
powers for sale

so its some kind of powers/quirks/devil fruits ideas of mine, it will be original some might already exist. also feel free to use them and change them to your liking, I would love to read stories that have them too so if you do tell me (:

Charreos · 漫画同人
33 Chs

skill: density

most MC has this always equipped, I wanted to make a side skill and not a main abillity


by using density the user can dense and de-dense anything he touches

the more dense something is the heavier it is

every change in density costs energy/stamina, the more extreme the change the higher the cost

this skill can be used with other skills and even works on energy


the user can dense the air under his feet to walk on it

the user can make his body denser so it gives more protection

the user can de-densify himself to make himself move faster (less weight )

while attacking the user can make himself dense so that attacks have more weight