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The Vampire's Priestess (GL)

Nadia is the daughter of a high official in a secret vampire society, and Keiko is a human hailing from a long line of divine priestesses. The two should be natural enemies, but when Keiko stumbled into her path as a child, Nadia knew that she needed to keep her by her side. Normally a relationship with a human is forbidden, but Keiko has the power to vanquish the cursed deity after Nadia's body. So Keiko is assigned as her executioner, with a duty to kill Nadia if the evil ever overtakes her soul. However, all is not as it seems, as the ancient goddess residing inside Keiko, may have dark secrets of her own. *New chapters will release every Wednesday! *If you like what you read, please leave a review! Please be sure not to include specific terms in it such as GL, or the review will shadow banned! *Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural, Horror, Vampire, Goddess, GL, Yuri, LGBTQIA+, Inclusive, Diverse, 18+ *If you'd like to get story updates and keep up with the latest news or if you'd like to join my community, please search 'otakugamergirlt twitter' or 'otakugamergirlt wordpress' in a browser and the first few results should lead you right to my social media pages. You'll also find my Discord link in a pinned post on Twitter. Please join if you'd like! I'd love to keep in touch with my readers and fans. Thanks!

OtakuGamerGirlT · Fantasy
106 Chs

Tell No One

It’s not what you think.

Kay Lillyt · Urban
41 Chs

This is My Spouse (My Wife)

Everything about my beloved wife. P.S. Never ever tell my wife about the existing of this diary!

rose_gennie · LGBT+
15 Chs


Evelyn Jada Wright was a naive innocent twenty two year aspiring journalist who had been excited at landing an internship in one of the prestigious publishing company who thought she has found the perfect man of her dreams but had her dreams turned to nightmares when the man sexually assaulted her, and when the court ruled him innocent with the help of his incredible good lawyer her world was further plunged into darkness and pain that only the child growing inside of her could offer her a redeeming light, but before that light could bloom it was forcefully snuffed off by the same evil man causing Evenly heart to grow dark with revenge, and ten years later she came back as an evil heartless drug lord to visit revenge on those that hurt her. Her quest of revenge lead her to meeting a young innocent beautiful woman who turns out to be the daughter of her nemesis. Avery a young innocent lesbian who had the misfortune to be born into the family she found herself in was disowned at the age of eighteen by her father when he caught her in bed with another woman. Living her life independent from her family, Avery met a stunning older woman who she fell for hard and quick, but the woman had a thick exterior that was hard to penetrate leading Avery to believe that her love was not reciprocated, but when it seemed that things will be better for them and incident occurred that showed Avery that there was more to her relationship with the woman, that it might not be by chance that they met. Watching the woman she loves murder her family right before her eyes was more than Avery could take, and this sent her running from the city for her own life. Few years later she came as cop ready to take down the woman who took her family away from her. A STORY OF LOVE AND REVENGE WHICH WILL WIN OUT AT THE END, FIND OUT IN HER VENDETTA

snarkydove · LGBT+
79 Chs


21+ Jangan dekat dengan pengawal Kamu. Itu peraturan yang harus dituruti. Maykel Haris adalah memiliki watak yang keras seperti Kapal yang tidak bisa dikendalikan. Keras kepala, ulet, dan sepenuhnya bertanggung jawab, miliarder alfin berusia dua puluh dua tahun dapat menangani kehidupannya yang tidak biasa. Jika menjelang makan siang, bisa saja berubah menjadi beberapa gerombolan penggemar yang berteriak tak henti-henti. Dengan wajahnya ada di seluruh internet. Terlahir dari salah satu keluarga paling terkenal di negeri ini, status selebritasnya dimulai sejak lahir. Ketika dia ditugaskan sebagai pengawal yang baru, dia berhadapan langsung dengan skenario terburuk, yang bertato, yang dikenal "menjadi nakal" di tim keamanan dan siapa yang mengisi dari fantasi seksual Maykel. Fero Kristian yang berusia dua puluh tujuh tahun memiliki satu pekerjaan, melindungi Maykel Haris. Menggoda, berkencan, dan seks panas, jauh dari batas tugas pengawalnya dan masuk ke wilayah pemutusan. Tetapi ketika perasaan muncul, melindungi selebriti yang seksi dan keras kepala menjadi semakin rumit. Bersama-sama, berusaha kabur, dan terekspos bisa saja berarti konsekuensi bencana bagi mereka berdua.

Seven_Wan · LGBT+
223 Chs

Reincarnated to save the universe (GL/BL)

Celia died and was reincarnated in a young girl's body in Eben's world. This world where magic is not only an illusion was the opposite of hers, she came from a modern world and now she must learn to be a mage.   Anaya is an orphan girl and she was borned to be a fighter, once she met Celia her life changed forever.   A long time ago a prophecy was made: when the forces of evil are about to enslave the universe, a mage and a fighter with extraordinary powers would join forces to save all the worlds in this universe. Could they be them?   ........................................   Celia used her spiritual energy to create wings on her back and fly to Anaya. Anaya caught her in her arms and asked her: "What's wrong my love?" Celia said with a grin in her face: "My beloved baby wife, I have a favor to ask you, can I fight with that level nine mage, I really want to try a true fight to see if I’m be able to handle an ennemy without my green papers." Anaya didn't get why she was asking for that, so she said : "If Liam has agreed then it's fine, why do you have to ask me?" Celia sighed and caressed her cheek with her finger, she said: "I have to because it's a girl, and Liam just remembered me that the wrath of a dragon is not a joke." Celia heard everyone coughing or mumbling and Alec was looking at Liam from afar with a smirk on his face, maybe I went too far this time thought Celia, poor Liam, Alec is going to eat him for a long time tonight, she could see that just with that gaze. Anaya spanked her and said: "If you are here to cause trouble then go back to fight I will take care of you tonight." Celia laughed happily and said: "Okay sweetie, don’t worry I will let you punish me the whole night." She heard at least five difference voices yelling her name "Cel..." so she flew back to the combat ring and once there she sent a flying kiss to Anaya. Liam seeing everyone's reaction and especially the piercing look that his man was giving to him, he couldn't help asking Celia: "What did you say to make Alec look at me like that? Damn Cel! This is not funny!" Celia just had an irrepressible laughter, when she calmed down she said: "Don't worry, I just set you up on a date with your man tonight." ....................... Want to read more please be awared that the main couple in this novel is lesbian there will be also BL couple (Starting from chapter 40). There will be also mature scenes. the extract is from chap 110 ;) Give a try to my other novel : My Mage System (BL) The Divine Mage System The Celestial Phoenix and His Guardian (BL)

CeliaNaya · LGBT+
265 Chs

Love Unfolding

Be brave enough to take off the mask you’ve been wearing and be who you are underneath. I think in life, happiness comes from deciding to follow your heart over your fears. So, let’s follow Kaileen Andy Lewis together with Erika Leigh Parlam in their journey through depths of finding, accepting and loving themselves despite the views and opinions of others simply because they view the world from a lens of impossible. That it’s tiring to spend most of their nights where their mind is at war with their heart; fighting between what they knew and what they felt. ***************************************************** Author’s Note: Join the group https://discord.gg/RMJAEMC Hey ladies, gentlemen and non-binary pals, enjoy reading…

viLelouch · LGBT+
116 Chs

Contract Marriage: The Lycan Queen's Tempting Fate [GL]

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 21+// She Hates Me, But She's Mine in EVERY Way] “No… I won't.” “Oh, petal, I wasn't asking. You WILL marry me.” **** Dr. Kiyomi, a neurosurgeon rogue lycan, lives in & never leaves the human hospital— the safest place for her. That’s until a high-profile mafia surgery goes wrong and she’s blamed for it despite being on leave. Suddenly the limelight is on her, forcing her rare last name back into the memories of people who have long wanted her dead — the Bogdan Lycans. As if that isn't enough, the Ivanov Russian mob is after her with vengeance in their hearts. Scared, Kiyomi leaves the hospital pretending to be a night-shift male nurse — which works, only for her to be kidnapped at the hospital’s entrance, by the cruel lycan queen’s guards who drag her to the queen Sakura’s human home. — — — Sakura Watanabe; the soulless crazy queen known to screw up everyone for fun. She ruins everything she touches and sucks the life out of everyone around her. She is bad, cruel, and a menace who does whatever she wants, however, and whenever she wants it. When she hears of Dr. Kiyomi’s misfortunes, she is curious to see what will make that lycan break, and orders that Kiyomi be brought to her, so she can sign the infamous Sakura contract that always leaves the signee dead, dead and dead. What Sakura doesn't factor in is the fact that the woman who walks through her door is her soulmate. And even worse is the desire she gets to protect Kiyomi. Not one to relent in the hands of fate, Sakura forces Kiyomi to sign the oppressive contract. What happens when Sakura's heart starts beating for Kiyomi, and she goes after everyone who hurt her soulmate? Will she cancel the contract and embrace love, or will she stay the stoic soulless queen with nothing to live for? And even better, how long can Sakura fight fate?

she_osprey · LGBT+
12 Chs


21+ Yang paling Chriss rasakan saat ini adalah kesempurnaan dari apa yang telah diberikan oleh kedua pria itu kepadanya. Dan Chriss tahu betul pada saat itu bahwa dia akan melakukan apa saja untuk mempertahankannya. Apa pun itu. Empat tahun berada di luar negeri, seniman Julio Dante kembali pulang untuk mulai membangun mimpinya memiliki studio seni dan galeri sendiri. Tapi saat dirinya sudah siap untuk melupakan kegelapan masa lalu untuk selamanya, kegelapan itu datang kembali. Satu-satunya hal yang mencegah mantan polisi Michael Clark memakan senjatanya sendiri setelah kehilangan sesuatu yang tak bisa dibayangkan, yaitu perannya dalam sindikat bawah tanah yang berusaha mendapatkan keadilan bagi orang yang tidak bersalah dengan mengambil nyawa orang yang bersalah. Lalu mengakhiri kehidupan artis muda yang melakukan kejahatan tak terkatakan terhadap korban yang paling rentan seharusnya menjadi hal termudah di dunia. Jadi mengapa dia tidak bisa memaksa dirinya untuk menarik pelatuk senjatanya? Setelah bertahun-tahun bertempur dalam perang yang tak berujung dan memakan korban jiwa, Chriss Bryan pulang untuk bertempur kembali, berurusan dengan kenyataan bahwa saudara perempuannya yang melarikan diri dari rumah delapan tahun sebelumnya telah hilang dari dirinya untuk selamanya. Dia membutuhkan jawaban dan satu-satunya orang yang dapat memberikan jawaban kepadanya adalah seorang pemuda yang berjuang untuk menyatukan kembali hidupnya. Tapi dia tidak pernah berharap untuk merasakan sesuatu yang lebih untuk artis angker itu. Chriss dan Michael. Yang satu hidup dengan penuh aturan, dan yang lain membuat aturannya sendiri. Yang satu mencari keadilan melalui hukum sementara yang lain mencari keadilan dengan senjatanya. Dua pria ini, satunya terang, satunya gelap. Akan menemukan diri mereka satu sama lain ketika mereka dipaksa untuk berdiri berdampingan melindungi Julio dari kejahatan tak terlihat yang tidak akan berhenti untuk membungkam artis muda itu selamanya. Tapi bekas luka setiap pria ini sangatlah dalam dan bahkan kekuatan tiga orang mungkin tidak akan cukup untuk menyelamatkan mereka... Bagaimana kisahnya? Jangan lewatkan setiap BAB nya.....

Richard_Raff28 · LGBT+
265 Chs

Sebuah Pengakuan

21+ FREY : “Awasi Zulian dan jangan pukul dia.” Permintaan kakakku terdengar cukup mudah. Yaitu untuk mengawasi sahabatnya di kampus dan menjaga tanganku untuk diriku sendiri. Dan ini tentunya sangat mudah. Bahkan jika Zulian adalah seorang kutu buku. Aku selalu berpikir ini sangat lucu, aku tidak punya waktu untuk berpikir dengan diriku sendiri. Hanya ada satu tongkat yang harus aku fokuskan tahun ini, dan itu adalah tongkat hoki ku. Tujuanku setelah lulus adalah untuk mendapatkan kontrak kerja. Hal terakhir yang aku butuhkan adalah pengalihkan perhatian dari semuanya. Di dalam atau di luar. Hanya saja, mematuhi aturan lebih sulit dari yang aku pikirkan. **** ZULIAN: Semua orang membuatku bingung. Dan tidak lebih lagi seseorang yang bernama Frey Geraldi. Aku hampir tidak berbicara sepatah katapun dengannya sepanjang waktuku mengenalnya, tetapi kali ini, Aku menginjakkan kaki di kampus, dan dia tidak akan mungkin akan goyah. Aku tidak pernah bisa mengantisipasi langkah selanjutnya. Dan setiap kali kita bersama, langkahku selanjutnya adalah sebuah misteri. Aku ingin menyerah padanya, tapi itu mungkin aku harus berterus terang tentang sesuatu yang belum pernah aku pedulikan sebelumnya.

Richard_Raff28 · LGBT+
286 Chs

My Immortal Crush: Curse of the White Wolf

Cursed. She's cursed. How did this happen? Momo is just an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life with his ordinary brother in their ordinary big mansion. She is the youngest in the family and has an old friend named, Lulu. But when her school day is interrupted by a classmate telling her she's involved in a strange curse, her life turns upside down. Since then, the weirdest things began to occur in her life and a mysterious boy suddenly appears. Is he the aid that she needs? Or the cause of her death by the curse? Read along and find out! "Is Momo the one holding the curse or in the beginning, it was Xhien all along?" x-x-x-x The cover is made by an author friend, Innaru!

docaqui · LGBT+
135 Chs

The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 21+ // Watch Me Burn Them For You] "And if someday you see me, remember to forget my name, or karma will bow." **** For Awuor’s power, her people had done the unthinkable, in the history of werewolves. Her beta and brother, Dom, murdered their mother, the Sicario luna and blamed it on Awuor. In his grief, her father didn't bother to try and find out the truth, instead, for murdering her mother, he gave his daughter the worst punishment any alpha could ever get. He banished her from home, but Awuor’s wasn’t the usual banishment. Her father neither stripped her of the alpha title, nor did he make her a rogue. Instead, Alpha Sicario forced Awuor to be an exiled alpha, a woman so powerful, but with no one to rule over. Her mate, Jer, a power-hungry bastard, stepped up to rule the Sicario pack, since Awuor, the reigning alpha, was away, and Jer never once sought her out. Just like everyone else, he had betrayed her when he claimed a different woman, without rejecting Awuor. As the gates of Sicario closed on her, as her people watched her in disgust and disappointment, the daughter of Sicario had just one thought. A PROMISE of destruction & vengeance; she would ruin them all. *** [EXCERPT] "Either you're from the Dawson pack, the Bluemoon pack, or the Sicario pack, because you're definitely not from our Greyson pack. You must have done something really stupid for your alphas to banish you, even though you have no scent of the ferals. "So that could mean you're not a feral, but you're certainly not that important to your people. You seem to have an attitude and reek of power, that's why you don't appreciate anyone talking to you like a regular wolf. "But all of that doesn't matter right now, because you are the unwanted little wolf. The girl without a home, the rejected wolf who can't be claimed by anyone else. You're dressed in banana leaves because you have no clue how to make proper clothing on your own. "— or even check the feral cloth reservoir on the west of this forest. The fact that you have stayed so close to the other three packs is because you don't want to be away from home and are somehow hoping that they'd want you back. "Allow me to spell it out for you and make it easier for your probably useless brain to understand, little wolf, no one wants you. I'm only taking you to my alpha because your presence here is a nuisance to us, and for some reason, the alpha is interested in you. "And before you get any ideas about mates and whatnot, our alpha is already mated. So will you get up on your own, or do we have to take you stripped? Because I for one have no problem doing that. We could just treat you like the rogue that you're not," Adolf said to Awuor who still had her angry smirk on.

she_osprey · LGBT+
395 Chs

The Maid and the Monarch

Minerva batted her eyelashes at me and pushed her shoulders back. "Do I look lonely?" she said. She looked like someone I wanted to push onto her back right then and there. Like someone I wanted to kiss until we were both dizzy. But there were things you didn't say to a princess, not when your station was so far below hers. *** On her first day working as a maid, Eve finds the king dead on his throne. His murder kicks off a cascade of intrigue, and as the plots of the nobility come crashing down around her, Eve is torn between hungry princes, the ever-watching eyes of the royal court, and a mad princess who seems to know far more than she lets on. Complicating everything further is the Imperative, a magical curse through which the Andan nobles have bent the world to their whims. If she is to survive, Eve must learn what it means to find strength in the face of overwhelming power. The Maid and the Monarch is created by EOK Gifford-Smith, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

EOK Gifford-Smith · LGBT+
50 Chs

The Alpha VS The Beta

Lucia is a woman who is kind, humble, beautiful, also sweet. Meanwhile, Diana is an arrogant woman, although from the outside she looked beautiful, but her heart was not as beautiful as her outer appearance. Diana is Arya's fiance who had an affair with Ryan. One day, Arya reunited with Lucia in Greece while they were on vacation there. Then, Arya approached Lucia, but suddenly an earthquake and then a tsunami dragged them into the sea. A few hours later, Arya woke up in a strange room with a different body, while Lucia woke up and found out herself in a hospital. At the same time, Ryan was also vacationing on the Santorini Island and then sank to the bottom of the sea after a fight with Alexa. It turns out their bodies were swapped. Between Arya and Ryan, they turned into other people. This story is not about love, but there are some conflicts about revenge also infidelity, complicated life. Notes : All characters, names and place settings, companies are fictional. Except country and airport is non fiction.

Vienna_Gu · Fantasy
210 Chs


Sahabatku adalah mantan anggota tim sepak bola, dan aku adalah guru matematika yang kutu buku . Dia tidak tahu betapa aku sangat menginginkannya. Kembali di sekolah menengah, Michael melindungiku dari pengganggu dan berada di sisiku melalui tragedi. Tidak masalah bahwa dia adalah bintang sepak bola dan aku seorang mahir dalam matematika, atau bahwa aku adalah seorang gay dan dia heteroseksual. Kami bersatu seperti lem--sampai dia menikahi seorang gadis dan melarikan diri. Sekarang Michael kembali ke rumah , dan dia adalah ayah tunggal yang bercerai. Putranya ada di kelas matematikaku, dan aku bertabrakan dengan Michael di mana di saat di kota kecil ini. Ketika dia mulai menjadi bartending di satu-satunya bar gay lokal, aku kacau. tapi bagaimana aku bisa berpura-pura untuk orang lain ketika aku jatuh cinta dengan atlet besar di belakang bar? Kemudian Michael mengajakku ke tempat tidurnya, mengatakan itu hanya untuk bersenang-senang. Tapi aku kecanduan dia begitu tubuhnya ada di tubuhku. Aku telah melakukan perhitungan jutaan kali. Aku tahu kemungkinannya buruk, tapi aku tahu aku menginginkannya. Dan sekarang setelah dia memberiku rasa, aku tidak bisa berhenti memohon lebih.

Seven_Wan · LGBT+
281 Chs

Are You Straight Or Not?

21+ Alasan Marcus jarang pulang ke rumah sangat sederhana, yaitu dia seorang yang pembohong. Ketika tekanan hidup yang mengharuskan dia untuk menikahi kekasih masa kecilnya, hal itu menjadi terlalu sangat rumit baginya. Dia mengatakan kepada keluarganya bahwa dia adalah seorang gay dan Marcus kemudian melarikan diri ke luar kota. Lima tahun kemudian, setelah pertemuan dalam keadaan mabuk, Marcus mendapati dirinya diundang ke sebuah pernikahan gay. Dan Marcus harus membawa pacarnya, sedangkan pacarnya tidak ada karena dia mengaku straight. Setidaknya, marcus berpikiran demikian. Bertemu dengan pria yang dia suap untuk menjadi pacarnya di akhir pekan membuat Marcus mempertanyakan segala hal mengenai dirinya sendiri. * * * Ketika kakak David memintanya untuk berpura-pura menjadi pacar seorang pria straight, respon otomatis David adalah mengatakan kata tidak. Itu karena orang-orang tidak percaya ketika seseorang memberitahu mereka bahwa David adalah gay. Tapi Marcus punya sesuatu yang David butuhkan. Setelah cedera yang membuat David kehilangan karir bisbolnya, dia mencoba untuk meninggalkan hari-hari bermain dan fokus untuk menjadi agen olahraga terbaik yang dia bisa. Empat puluh delapan jam dengan sahabat saudara perempuan David sebagai imbalan pertemuan dengan klien yang mungkin bisa dia melakukan hal ini. David hanya berharap dia tidak begitu seksi. Atau Marcus tidak melakukan sebuah ciuman seperti yang dia maksudkan. David pun terkejut, "Tapi tunggu... mengapa pria straight menciumku?" Bagaimana kisah Marcus dan David? Jangan lewatkan setiap Bab nya.

Richard_Raff28 · LGBT+
263 Chs

Ascendant: Struggle

Zai, a soldier, and her squad live a life of brutal hit-and-run operations and training the people of Aviye to resist the will of the Hegemons that divided her nation. When a beautiful defector falls into her lap, the terrible secret of how the Hegemony creates its Ascendants, powerful warriors wielding powers only a few understand, is revealed, as well as a lost path to the same power. As Zai and Amri struggle to understand the truth of the path, deadly enemies and even divisions within their own people must be overcome. Yet in the shadows of the Hegemony lurks an enemy far older and more powerful than even they can imagine. -------- PS: Thank you so much for considering my novel! I know the genre markers can be misleading, so here is a list of the genres and themes present: Fantasy / Sci-fi / War / Cultivation / Politics / Romance / Mecha / Women Loving Women I invite you to consider my other works if you are interested: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-demon-lord-is-an-angel_28486713700592205#review If you're interested in joining a forum for my books, or interfacing with me as the author, please use this Discord link: https://discord.gg/szZRTxNQmV Special thanks to SapphoAndHerFriend for her support and help with the cover. I am so lucky to have her as a fan and supporter. If you like what I have written, please collect my story! Consider donating power stones and golden tickets so others get to see it too! If you want to read more, please subscribe to unlock new chapters! Every coin will help me write more stories. Humbly, ~Haizao

Haizao · Fantasy
323 Chs

Eternal love of the red dragon

WARNING MATURE CONTENT|| WINNER OF WPC #207|| SILVER PRIZE. Chosen as the protector and savior by the red dragon the princess destined mate. A young mistreated pink phoenix princess and a hundred of years old dragon {shapeshifter}crossed the path of destiny in an unexpected way. Their love for each other is forbidden in all of the kingdoms and in every possible way. Faith will test their trust in each other, friends will come together in the most desperate times, enemies will join hands, war will befall all the kingdoms. Will the two stick together or will their path get separated because of who they are? or will they fight for each other sake?. "I promise you princess i will always be there to protect you in this life and in the next". Disclaimer: The cover doesn't belong to me, i just edited it. If you are the artist and want it to be taken down plz msg me and I will do it immediately. Join discord server: https://discord.gg/Mg9FsrYH2n

Darkswan · Fantasy
274 Chs

Blessing Of A Cursed Heart(BL)

"One day, the world will say a cursed heart blessed two souls..." Every time, when Thomas and Simon heard that faint female voice in their nightmares, their memories would always fly back to that darkest night. That mystery unsolved, haunted them every day provoking them to find cures. In a world where everyone has a second form they could transform into, Thomas and Simon thought they were ordinary transformers. But that was all until they discovered something abnormal about them. All of them were directly connected to the accident they experienced when they were 8 years old. And also to those nightmares, both of them got trapped in the night. While they eventually succeeded in solving the tangles in the mystery, those feelings kept in the bottom of their hearts started to arouse. Love blossomed in their hearts as they went through all the hardships, supporting each other. However, it caused them to discover a secret they never expected even in their dreams.  Their past life which was coloured with love, but dirtied and failed. One life, their souls bound together to love each other but were destroyed by misunderstandings, regrets and betrayals. With the regrets of not getting able to live happily, their souls reincarnated to find their beloved and fall in love once again.  Would this second life be as simple as they wished?  It would never be! There was nothing as simple in their world. Accepting the challenges and rising to the top, they neither wanted to rule the world nor get labelled as the strongest. They just wanted to spend their precious time together, throw away their regrets and feel that happiness along with the intention of getting a happy ending with no blood or tears.  Would they make it? In the fantasy, outlined with horror and danger, could they make their world colourful? * * * [The cover picture is from Pinterest.]

Sweet_Vanilla553 · Fantasy
69 Chs

Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

I am reborn as a minor character and the mother of the main character, the deposed ruler Leriana Ashford. My husband's younger brother will stage a rebellion against him, and only my young children will manage to escape. And the unfortunate Queen Leriane faces a bleak end. According to the plot, my heroine will sacrifice her life during the rebellion to save her children. Except she won't! Dying at twenty-seven is too soon for me and I'm going to change the tragic plot of this novella. I was lucky enough to be reborn ten years before the events of the novel began. At a time when the future King Philip and his brother Razor had just fallen in love with me at the Royal Academy, and their fight for me led to a feud. To survive - I decided not to become queen and live a quiet life with my father the Duke. And in order to rid myself of these two, I had to go to extreme measures. I decided to start dating the daughter of the cursed Duke, who is feared and hated by the entire academy.

Meredit_Yuri · LGBT+
196 Chs