(This is book one of my series) Scarlett and Ash don’t share the whole "normal" relationship; They both share a secret, They are what you could call "Vampires". Fighting against those who don’t agree with it risking their lives. But then it gets uncontrollably out of hand When Scarlett gets too stubborn and her life changes forever. (Check out book 2, Face to Face with Darkness on Meganovel)
The sun was just about rising, Sky turning a peach colour and birds began flying from their nests making high chirping noises. All seemed great. The city lights began flickering on, and people began rising to begin their day of work. Not too far from town, In the countryside was a house. Not just any house a normal looking house slightly bigger though but Inside was a different story. This house belonged to Ash and Scarlett. The "Outcasts" Of the town if you like. Their day usually began with like two hours of hair and make-up between them both.
Ash Lay in bed with his eyes open. Listening to the noise of the birds. Beside him lay Scarlett. She was asleep. He moved a hand slowly and brushed it down her cheek ever so softly and kissed her forehead.
"Good morning." He whispered in her ear.
Scarlett smiled and turned around to the other side. Then turned back.
"I'll bring coffee and break-fast in ten mins, Gives you time to get up and get dressed," Ash said.
Ash slid the covers off him and walked across the cold tiled floor and over the closet where his clothes were hanging, he slid open the wooden door. Ash picked out black leather trousers decorated with buckles at the thighs, A selection of studded belts, black shirt and pulled his leather jacket off the door hanger. He walked into the bathroom with a soft dimmed light and put his clothes on. He slid a necklace around his neck, a ring or two on his fingers and cleaned his spider bites. He left the bathroom and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. Most people thought they lived in a castle. On the outside the house was small. The inside.Huge.
Ash proceeded to open up curtains and open a few windows to add some light to the dark house. It was like their lair. Their house had dimmed lighting and walls painted blood red, black and grey. Floors tiled black or grey or even covered in carpet. Lining curtains hung from each window in nearly every room. Their house was far from normal but they loved it. Meanwhile, upstairs Scarlett was sat at the Gothic dresser doing her make-up like every day. Her pale face was surrounded with her jet black hair, which hung to her chest in dreads and sometimes even longer if dread extensions were put in. Which were most of the time. About half of her face was covered by her fringe, covering at least one of her eyes. Her crystal blue eyes surrounded by thick get black eyeliner and her lips ever so gently tinted a 'Vampire red' colour. Scarlett got up and went to grab her clothes; plain leather trousers, a studded belt and the shirt that Ash bought her. It was a gray long shirt. Decorated with belts on the sides, lace up front and a black long-sleeved cardigan attached. Scarlett placed a leather choker with chains and a heart charm around her neck and placed several necklaces afterwards and rings. Both Ash and Scarlett shared a common interest in piercings and tattoos. Scarlett's face had double nose rings, septum, bridge, Shark bites, Double angel bites. These known as double canine bites and a vertical labret, anti-eyebrow, eyebrow, tongue, smiley and high nostrils. Plus many in both of her ears. At least sixteen in her right and five in her left. (three in the bottom, double helix and Tragus) Plus vampire bites. Ash had shark bites, and an eyebrow on his face and his ears his left ear had an Industrial bar and two bottom lobes and his right had one bottom and a helix plus a Tragus. Plus they both had stretched ears.
Ash placed a cup of coffee beside Scarlett and hugged her from behind.
"Thank you," She said politely.
"You are welcome. Why haven't you done your hair? " Ash asked concerned.
"Perfection takes time" Scarlett laughed sipping her coffee.
Ash then began on his own hair, his jet black hair was ended by blood-red colour tips and was pushed back with a little back-combing all the way back for more volume. So it didn't look so flat. Each side of his head was shaved to create a 'Death hawk' look. Ash wasn't really much for make-up. He rolled up the sleeves of his leather jacket and began applying black paint to his arms and a little to his neck and chest area. His cinnamon-brown coloured eyes were every so carefully lined with black eyeliner.
They both defiantly stuck out from society. They were not normal. People referred to them as the "Gothic couple" but that is not what they considered themselves as. Scarlett was Emo and Ash was punk/Goth. Is was their lifestyle who the hell was to judge them. Everybody has their own opinion and fashion sense, style and lifestyle. They had their secrets. Yes everybody has secrets, But some more dark or secretive than others. Scarlett and Ash defiantly had one of those 'Off guards'.
Ash and Scarlett walked back inside, Finished their coffee, placed their cups on the side and grabbed their cowboy boots and went out for a walk.
"Scarlett. Can I ask you something?" Ash asked, slipping his hand into hers.
"Of course, What is it?" Scarlett answered,
"Why did you choose me? All those other guys who were wanting to be with you so badly, Somebody as amazing as you. Even before I got here you refused to let me go. Or date the others. Why?" He asked.
"Well, if you must know. 'Cause, you are different. A good different. You treated me with respect and different from other guys have. You aren't just with me for my body or my "Psycho" personality or because I'm Emo. You will be surprised by the number of guys who will date a girl cause she is Emo. it is a fucking trend now. Ash, You loved me for me and I liked that, Even with all my silly issues or self-confidence issues, I mean hell. You have the looks if I do say so myself. Plus, you remember what I was like a few months or even a few years back and you still stuck with me. Also, because of our similar lifestyle choices." Scarlett explained.
A smile soon came across both of their faces, They carried on walking and soon reached the woods a few miles away from their house. They walked in and kept walking deeper in. They stopped and Scarlett turned to face Ash. Ash grabbed Scarlett and pinned her against a nearby tree.