
Reincarnated into Twilight & The Multiverse

FallenEnt · 电影同人
25 Chs

Carlisle & Powers

Y'all know the site, just search my username. I won't be holding chapters over your head or anything like that. Just support me if you like my works.


After thinking about what I said, Carlisle admitted I was right.

"Alright, why don't you start?" Carlisle asked.

"Before that, is this room soundproofed for your kind?" I asked.

Stiffening, Carlisle slowly nodded his head.

"Alright. I already know what you are, Carlisle. And I don't care. Being a vampire doesn't bother me in the slightest. What bothers me is everyone treating me like I'm the one made of paper." I said.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Instead of answering him, I slowly lifted him into the air.

"WHOA. What are you doing?!" he asked in a panic.

"Lifting you into the air. Nothing else." I replied as I gently set him back down.

"How?" Carlisle asked.

"I don't know how. I just know the day my powers awoke was the day I saved Bella from two grizzlies in the woods." I said honestly.

"So telekinesis?" Carlisle asked.

"In the most simple of terms? Yes. But my power is SO...MUCH...MORE!" I said using a bit of my power in my voice.

"How did a bit of telekinesis save you from two starving grizzlies?" Carlisle asked.

Instead of answering, I walked to the door. After opening it I whispered "Alice, would you join us in the study please?"

Halfway back to my seat, Alice was already standing in the doorway.

"Yes?" she asked, eyes darting between Carlisle and myself.

"Please close the door and sit down." I said, noticing the others were standing outside as well.

Releasing a large sigh, I said "Let's move this to the living room. I only want to tell this story one time." I said, walking out of the office.

"Edward, please bring Bella to the living room." I said aloud.

After everyone was in the living room, Esme asked what was going on.

"Bella and I are going to tell you a story. A story that took place twelve years ago." I said before sitting down. "Bella, please start the story from the begining, I'll take over...from my point." I said.

"Okay." Bella said with a shaky voice.


Twelve years in the past

Bella POV

I ran off into the woods to play with my cousin chasing after me.

Five minutes into my run, I was out of breath and lost.

While I was panicing, two starving grizzlies that had just woke up from their hibernation, came barreling out of the trees after me. All I could do was cry and back away.

Just before the bears could land on me and tear me apart, my cousin jumped between us and pushed me away.

For almost a full minute, I sat on the ground watching the bears tear him apart.

Luckily, a shield was forming around him, preventing the bears teeth and claws from doing further damage.


Hadrian's POV

After being thrown to the ground, I felt nothing but pain from my stomach and back. But after the first couple of attacks, the pain was receding. I can only assume my powers were awakening and slowly getting stronger.

After a minuite, the bears were losing interest in me because they couldn't touch me. So they turned back to Bella.

Seeing they were headed for my cousin, I lost it. Four branches broke off from nearby trees and slammed through the bears eyes and into their brains, killing them instantly.

With the last of my willpower, I picked Bella up and carried her back to the house.

I collapsed just after exiting the woods. Luckily, Charlie and Renée were standing on the back porch talking when we showed back up. Seeing up exiting the woods, covered in blood, Charlie took over and immediately called for support.

After realizing Bella was unharmed and I was literally bleeding to death, all the attention was put onto me. That's probably the only reason I survived.

After following my blood trail, they found the two bears and my blood covering their mouths and claws.



Hadrian POV

"I awoke my powers that day, and Bella has been keeping my secret ever sense." I said before removing my shirt, revealing a stomach,back and portion of my chest that was more scar tissue than skin.


Slightly shorter chapter than normal, but more was put into it.


Y'all know the site, just search my username. I won't be holding chapters over your head or anything like that. Just support me if you like my works.