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I've been a fan of the author for a while and I love how his story telling and writing style went up from good to great in less than a year. im really looking forward to where this novel goes and enjoying the graphic fights along the way.
Jesus, it's like walking into a world where you feel sorry for this poor child living in a nightmare. This novel isn't cheap. it continues to remind you of the pain behind every struggle and the journey is of Harmony finding a way to better herself and get through these struggles.
This is one of those rare books that actually gives the scientific explanation as to how there is magic, monsters, dragons, elves, etc. To top it off, the first chapter is dedicated to explaining this along with the history of the world and how it came to be. As you read deeper, you can tell a lot of study and research was put into this. The philosophical concepts and range of human behavior at work makes the story not on a fantasy Webnovel masterpiece, but also implements the right amount of realism to make the story believable.
I love how it starts off with the foundation of the story. There is a high level of morality in play where the family is the issue. You feel it coming before the story itself start. The word "family" has so much to it and the author clearly reminds readers of that aspect. Great read and great envisioning of the struggle the MC goes through. I hope others enjoy the story as well.
gotcha. hopefully I earn 5. im looking forward to the pros and cons. thank you.
hope you keep reading. Vanessa and Logan will have more tricks up their sleeves.
They actually aren't cosplaying here. He is disguised as a black jack dealer. she is a tour guide. I soon do an Alice ain't Wonderland Cosplay Party with them though.
however, she never met anybody until now. these first 2 chapters are meant to be hectic and confusing. in the beginning, she's basically experiencing deja vu and realizes that there is something going on with time.
it meant not to be clear. My story is LARPing. Without going into the game mechanic details, she is a solo player (no guild) and was assigned to play with another team since it's a team event.