
The Ruined Death Knight

作者: Allenheim
連載 · 2.9M 流覽
  • 448 章
  • 4.2
    135 評分
  • NO.200+

After someone took my life away from me, I felt something or someone pulling my entire being together with my memories away from me and placing them into somewhere where it was cold and hollow. And when I thought that my life came back to me... I realized that my new life as one of the dead had already begun... "Who am I?" Which path will this soul choose? A path of Perseverance or a path of Ruination? * * * * P.S: This is my first novel that I write so there is bound to be mistakes...so go easy on me xD

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Shameless 5 star review from the author. I realy hope that you guys will read and enjoy my work that I wrote. Feel free to comment you guys opinions!


Starts off great besides some weird grammar mistakes, his reason for his hatred for humanity is questionable but if you close your eyes, tilt your head and squint a little it kinda makes sense? BUT The author starts going on a path where it slowly and slowly becomes more and more uncomfortable to read. Attacks and kills some party of noble kids trying to get his best friends sword back? Sure! Yea go for it. Attacks and slaughters a garrison full of men where the author goes into great detail about an underdog character with a great character and an unborn child with a loving wife at home? Sure...? lil weird but go for it. Attacks and slaughters a slave caravan that was attacking a village? Yeaaa!!! No problems here- wait your slaughtering the villagers too? Innocent woman abt the be r-ped? Kill her! Slaves chained in a wagon? Kill them all!, 3 dark elves with an older sister and 2 younger twins that the older sisters very protective over? Kill her- wait but plot armour says you cant because of a curse on them... Cripple the older sister! The plot continues on like this becoming darker and darker and not even an enjoyable dark. Unless you are mentally unhinged, I don't really see the appeal in reading a story that humanizes the victims before killing them only to try and portray the main character as some sort of human happy mind with positive innuendoes in his self-dialogue. TLDR: This is like the NTR category of anti-hero where it's not even anti-hero and more sociopath.


Definitely a good read for those who want an undead MC from strong to weak there are some small grammatical mistakes but it doesn't affect the reading experience.


The writing quality is great... though there are a few grammatical errors but it doesnt affect the overall experience ( better than most novels ....) Update stability is ok The plot ,character design and world background are nice Conclusion : it's very well written considering its ur first novel.... great job author !!! ( hope you continue this in the future) Would definitely recommend reading it


Couldn't make it to chapter 20. That's the cutoff for me. If you can't hook me in an hour then I'll not waste more of my time. MC has Absolutely no substance and I felt nothing for the story. Bit concerned how many of the other comments are paid for.


The grammar isn't the best but I'm in love with this book. The Mc is a undead who actually acts like it. He's not a reincarnated human he's a human who got every single memory wiped and all his emotions erased like a normal person when getting turned into a undead. The only thing he has is intelligence that he uses well considering he's barely 3 years old at chapter 225. Don't worry about his age since he's 2 meters tall. He has the endless hatred every undead posses to the living and no human morals since, you guess it. He's a undead. He will kill children, woman, men, and anything that breaths if they don't give any thing worthy for him to use and even then they probably won't live. EVERY SINGLE character has a backstory and is fleshed out "Human". The people he kills all have personalities and traits that make them unique and I love that. You actually see the fear and sadness of the people who die and can relate to their struggles. In my opinion this is the best non human Mc I've ever read about, and I've read thousands of books on this site. If the grammar can be fixed this book has the potential to be one of the best in my opinion.


The novel is good but fairly unpolished. I really enjoy non human MC and this book is an interesting Undead MC story. The world is interesting and charecter is alright, it could use work but since its an undead MC its not bad. The story is okay but there are a few things that dont make sense or kill suspense. There are POV changes that are done pretty well. Overal I enjoyed reading. THE PROBLEM: the biggest problem with this novel is that the are a decent amount of spelling and grammer errors. This would be what ever if it was free but its premium and after Unlocking the first few chapters it still didnt get better. I feel like a premium story should at least be spell checked. This is the biggest issue I had with the novel.


A good novel about undead MC. The character is very undead fitting, so, I guess good. What I like most is that the MC is acting like the undead, not like some MCs that are supposed to be undead but are acting as living people. Updates are mostly stable, one chapter each day. They are a few misspelled or misused words, but the grammar is overall good.


The problem with this story is it’s good, however the translation is so bad I don’t even know whats going on at this point, I believe half of the chapter each chapter is just cut out.


Ok this novel is great, I mean really great. This is one of the only novels where the mc is a monster and STAYS a monster not like in other stories where they get a skill that alters their looks or they act like a human would. None of that is happening. The story in the beginning is a little basic but as you keep reading it it becomes more and more complex. This story has stakes and the mc grows with every decision he makes because there are consequences and he WILL make bad decisions because he dosent know jacksh#t about anything and has to find out through those bad choices and learn from mlhis mistakes. Overall it is a GREAT novel with good writing, story and characters. The only things bad about this work are the grammer and update stability. Sometimes it takes months just to upload 1 chapter and the grammer now is mostly perfect at the start it may discourage some readers.


super excited for the next chapters, and a little sad to have to wait for the releases, hoping the book reaches ++ of 1000 chapters, I've read all the chapters more than 5 times, and I never get bored, super exciting


Definitely one of the few undead novels with proper undead. Thanks for that. Too many novels ended up with undead that acted and were too human.


Great story if you like the monster type mc , the mc doesnt feel overpowerd and the progression speed is nice . Hope he reencounters some of the characters în the future


A fun and interesting story that truly does has a lot of potential but is bogged down by poor grammar. If your looking for a story with consistently good grammar, leave now. To be frank this needs to be revised heavily as at points I am completely unable to decipher what’s trying to be said. However I will say that at times nice vocabulary the author utilizes leaves me puzzled as to how so many simple grammatical errors can be made (perhaps English isn’t their first language?). Nevertheless it’s still completely readable for the most part and has kept me interested thus far (ch 63). In terms of story the beginning was Simplistic yet fun with a somewhat fresh take on a system that wasn’t super OP right from the get go, yet provides the tools necessary to progress without any real plot armor. In addition the author does a great job of staying true to the MC’s hate for humanity while also not going over the top all the time. Seeing his restraint develop was very well done and makes his brutality all the better when restraint isn’t necessary. Looking forward, depending on how a set couple of characters are developed will decide on whether or not this story is truly a cut above the rest. All and all There has been a lot of good set up thus far and I find myself exited to read every new chapter.


Great work, my favorite, where it portrays what it's like to be a monster, and not just a human pretending to be one, and even though the quality of writing at the beginning wasn't that great, it improved a lot in the last few chapters


It's been so long since this work was updated, that when a new chapter comes out I'll have to read it all, from the beginning 🤣🤣 jokes aside, I'm getting worried, afraid that the author has abandoned this masterpiece after all, this was the first work, where the MC is really a monster, who really acts like one, and not a human pretending to be a monster


The story is alright so far, with some similarities to others around. However, that's pretty much always the case. It's really hard not to have some similar plot points or tropes in writing with so many lns and such. I can't really find a lot of fault with that. There are some serious issues with spelling and grammar enough that I am assuming english is not your first language. That's not meant to be a jab, but I do suggest finding someone to edit your chapters. I'm not far enough yet to really judge the development of the world as a whole. I will say it seems odd to include the MC being killed by terrorists and then making him a souless killer through the rest. Obviously, I get it with him being undead and unfeeling it could make sense, it just feels odd. Unless it becomes a trope later with him regaining his memory and such, but I don't know how well that'd play out. Overall, I'm enjoying the read and look forward to more. The only major demerits are the grammatical and spelling errors. They can be grating at times and really hurt the flow of the story.


Thx 😘 ...........................................................................................................................................................


Would love to see more chapters but it hasn't been updated in 2 months even tho it is a great story and many others seem to agree. It is hard to find such a good story but sadly often even when i find them the author just quits without telling why, it's apparently impossible to find a good story with a realistic evil protagonist without the author just quitting....


As a pureblooded german, I can confirm this is one of the few truly undead novels. The undead MC is truly acting like an undead, and not just like a human dresses as a skeleton. The world building is kinda generic, but whatver, as a german I don't mind generic stuff. Just looks at how generic german cars look.


