
Annihilation Maker DXD

Author: Soul_Caliber
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 15.7M Views
  • 188 Chs
  • 4.6
    1.1K ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Annihilation Maker DXD

Read ‘Annihilation Maker DXD’ Online for Free, written by the author Soul_Caliber, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ROMANCE Fan Fiction, REINCARNATION Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Reincarnated into DXD world.[English isn't my first language.][I don't own anything I use from other works].[The cover i...


Reincarnated into DXD world. [English isn't my first language.] [I don't own anything I use from other works]. [The cover is made by GOOOOSE, Thank you for the cover]. https://discord.gg/yGkM5YRqeb

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obataborsidiapotik · Others
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1 Chs


A normal kid's life is just bounded by the school, colleges and then job. Slowly he falls in love...then family...and ultimately....you die. But Sumit is a kid whose life is never normal. It never had been.....what seems from outside isn't inside. Starting from weird visions...to some supernatural indications and finally, it all comes down to saving the entire reality. The ghost of his pasts have returned..and now he must face them and put an end to this cycle once and for all. One day while spending time with his sweetheart, suddenly blue light flashes inside his brains, and then he gets a message from his supposed grandfather Gopala. Slowly things around him gets inexplicably creepy and mysterious. His childhood love Ananya ends up being killed, his best friend Harsh also becomes a victim of a horrible monster, and along with his sister, and a few remaining friends, he must face these evils once and for all. From what started with a mere hallucination, to a series of mysterious and paranormal events, leading to a series of murder and assassination, opening the way of learning about their parent's deep dark secrets, ultimately to a battle to protect our world. Are you ready to save the reality and your loved ones? what's next? Incomplete love, broken trust, betrayal, time travel, will you have the power to bear all this? No matter how much we deny the presence of evil, it's always there among us. No matter where we go, where we hide, what goes around comes around. Our past can never be forgotten, no matter how much we try. The world of dead do exist, believe it, endure it. They have a world of their own, where they suffer for their misdeeds and incomplete dreams. They cry over there, the only difference is we cannot see them or hear them or feel them. This is the story where a small greed will turn into so much of a hiatus that it threatened our own reality, our very existence is challenged, and a group of people must form the Avengers and protect us. The battle of the living and dead, heaven and hell, right and wrong, past and future, the battle for everyone, buckle yourself, because you need it.

sumitjena2099 · Horror
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17 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1


  • Overall Rate
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  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

This novel lacks a profound review so here am I, to present you with a detailed one. Our Mc is reincarnated into DxD with a non-sentinel system and a chat-group in his phone through which he can contact other anime characters. Mc's personality tends towards rationality, he isn't polite to others and usually acts indifferent towards them. He cares about his mother, sister and father. He is friends with Saji who isn't a devil yet. An enemy is an enemy for our Mc, doesn't matter if the enemy is a woman or man. As the title suggests, Mc possesses Longinus 'Annihilate Maker' who gives the user the ability to create monsters of any kind using imagination, information and energy as a base for creation. Currently, other than creating a spider who can hide him from the supernatural, a blue butterfly which creates illusions, he is in the process of creating a monster who can manipulate senjutsu. He wants to avoid interacting with other supernaturals until he gains enough strength as he will be dragged into the plot no matter what. Currently, his direct combat capabilities are unknown also he doesn't like Red Dragon Boob emperor. This is the summary of what is going on in the novel. Now what does this story has to offer are as follows. 1. Updates:- One per day 2. Background:-Good but there isn't much in-depth details or visuals though Mc is described as of how he looks. 3. Character design:-8/10 A bit naive, he needs to mature a bit as his opponents are going to use whatever they can against him. Basically, he needs to be creative and hide his steps from others. Cover up his tracks and try not to use his powers within the school building where he is basically within potential enemy territory. You can't just put a teacher under illusion within the enemy territory where other supernaturals can actually be monitoring you. 4. Imagination and writing quality:-8/10 Extremely creative author as he is able to come up with some truly interesting ideas for the ability. Also, the writing quality is good, nothing out of ordinary but makes the story enjoyable. My personal thoughts on the novel:- Very good DXD fanfic as there is basically no good DXD fanfictions out there. I would like the novel more if Mc can act more secretly, especially when his friend is going to be a part of a potential danger to him (Sona). Plz do not engage with Rias and be creative...... Overall this fanfic is truly worth reading, I hope it isn't dropped..... Stay safe and stay inside...... ~Diseda


I had rated this book 5 stars before, but now I have to give it a 1 star. . . At the beginning of the story, everything was AWESOME!!! There were very few Fanfics that could actually be better than this... But for the last FEW MONTHS, every single chapter has been about the adventures of the side characters... There has been no MC, no Annihilation Maker, and of course not a single bit of DxD... Infact the DxD of this story might even be an AU, with a female protagonist instead of Issei... . Now I saw many reviews defending the book saying that the entire last arc has been given to us to explain the mechanics of the multiverse, so it is our fault that we don't like it. You know what? I am not reading Fanfics on Webnovel about DxD to learn about how the multiverse works! I want actual stories, actual Fanfic, not an entirely AU DxD, or an entirely AU Fate universe, or an entirely AU Konosuba!!! BTW, warning: Every single world that is in this Fanfic is an AU, with hundreds of other reincarnators, no resemblence of the actual plot or the characters... . Now it is not that I don't like a little bit of exposition about the multiverse... But that's it, just a LITTLE BIT, not an entire arc stretching 30+ chapters and more than three months... I like stories with other reincarnators and the MC has to kill them or win against them, but that was not the actual topic here! This Fanfic was supposed to be about DxD and Annihilation Maker, but we haven't even got a smidgen of DxD... The author is trying every single genre out there that many people read and trying to mix them all together to create this huge unrecognisable mess. Where there is almost every famous genre in the Fanfic section but not a single one is in the appropriate amount. This story includes DxD, but only for a few chapters then we never talk about the main cast ever again. There is Annihilation Maker but half of the story is not even about that, this story is about the MC who is actually Lucifer Morningstar. So after the first arc we almost never see the use of Annihilation Maker ever again. There is a Chat Group, which I will admit has been done quite well, but if the MC is not even there for such a significant chunk of the story, it doesn't become enjoyable anymore. There are other reincarnators that the MC's group needs to kill, but I didn't come here to read about other reincarnators! I need Annihilation Maker and I need DxD! Give it to me!


Easily a top 3 fanfic. It's very difficult to write a novel with comedic undertones that doesn't undermine its own plot for a cheap laugh. I look forward to seeing this novel continue for a long time. Take care and don't let the toxicity in the community get to you.


Its brilliant so far.!!!!. .......... .......... .......... ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ....... ..... ...... ...... ...... . . we just need more more more chapters


Beginning was good. Then we have billions of fate chapters that make no sense, powers make no sense, you have no clue what is happening. After that we get KONUSUBA... what a joke and waste of my time skipping all of it. I suggest drop this when MC gets sent to the FATE world, you won't miss anything and just think of that as the end of the fanfic.


Just consider it author-san Balance breaker:Fusion with ur summoned monster J.Drive:Overhaul(MHA) GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD


Soooooooo I read it with suuuper high expectations due to the overwhelming positive reviews of this. People keep saying (BEST FANFIC! ONE OF THE TOP 3!!) so it natural for me to have insanely huge expectations right? Conclusion.... Do those people who did write those 5 star review do Drugs?? They are unbearably misleading. Ok fine, its not that bad BUT its also not that amazing like those stupid 5 star reviews people tend to give this.... Seriously why they are overrating this?


First of all, the best first 40 chapters I have read in a long time, but after that... it has barely anything to do with DXD (stand: ch.158). After messing with the DXD plot big time just sending him to a new world for like the next 100+ chaps, you should rather call it "Annihilation Maker in the multivers" since it has only like 25 chaps in DXD and over 120 chaps in other worlds. And some chars got a little annoying after that (will of worlds and also the main char a little)


Well i like the story very much , i mean the character and story progression is very good and basically everything in this novel is god tier but except the actilual MC. I dnt about other guys but the MC is cringy as fk , too much cringe to go though it with a straight face. I mean comeone he was boiling with anger and he want to kill people just because hos friends saw his pic with a cat. Moreover the character of the MC is like a antisocial person and an introvert. He behaves like he knows way too much and with that type of personality idk what to say. Comeon guys lets be serious tundere and the personaly MC have is way different , i got it the author wanted to make the personality a tundere type but instead he made it a cringy type where the MC gets triggered by most unexpected things and then after getting triggered he behaves all knowing and no one can best him . Love the awesome story line though.


Top 3, of the best fanfics and novels I've ever read. Incredible in everything, faithful to the characters of the Dimensional Chat. Quite reference to many animes. Wonderful character development. History not rushed. Death to system users. Incredible story.


So far i am liking this novel. From characters, Lord Kazuma(one of best funny mc), Mikasa(best tsundere. Other tsundere is trash), Shirohige(an old man), Saitama(broken op chara).. as long mc is stay away **** tai fcking rias, then this will be a gem in my eyes


The starting of the novel is good. The Group Members in this novel make it more interesting but the longer I read this novel it makes me unspeakable not in a good way but a bad way especially after the Type-Moon arc. In the Konosoba arc, it is a side characters arc and the author makes it too long for the side character, and in that arc, the story process is super slow. My rate before the Konosoba arc is 5/5 and for the later part, My rating is 2/5.


Annihilation Maker Konosuba ........................................................................................................


It's good so far, continue and don't drop it 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


The writer is an Idiot and has little to no knowledge of DxD. He's just going around with his poor conjunctions on crossovers and Chat Group. The moron doesn't even have any idea on where to go with the story. The title "Annihilation Maker DxD" is the only that's keeping story linked to DxD. It's been over a year with over 150+ chapter and story hasn't even started the first Arc and dawdles around here and there. Truly, the writer is a complete useless and stupid person. He's just playing around with readers feelings and mot**r-f**ker doesn't even care, no matter how many times it has been hinted in reviews. Every time I see new update with hope the story will start from here but the mo**er-f**ker destroys all my hope over and over.


Reveal spoiler


This is the best DxD fanfic 😤😤🔥


I don't regret reading this book but, I do regret waiting for about two weeks before finally giving in and reading it; 5 stars for you! Good Luck!


Reveal spoiler


I wasn't expecting anything, but ..it was a fun read..I like it😁😁😁.........................................................................


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