
Jacklyn, Ash and family.

Meanwhile, Jacklyn and Ash had been staying with Jacklyn's mother's house for some time now. Jacklyn's mother lived in a very small cottage just outside of town. The cottage was made out of pastel pink cement and stone. It looked fairly new and recently build. The roof of the house was perfectly slated. The house had a green wooden lining all around it, and the windows were also painted green. The garage next to the house was stone and green lined too with a metal door that was activated by a button. on top of the garage was a little lantern that lit the area underneath it and above the lantern was a tiny window. The cottage had a little porch outside it with green fencing and green poles that held the roof above it. On the porch were a set of metallic blue chair and a matching wooden table. On the other side of the porch was a swinging bench. The cushions on the bench were a light peach colour. On the far right-hand side of the house was a balcony. The balcony was also coloured green with wooden fencing to prevent falling off and a pair of two glass doorways that led you into the master bedroom. On the porch was a pair of lanterns that lit the steps to get onto it and some torches were placed down the pather way to light up the area. Back down to the ground stood a sign at the end of the stoned pathway reading "Primrose cottage" with a lantern on top matching the one on a garage.

Along the side of the house was the brightest green bushes you could imagine with bright colourful flowers on them. Some of the bushes had fruit on them, while others had flowers. Everything along the side of the house had been lined with bridges to keep it all neat and tidy. There was a set of stone steps you walked up to get to the house. Everything was bright, colourful and neat.

"Your mother owns all this? this is really your mother's house?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, it is. She is very into her pastel colours." Jacklyn nodded.

"It's lovely. I still prefer my house of course, but this is amazing." Ash said.

They walked up the stone steps and knocked at the glass door. They waited for someone to open the door, and to their surprise, it was Jacklyn's mother.

"Hello, Mrs Winters. How are you doing? Remember me? I'm Ash." Ash smiled.

"Please, call me Aurora. It's very good to see you again and you Jacklyn. Wheres Scarlett?" Aurora asked.

"She had some business to attend to and couldn't make it here. We have some explaining to do to you, may we come in?" Ash asked.

Jacklyn's mother was about 6'4", she was very tall. She had white hair that reached to her shoulders with some of it tied up in a bun at the back of her head. Her face was perfectly shaped with pieces of hair pulled out from her bun. Her skin was the same colour as Jacklyn's and she had bright green eyes, almost the colour of emeralds. She had grey smokey eyeshadow with false eyelashes on, Her lips were red to match her red painted nails. Aurora wore a blue distressed denim jacket with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows to show off her rose and Wiccan themed tattoos on her arms and hands. Under her jacket was a plain black tank top, loosely fit, it flowed in the breeze. She wore high wasted black skinny jeans folded up at the ankles. There was a little hole beginning to form on the left knee if you looked closely. she wore a golden anklet around her ankle with little dolphins on it, On her feet were a pair of black and white converse. Now for jewellery, on her wrists were golden bangles, her wedding ring was gold with little diamonds all around it. Around her neck were two necklaces. One was gold with a dolphin, and the other was the Wiccan symbol. She wore little pentagrams in her ears and had her left side of her lip done with a stud and her left side of her nose.

Her house smelt of white sage with some sort of cinnamon incense burning.

"Please, do come in." Aurora smiled.

Jacklyn and Ash squeezed past Jacklyn's mother and sat down on the nearby couch. Aurora went and made them some special herbal tea and soon returned, handing them each a white china teacup. The walls of the living room were painted khaki green and the floor was wooden with a pastel pink fur rug. The couches were black leather with pastel pink cushions. The coffee table in front of them was also a pastel pink colour with a few books on it that read "Wiccan or book of spells"

"Are you a witch? Do you practice black magic?" Ash asked concerned.

"No, no. I'm interested in the whole Wiccan thing and spells. Not those kind you see I'm movies with wands and all that. More of, the ones that involve crystals and candles. I specialize in healing spells." Aurora explained, pointing to the bookcase behind Ash.

Ash turned around to see a white bookshelf with jars of crystals, "Amethyst, Aquamarine, Moonstone and Sandstone" plus, much more all in a row. The shelf above that was full of old dusty books that look like they haven't been touched in years. On either end of that bookshelf were some skulls, They looked like ram or dee skulls. On the other side of the room, was a huge bookcase with more books, this time, they looked semi-new and looked after. On top of the bookcase was more skulls and boxes without labels. Next to the bookcase stood an old grandfather clock that made huge ticking noises.

"Anyway, excuse my little mess of a lair. You were here to tell me some news?" Aurora asked.

"Yes, mother. Now, this news may be unsettling and upsetting, but please bear with me. It's hard for me to tell you this. That's why I brought Ash with me, so we can stay and comfort you." Jacklyn explained.

"Gosh, what happened? You're scaring me!" Aurora exclaimed.

"Please, calm down Mrs Winters. The news we may be telling you might be very upsetting for you. But, there is a full story behind it we can explain to you." Ash added.

Jacklyn looked at Ash and nodded, before returning her attention to her mother. She sighed and took a sip of her tea. You could feel the tension rise in the room, and all you could hear was the ticking of the clock on the wall and sipping of tea.

"Is it something to do with your friend? Scarlett was it? Where is she? Is she okay?" Aurora asked.

Ash calmed her down with his hands before placing his tea down on the little china plate that sat in front of him on the table.

"Please, calm down. Scarlett is fine and okay. She's helping her mother get their castle back." Ash explained.

"Wait! Scarlett has a castle?" Aurora asked.

"Yes, she's a princess. No, not those stupid Disney princess ones. Like a real-life one. She doesn't like to admit it herself, but everyone knows that she is. Yes, they went to go get their home back after her mother abandoned it. You see, Scarlett ran away when she was a young teenager because of the life choices she was making. Her vampire and gothic self stuff. Anyway, so after that her father was killed by Heath and then her mother left the house so now, they're trying to get it back. Keeping up?" Jacklyn explained.

"Wait what? She's a princess and a vampire? I mean I knew about the gothic thing but, vampire and princess? Oh my, that's a lot to take in. I can't believe Heath would do something like that, he never mentioned anything about him killing someone." Aurora said, sipping her tea.

"I mean why would he? He killed Scarlett's father years and years ago in a fighting kind of thing. He was a horrible man, he just never told you this stuff probably, cause he knew you would have left him." Jacklyn said.

"I mean yeah obviously! if he killed someone of course id leave him. He is a murderer then? Oh my, I'm so sorry for her. Woah, I had no idea. Anyway, carry on. I'm guessing there is much more to this story than just that." Aurora said.

"Well, what we are going to say next may be very hurtful, But it needed to be done," Ash added.

Jacklyn nodded and crossed her legs and prepared herself for the long chapter of the grief and storytelling ahead of them all.

"Well, there isn't any other way to say this. What happened, happened. I guess you could say Karma. Well, Heath is dead. Me, Ash and Scarlett killed Heath. He hurt me, he almost killed Ash and he killed Scarlett's father." Jacklyn said firmly.

You could see Aurora's eyes filling with tears and her hands trembling. She grabbed a tissue and patted her eyes to prevent her make-up from running.
