
Demons and fangs.

"You? Kill me? Funny, I'd like to see you try." Scarlett snapped,

"That's a good one, Your father said the same thing, look where that got him." Heath snapped back.

"That's because old age got to him. I'm not exactly old, I'm a lot younger than you Heath, I can put up a long fight" Scarlett said.

"Well, your his blood and flesh, so, same fate for you darling, Scarlett" Heath mocked,

"You-" Scarlett said, in full rage,

Scarlett was so full of rage her face couldn't go any redder. Her fangs were still out, growling. Her hands were still clenched, her nails digging into her skin.

"Scarlett, calm down. He's just trying to get under your skin," Ash calmed,

"No, he will pay for this, He killed my dad, Ash. I won't let him get away with this." Scarlett snapped in Ash's direction.

"Come on, Show me what you got, little hunter. Make daddy proud." Heath snapped.

Heath wielded his sword. He attempted to attack Scarlett but was cut off by Jacklyn yelling.

"Here, Scarlett, catch" Jacklyn yelled, as she threw Scarlett's sword at her.

Scarlett grabbed ahold of her sword and turned to face Heath. She lifted her sword to her face and ran a finger, gently down the blade and smiled.

"What the hell is going on. Jacklyn, Why did you do that. Stop, right now. Get that back" Heath yelled.

Jacklyn walked over to Scarlett and stood by her side, gun out.

"No, I was never on your side. Never, I just played you. We needed a distraction to be able to inflict wounds on you to make you weaker. We were on in on it, Me, Scarlett and Ash. It was just nearly a distraction to weaken you." Jacklyn explained.

"How dare you. I was giving you another chance, and you blew it. How dare you, how dare you all" Heath snapped,

"Let's be real here dad, you would have never accepted me back with open arms, you would just want to change me, remove this curse. But you cant." Jacklyn said.

Heath began growing with rage, he looked like he was about to pop, lash out at them all. No one could even suspect what would happen next. His face turned a bright red shade followed by, his eyes turning red, but not flashing. Instead of flashing red, they stayed red. Heath moved his dreadlocks to show his ears, Pointed upwards in an elf shape. They all could get a good look this time, not just a quick peek, before, it looked like his ears were normal shaped. Now, with closer inspection, they were pointed.

"Why are his ears like that, Scarlett?" Ash asked,

"Well, he's a demon. He's a demon/hunter. Its a very rare mix, but, not impossible." Scarlett replied.

"Yeah, I've never seen him like this before. How Is he like that? He just looks, normal." Jacklyn exclaimed.

"That's one of their traits, they can disguise themself as whoever they want. In Heath's case, he didn't disguise himself in any way. He simply is a hunter plus a demon at the same time. Kind of like me, A vampire and vampire hunter." Scarlett explained.

"Are you kids done mumbling amongst yourselves?" Heath questioned in a demonic voice.

"We weren't mumbling, We were discussing," Scarlett said.

Heath dashed at Scarlett but she jumped in the air and over his back, She landed behind him, slashed his back, making an "X" from his previous wound. Heath turned around and dug his nails into the side of Scarlett's head, digging deeper with every second that passed. Heath then grabbed her sword, yanking her towards him. He lifted his foot in the air and kicked her backwards through a rock. Scarlett went slamming through the rock, breaking it, the pieces crumbling around her. Scarlett claimed to her feet and took a firm grip on her sword with both hands. Scarlett charges at Heath, Slashing his front, his arm, before finishing by grabbing his leg, tripping him to the ground. Still, with ahold of his leg, she twists it, to break it. Heath let out a scream of pain before, grabbing his leg and snapping it back into place, every turn came a click.

"You will pay for that." Heath snapped,

"I wonder how many times I've heard you say that, and here we are," Scarlett said, rolling her eyes, before stepping back to allow Heath to his feet.

Once Heath gets to his feet, Scarlett attacks again. This time, punching him in the stomach followed by, her going animalistic on him, pulling him close to her so she can dig her fangs into his shoulder blade. She plants her fangs deep into his shoulder, drinking his blood to gain her strength back. Heath grabs Scarlett by the hair and pulls her over his shoulder slamming her to the ground.

"Vampire! Get off me. How dare you drink my blood. You, Leech." Heath yelled furiously.

"At least I have easy access to get my strength back, and you? How do you get yours back? Oh wait, You don't. Demons don't have a special way to get their strength, Sucks to be you." Scarlett mocked.

"Don't take me for some weakling" Heath gobbed.

Scarlett got to her feet and regained her balance, she picked up her sword and made direct eye contact with the demon Heath. In a flash, she had clashed sword with Heath, who seemed to be much stronger now, he was actually beating her. He pushed his sword so hard it started chipping through Scarlett's. There was a tiny crack that began forming into a bigger one until Scarlett jumped back to prevent any more damage to her blade. Heath walked towards her and in a flash, Jacklyn had picked up Scarlett by the waist, lifted her off the ground so Scarlett could get a perfect, clean kick in his stomach. Heath went trembling backwards holding his stomach followed by, Jacklyn placing Scarlett back on her feet.

"Thanks, I needed that help" Scarlett thanked Jacklyn.

"I see I'm being teamed up on now. All three of you, against me? Please, I will take down every single one of you" Heath yelled.

"Right, because you totally haven't said that before, either," Jacklyn said.

"Scarlett, here. Take this, try it." Ash yelled, throwing his pistol at her.

Scarlett cocked the gun, pulled the trigger and three bullets went flying out in Heath's direction. To everyone's surprise, Heath had actually caught two of the bullets while one penetrated him right in the left thigh. He dug the bullet out of his leg, making the wound deeper and bleed more, but he didn't flinch. He let the wound bleed then threw the bullets directly at Scarlett. Before the bullets could make contact with Scarlett, there was a scream of pain. Ash had jumped in the way of the bullets to protect Scarlett, all three penetrating him in the stomach, chest, and upper arm.

"ASH!" Jacklyn yelled falling to her knees.

"DAMN YOU HEATH" Scarlett yelled angrier than ever.

"Oh please, he wanted to die, obviously. I mean who jumps in the way of three bullets. He's a hybrid, he will live. Probably" Heath laughed.

"You think this is some game. Oh no, This is now personal. You killed my father, You probably just killed Ash, now you will die too." Scarlett yelled, tears falling from her face and her hands shaking.

"Oh, now I'm scared. Is the little vampire actually going to show me what shes all about? Okay, you want a fight? Let's fight, no holding back" Heath cocked.

"Jacklyn, take Ash away from here. I don't want either of you getting hurt. Please." Scarlett asked in the nicest tone she could.

"Scarlett, you'll die. No, I will stay and help. Please." Jacklyn begged with tears crashing to the floor as she held Ash.

"No, I can't let you. Take Ash to the hospital and come right back here. Then, you can help. Hurry" Scarlett yelled.

Jacklyn nodded, picked up Ash the best she could and ran towards an opening in the trees as fast as she could. Through the trees and rocks, cutting her arms, legs and face, just to get Ash to the hospital in time, before he died.

BAck where Scarlett and HEath were, Heath had Scarlett on the ground pinned between his boot and the rocks, crushing her head.

"You see, now I'm in my demon form, I'm a lot stronger and faster than you think. My reflexes are almost on par with yours. It's just a shame Jacklyn won't be here to see you end the same way your Father did." Heath said in a demonic voice.

"Kill me if you please, but Jacklyn will seek revenge for me and Ash." Scarlett cocked.

Before Heath could speak another word he shot his foot right off Scarlett. Scarlett had dug her nails into his leg then dug her fangs in. When heath moved his leg, Scarlett pushed him away and got to her feet.

"Aww, you might need a doctor for those. I'm sorry? What were you saying? You're a lot stronger, Please. You can even stand up to a pair of fangs. Look at you." Scarlett said with an attitude.

"I will rip those pretty little fangs out your mouth." Heath raged as he ripped his shirt off and tied it around the wound Scarlett just made.