
The Pirate Saiyan

Eto Shapan suddenly woke up in the body of Goku. He was excited to be alive in the world of his favourite anime. Things however were not as they seemed. This was a world of Pirates and great adventures on the high seas. This is the world of One Piece. [Disclaimer: I do not claim any sort of ownership to any character or plot or world regarding either the Dragon Ball franchise or the One Piece franchise. Any and all related copyrights belong to their respective owners. This is simply a fan fiction of one of the best and most popular anime franchises on the planet]

thesaiyanprince99 · 漫画同人
19 Chs

4. Goku v Buggy


Goku stood facing Buggy the Clown, his eyes narrowing as he assessed his opponent. Behind him, Nami stared at Buggy with a horrified expression, her heart pounding in her chest. The revelation of Buggy's Devil Fruit powers had sent a chill down her spine.

Buggy smirked, his head now securely reattached to his body. "You think you can stand up to me? You're just a fool with muscles."

As Goku squared off against Buggy, memories flooded back into his mind. He remembered that in this world, he was supposed to have the Gum-Gum Fruit, but somehow, he had never eaten it. Despite hanging out with and pestering the Shanks Crew, he had only been blessed with extraordinary physical strength. That mostly owed to his saiyan heritage and genetics. He also realized that in this universe, he never had a tail. Which meant his hopes of maybe finding a way to re grow it for SS4 and the Oozaru form were off the table. He wasn't worried at all about the powerhouses in this world. His knowledge and potential far outweighed anything in this world. The full power of even a third class saiyan warrior like Goku was most likely enough for ninety five percent of the planet. That was just in his base form. He didn't even need to bring the DBZ levels. He didn't want it to be too easy.

Suddenly, a worry crept into his mind. Could he use Ki Blasts? He had never attempted to, given his unique circumstances. But then he remembered his ability to fly and move at superhuman speed, which eased his concern. He might not need to train for Super Saiyan, but he couldn't claim to be a true fan if he didn't at least try the Kamehameha wave. Arguably the most famous signature move in all of anime, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to test it out.

Goku turned to Nami, his expression serious. "Find the map to the Grand Line. Zoro, follow her and watch her closely. Kill her if she tries anything funny."

His demeanor and aura were incredibly threatening, sending a shiver down Zoro's spine despite his drunken state. Nami, recognizing the seriousness in Goku's eyes, canceled all thoughts of trying to pull one over on Zoro. She reluctantly resolved to do enough to get out of her predicament alive.

"Alright, alright, I'll find it," Nami said, her voice steadying as she turned to leave, Zoro following her with a slight stagger.

Goku then accessed the memories of the original Goku and took up his iconic fighting stance from Dragon Ball Z. He placed one foot forward, knees slightly bent, arms raised with fists clenched. This stance provided balance and flexibility, allowing for quick movements and powerful strikes.

Buggy watched him with a mixture of amusement and wariness. "Nice pose. Let's see if you can back it up!"

Goku's eyes locked onto Buggy's, his determination unwavering. Buggy separated his forearms, each holding three daggers between his fingers. The sight was both bizarre and menacing.

"You really think you can beat me with tricks like that?" Buggy taunted, his cackle echoing around.

Goku didn't respond verbally, his focus entirely on Buggy. He felt a strange sense of calm, a combination of his old life's assassin instincts and Goku's natural fighting prowess. 

Nami and Zoro moved through the corridors of the ship, the latter slightly slurring his words. "I haven't known him long but I've never seen Goku this serious before. He's usually a lot more... playful." The playful nature he exhibited was a way to let people lower their guard around him. To eliminate him as a potential threat. It made his job as an assassin significantly easier. His height and body type also added to the facade. Atleast in his old body. Goku was almost six feet tall and ripped.

Nami nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "He's not messing around. And I won't either. I'll find the map."

As they continued, Nami's mind raced. She knew she had to play this smart if she wanted to survive. Despite her initial plans to deceive them, she realized Goku's threat was real. She couldn't afford any mistakes.

Back in the room, Goku and Buggy were about to face off. Buggy was impressed by the speed and confidence Goku had shown so far. "You're fast, I'll give you that," Buggy admitted. "But let's see how you handle this!"

Buggy launched his separated arms forward, daggers aimed straight at Goku. The two fighters were about to engage in a battle that would test their limits, both physically and mentally.

As Goku prepared for the incoming attack, he felt a strange sense of anticipation. This was his chance to see what he was truly capable of in this new world, to push his limits. With his iconic stance, he was ready to show Buggy the true power of a Saiyan warrior.

As the two faced off, the deck of Buggy's pirate ship was littered with the unconscious bodies of Buggy's crew, each one felled by Zoro in their earlier confrontation. Though they were all alive, their groans of pain and discomfort added to the tense atmosphere. Zoro and Nami had left to search for the map to the Grand Line and Buggy's treasures, leaving Goku to deal with Buggy alone.

Goku clenched his fists, feeling the power coursing through his veins. He was ready to test his new abilities. Buggy, with his devilish grin and mocking laugh, seemed confident, though a hint of nervousness flickered in his eyes.

"Alright, clown," Goku said, his voice steady, "let's see what you've got."

Buggy cackled, his laugh echoing across the deck. "You really think you can handle me? The great Buggy the Clown? You're in for a surprise, boy!"

Without warning, Buggy's body parts began to detach, his limbs floating in the air. His arms, each holding three daggers between the fingers, darted towards Goku with impressive speed.

Goku dodged to the side, moving with the fluid grace of a seasoned fighter. He countered with a swift punch aimed at Buggy's torso, but Buggy's upper body split apart, the punch hitting only air. Buggy's disembodied hands swung the daggers towards Goku, forcing him to backflip out of reach.

The two continued their back-and-forth, each maneuvering strategically. Goku's physical strength, speed, and agility were remarkable, but Buggy's Devil Fruit powers allowed him to disassemble and reassemble his body parts with alarming creativity. At one point, Buggy used the unconscious bodies of his crew as shields, sending a disembodied leg flying at Goku, only for Goku to deflect it with a well-placed kick.

Buggy's laughter filled the air as he watched Goku dodge and counter. "You're fast, but let's see how you handle this!" Buggy's torso twisted and contorted, sending a barrage of knife-filled hands in every direction.

Goku grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Nice trick, but I've seen better." He moved at blinding speed, his hands blurring as he caught the incoming daggers and redirected them harmlessly into the deck. He lunged at Buggy, landing a series of powerful punches and kicks, each blow connecting with precision.

Buggy staggered back, disoriented. "No fair! You're supposed to let me win!" he whined comically, his head spinning around to reorient himself.

Goku took advantage of Buggy's momentary disarray. Using his knowledge and instincts as an assassin from his past life as Eto, he tied together Buggy's disassembled body parts into one tightly bound bundle. Buggy's head floated above, his eyes wide with panic.

"Wait! Stop! Let's be friends!" Buggy pleaded, his voice high-pitched and frantic. "You don't have to do this! We can be buddies! Think of the fun we'd have!"

Goku ignored Buggy's desperate pleas. Accessing the memories of the original Goku, he felt the familiar flow of Ki through his body. He took the iconic Kamehameha stance, feet shoulder-width apart, hands cupped together at his side.

"Ka… me… ha… me…" Goku began, the energy building between his palms, glowing a brilliant blue.

Buggy's eyes widened in terror. "No, no, no! Please! I was just joking! Spare me!" he cried, his voice breaking.

Goku's focus was unwavering. "HAAAA!" he shouted, thrusting his hands forward. A beam of concentrated energy burst from his palms, a brilliant blue wave that roared towards Buggy. The attack engulfed Buggy, who screamed comically as he was launched into the air, his bound body spinning uncontrollably.

The Kamehameha wave tore through the tent, ripping the fabric apart and leaving a smoldering trail in its wake. Goku watched as Buggy became a distant speck, his screams fading into the sky.

Goku lowered his hands, a satisfied smile on his face. He had held back quite a bit, not wanting to drain himself entirely since he was still unsure of his stamina and Ki limits in this world. But the attack had been a success.

He looked up at the sky, where Buggy had disappeared. "Maybe next time, I'll go all out," he said to himself, the thrill of battle still coursing through him.

As he stood amidst the wreckage, excitement bubbled within him at the thought of the battles yet to come. This world was full of challenges, and Goku couldn't wait to face them head-on.


In a distant village, a young man with wild black hair and a long nose ran through the streets, shouting at the top of his lungs. "Pirates! Pirates are coming!"

The villagers, familiar with his antics, groaned and shook their heads. "Not this again, Usopp!" one of them yelled. "We don't have time for your lies!"

But Usopp continued to run, his heart pounding with excitement and a hint of fear. "I'm serious this time! Pirates are really coming!"

The villagers began to chase him, shaking their fists and shouting for him to stop disturbing the peace. Usopp laughed, his mind racing with the thrill of another adventure. Little did he know, the real adventure was just around the corner.

Read 3-6 chapters ahead available on my patreon right now. patreon.com/ImperialFantasies

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