwhile, Petra and Styrina paid no mind to Alexios's provocation, calmly sipping their wine and patiently awaiting the arrival of their father, the Duke.

As the siblings engaged in their verbal sparring, the tension in the dining room grew palpable. The servants moved gracefully around the room, their movements choreographed to maintain an atmosphere of elegance and refinement amidst the underlying power dynamics.

Just then, an annoucement was made, the grand doors swung open, and Duke Cirrus de Fontaine made his regal entrance. His piercing golden eyes swept across the room, assessing his children with an icy demeanor.

In an instant, the siblings rose from their seats, greeting their father with a mixture of deference and eagerness.

"Good evening, Father," Petra greeted with a respectful nod, her voice laced with an undertone of ambition.

Styrina followed suit, a slight bow accompanying her words. "Welcome, Duke Cirrus. We are truly honored by your presence."

Euryasha curtsied gracefully, her warm smile belying the determination within "Greetings, Father. We hope you find the dinner to your liking."

Alexios and Lykos, bow in unison. "Good evening, Father."

The Duke acknowledge their greetings with a curt nod, his gaze cold and penetrating. "Good evening, my children. I trust you are all in good health."

As the siblings settled back into their seats, the air in the room grew tense. The servants moved quitely, ensuring each dish was served with precision and elegance. The siblings exchanged glances, waiting for the right moment to discuss their secret assignment.

During the meal, Duke Cirrus took the lead in the conversation, his voice commanding attention. "Update me on your progress. Have any of you made noteworthy discoveries or achieved significant results in your tasks?"

Petra, always eager to impress, her voiced laced with ambition. "Father, I have been diligently expanding our trade routes. We have secured new agreements and partnership, resulting in increased profits and expanding our influence."

Styrina, determined not to be outshined, added, "I've focused on strengtheing our alliances with influential families, especially during the Crown Prince's recent banquet. Our connections are solidifying, and we are gaining considerable support for our endeavors. Rest assured, we won't lose votes againts Duke Winter in the upcoming Imperial meeting."

Euryasha, known for her practicality and efficiency, shared her contributions. "Father, I've dedicated myself to improving the administration and productivity of our estates. Our resources are managed more effectively, and we've implemented measures to better serve our subjects and enhance their loyalty."

The twins, Alexios and Lykos, exchanged a knowing glance, their playful nature momentarily subdued. Alexios spoke up with a calm confidence. "Father, we've been meticulously assessing the military strength of neighboring territories, identifying potential weaknesses and strategic advantages that could significantly benefit our family's interests."

Lykos, his voice carrying a calculated edge, added, "Furthermore, we've discreetly gathered information from influential figures about the secret society that could be exploited to our advantage in the complex political landscape."

The Duke listened intently, his gaze shifting between his children, weighing their words and observing their subtle interactions. After a moment of silence, he responded with a measured tone. "Your reports are satisfactory. Your efforts contribute to the growth and stability of the Fontaine name."

As the meal progressed, the atmosphere in the dining room remained tense, each sibling nursing their own ambitions and guarded secrets. The servants moved silently, their discreet presence a reflection of the fragile balance of power within the family.

With the conclusion of the dinner, the Duke stood, signaling the end of the gathering. The Duke stood as he finished his dinner and left the dining room. Followed by the twin brothers, and then the sisters.

Nathan, the illegimate child and outcast of the family, remained an invisible figure in the shadows, Excluded from the familial dynamics and yearning to find his own place in the world.

Little did the Fontaine siblings know that their fate is already bounded, a prelude to the storms of rivalry, betrayal, and hidden truths awaited them. Their individual paths intertwined with the mysterious forces that bound their destinies together.

Beyond the grandeur of the Fontaine castle, a web of intrigue and supernatural forces has already set. The whole world will surely will realize that the new era has already began by the time Crimson Moons engulfed the night time.


Lyra paced back and forth in the small room, checking her equipment and making final preparations for their departure to Baron Weirner's territory. Kael, on the other hand, was busy packing supplies and securing everything they would need for the journey.

"Kael, did you ensure we have everything necessary for our departure tomorrow morning?" Lyra asked

Kael glanced up from his task, a bead of sweat tricking down his forhead. "Yes, Lyra, I've taken care of all the essentials. The provisions, weapons, and supplies are ready to go."

Lucias, leaning against the wall, watched the scene unfold with a hint of amusement. "Seems like you have everything under control, Kael. Do you need any help?"

Kael gave Lucias a playful glare. "Oh, now you offer your assistance? No need, Lucias. I've got it covered. Just make sure you're mentally prepared for the journey ahead."

Lyra chuckled at their banter, enjoying the light-hearted moment amidst the seriousness of their mission. "Boys, enough with the teasing. We have an important task ahead of us. We need to uncover the truth about Baron Weirner and his ties to Temple of Mother Desire."

Lucias nodded in respond.

Kael zipped up the final bag, wiping his sweat with his hand, and turned to face his companions. A mischievious glint danced in his eyes as he spoke, "I've packed everything, Lucias."

Kael's playful gaze met Lucias's startled expression as he closed the distance between them in a swift stride. Before Lucias could react, Kael enveloped him in a tight embrace, their bodies pressing together, sweat and all.

"Gotcha, Lucias!" Kael exclaimed, a mischevious note in his voice.

Lucias, unable to escape Kael's sweaty clutches, wrinkled his nose and let out an exasperated sigh. "Kael, must you subject me to your perspiration every time?

Kael's laughter filled the room as he tightened his grip, reveling in Lucias's discomfort. "Come on, Lucias, it's just a bit of sweat! You need to loosen up and embrace the fun. Let your wild side out!"

Lucias, feigning annoyance, playfully swatted at Kael's arm. "I have no desire to embrace your wild side, Kael. Just make sure to keep your sweat to yourself next time."

Lyra, observing the playful banter between the two, couldn't help but chuckle. "Alright, boys, enough with the wrestling match. We have important matters to attend to."

She then turned to Kael with a serious expression. "Kael, if you don't take a proper bath after all this sweating, be prepared for the most terrifying nightmare of your life."

Kael released Lucias from his sweaty embrace, his playful demeanor fading away. "Alright, alright, I'll spare you the taste of my sweat, my little brother."

"I'm not your little brother." Lucias retorted, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

In that moment, Lucias snapped his fingers, conjuring a gust of wind that swirled around him. The breeze wrapped around him, drying the sweat from his body.

Kael who saw this also want Lucias to dry him too.

"My dear little brother. Please, me too!!" he pleaded, his expression resembling an eager puppy begging for a treat.

Unable to resist Kael's puppy-like enthusiasm, Lucias extended his power once again to dry Kael's sweat on his body.

"Ah, the wonders of your abilities never cease to amaze me, Lucias," Kael exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face as he looked towards his twin sister.

"Lyra, it appears I won't be needing a bath for the time being."

Lyra sigh, she doesn't want to deal with Kael anymore. She refocused her attention on briefing them for their departure the following morning. The carriage would set off at dawn, accompanied by a team of sixteen mercenaries, making total of twenty-one individuals in their party.

"The journey will take us a week from Alpen to Sevila city," Lyra explained, her voice steady and focused.

"Baron Weirner's terrtitory is considerably larger than Alpen, and it's worth noting that there is a branch of the Eternal Light chruch in that city. If we discover any evidence of the Baron's connection to the Temple of Mother Desire, we should prioritize reporting the matter to the chruch.

Lucias listen attentively to Lyra's explanation, nodding in agreement with the plan. However, Kael had a different perspective.

"Shouldn't we consider another variable as well?" Kael interjected, his brow furrowed with concern.

"While it may be logical to report our findings to the nearby authority, such as the Chruch of Eternal Light, we need to consider Lucias's appearance. His crimson eyes might raise suspicion. It might be safer for Lucias to stay hidden and let the rest of us handle the reporting."

Lyra pondered Kael's suggestion, realizing the validity of his concern. It was a calculated move to prioritize Lucias's safety and prevent unnecessary complications.

Nodding in agreement, Lyra acknowledge Kael's point. "You're right, Kael. We should revise our plan accordingly. Lucias, we'll ensure you have a secure place to stay while we carry out the investigation."

Lucias couldn't argue with their reasoning. Since he had taken refuge with the twins, they had always insisted on covering his head, including his eyes, with a thin fabric whenever they ventured out.

As the disscusion continued, Lucias suddenly felt a burning sensation in his left eye. A familiar yet faint voice reached his ears, echoing within his mind. It was a young boy's prayer, filled with a desperation and plea for guidance.

Lyra noticed Lucias's unease and approached him, her eyes filled with genuine concern. "Lucias, is something wrong?" she asked softly.

Lucias blinked, his left hand instinctively reaching up to touch his eye. A slight pain pulsed through him, accompanied by the peculiar sensation of hearing the boy's prayer. His left eye underwent a remarkable transformation, shifting from its usual crimson hue to a striking shade of azure.

"Lucias, what's happening to your eye?" Lyra's voice held a mix of surprise.

Lucias remained silent, his focus consumed by the unfolding vision. He found himself immersed in a dark room, sensing the confinement that enveloped it. It wasn't his own vision but rather Nathan's. The connection between them, perhaps forged through the prayer, allowed Lucias to share in Nathan's perspective.

Questions flooded Lucias's mind.

'Why did he suddenly share this vision with Nathan? Was it related to the ritual prayer Nathan had directed towards him?' Lucias pondered the possibilities, searching for answers within the depths of his thoughts.

The moment passed, as the sensation of pain in his left eye faded. Lucias's left eye returned to its familiar crimson color, the azure hue fading away.

Lyra, witnessing the transformation, chose not to pry further, understanding that Lucias may not be ready to share his experience.

"Lucias, I think it's best if you rest for now," Lyra suggested, her smile reassuring.

"I'll take care of the planning for tomorrow."

Lucias nodded, expressing his apology before making his way back to Kael's bedroom. As he lay on the bed, thoughts whirling in his mind, he began to make connections, piercing together the fragments of his experiences.

"it's slowly coming together," Lucias mused, closing his eyes and allowing his weary body to find respite in sleep.


The moment Lucias sleeping, he found himself standing in a vast and mysterious hall, adorned with towering pillars and a majestic throne at its center.

"Here again," Lucias mused, a mix of curiosity and contemplation filling his thoughts.

"Am I not allowed to rest?"

Seated upon the throne, Lucias surveyed the twelve seats arranged below him, each holding its own significance. His attention was drawn to one particular seat, emanating radiant red light akin to flickering flames.

Leaving the throne behind, Lucias approached the shimmering seat, his gaze fixed on its captivating glow. He examined the symbol and engraved language adorning it-a feather engulfed in flames, a representation of transformation and rebirth.

"This is the seat that summoned Nathan," Lucias whispered, his fingertips tracing the intricate lines of the symbol.

As he made a contact with the symbol, a surge of energy coursed through Lucias, both flowing from him to the symbol and reverberating back to him. It was a peculiar sensation, a merging of his own essence with a foreign yet strangely comforting energy.

"What is this energy?" Lucias wondered aloud, his body instinctively opening to recieve its power.

As the surge of energy flowing inside his body, a veil of fog lifted from his mind, revealing a vivid and elusive fragment of memory. In that fleeting moment, he caught a glimpse of Nathan's current state, as well as a glimpse into the turmoil of his past.

Like a missing piece of a puzzle, the fragment of memory was incomplete, yet it held profound meaning.

Lucias's eyes sparkled with determination as he whispered to himself, "Feather in Flames, I'll make sure to give you a new life in this world."

Lucias returning to the throne, as he sit and gazed out into the realm beyond. Through the shared power from one of twelve seats, he could peer into the outside world, the very world where their intertwined destinies played out.

"This is just a beginning." Lucias said with a smile, his voice filled with anticipation.

The vast hall stood in enigmatic silence, holding the promise of mysteries yet to be unveiled.


Author's note: Hello, my dear readers. I deeply apologize for the late update for this week. I had a really big trouble with the draft and how to presented the chapter in the best quality. This chapter is really take a lot of time to edited. There might be some typo but I will fix that later on.

If you enjoyed this story, please give me your support by adding this book into your library. This book hasn't touch the surface yet, the plot is really slow. But I will make sure it enjoyable to read once we reach the surface.

We have finally learn a little bit of Nathan background family and his relationship between them. By nature, the Fontaine siblings are all at odds with each other. The alliance between the sisters against the twin brothers. We could expect the battle between them in the future.

Duke Cirrus de Fontaine, he might be the hated character for reader who likes Nathan. We might find out in the future the reason why he acted like that toward him.

Since it was revealed already, we could expect a new character that will join in Lucias religion. We still have eleven seats empty in the mysterious realm. Each seat have their own unique attributes.

Nathan attribute is related to transformation and rebrith. He also will have affinity with fire attribute. We could expect Nathan burning all his clothes as he transformed?XD

We are familiar with our Lucias attribute, right? The wind is always with him. Although its not actually it is. We need to keep the secret weapon for later.

I think this is it for today chapter. The next chapter title is Unveiled Strikes: Knight of Light.

See you in the next update my dear readers! ^^

"Where the tales of gods and heroes soar, the tale of the mighty sisters whispered, Through the times and era, it brings an omen of calamity and destruction. Beware the three, their gaze, their words, their touch, eyes that bewitch, bringing doom with a clutch, ears that hear secrets, weaving a tangled thread, mouths that speak curses, sealing fates with dread. So heed the warning, stay clear of their domain, avoid the gaze that drives men insane, silence the ears, for secrets can decieve, shut the mouth, lest it brings ruin and grieve."

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