
MHA: Roronoa Zoro Reborn

Roronoa Zoro dies, but instead of going to heaven or hell, he loses his orientation and ends up in the reincarnation chambers. Only predetermined souls get the chance of another life at the reincarnation chambers, so Zoro's appearance causes the automated system to fail and reincarnate him into a body that already carries a soul. -One body 2 minds. Zoro doesn't have his memories, only his ambitions and personality remain. No Harem. No getting One For All. Main Story changes.- -Whoever guesses who I based Zoro's and Ryoto's relationship on gets to create an oc- - Don't own the cover nor the story- 

sargen · 漫画同人
27 Chs

First Scar/Scar's first

"He also possesses the same kind of Quirk as me, savior," the old voice said.

"Is that so," the sinister voice asked.

"When I gave him a hint, he looked like he understood."

"Good, he might self-destruct just like you then."

"Possibly. Savior, is there anything you want me to do?

"No. Just prepare for the Nomu invasion in Hosu. Let him fight and reach his limits, use the girl if necessary," the sinister voice warned, cutting of the coms.

Immediately, the old voice that was Musha's connected his coms device to one of his sidekick's. "Is he training by now?"

"He is, Sir," a sidekick answered.

"Good. Try to push him to his limits. His hair was green in the sports festival, but it isn't anymore. I want to know why that happens so I can help him," Musha advised and lied.

Parallel to Musha, Ryoto was "training" just like the sidekick had reported. First, it was just one of Musha's sidekicks that sparred with him. Then, after defeating the sidekick with pure swordsmanship, another sidekick joined, outnumbering Ryoto. Even two sidekicks stood no chance. Without a Quirk, no one could defeat the strongest swordsman's body. Another sidekick follow another victory, all the way until the 10th sidekick, Miho, came along.

Comparing, it was like fighting inexperienced pirates from one of the Blues - meaning it was pretty easy for Ryoto to handle them all.

"Most of you aren't even swordsmen," Ryoto said, throwing away his bamboo sword. "I see archers, spearmen, and only one real swordsman here, and that is Miho. Most of you look older than 23, meaning that you must've been a Hero for more than 3 or 4 years. Think about yourselves, being outclassed by a first and second year... Stain would have an easy time killing you, considering he has a Katana that he uses to kill."


"Why you-"

"A! Shut up," Ryoto yelled, interrupting every Hero in the Dojo. "If I'm honest, I only accepted Yoroi Musha's offer because I wanted to fight him. You are not even in my way. I could just walk to his office and draw my blade and ask my Grandfather for a duel."

With a revelation like that, everyone was shook. Freezing up in shame and regret, the sidekicks thought of disciplinary actions against them. They feared that Ryoto had power over them, which he did not have.

"What? Is that true, Ryoto," Miho asked.

"It is. That was the surprise Musha had for me. A revelation like no other. So, we either go out and patrol, or we can sit here all day, upping the numbers of my opponents," Ryoto said, turning around.

"Ryoto, change into your Hero costume again. I will send you someone that you can go on a patrol with. Miho go with him, too," Musha spoke out from the Dojo's speakers.

'He was watching, huh,' Zoro asked.

"Understood," Miho said.

"I want to fight you, Musha," Ryoto declared.

"Prove worthy and I will give you the time of my day."

With that, the speakers connection was cut off.


"Look! It's Aura and Tri-Force," some kids on the streets yelled, seeing Miho and the Hero Tri-Force. Yet, the kids' advance was halted once they saw Ryoto in his villainous costume.

"Hey, kids," Miho said, approaching the kids. "He is an intern, just like I was last year. His name is Scar, and I'm sure he will be a great Hero one day, right??"

Missing the signal because he wasn't used to Hero work yet, Ryoto jolted once he understood that his time to introduce himself came.

Crouching down, Ryoto gave a slight smile. The kids' eyes lit up immediately, remembering the sports festival's second place just now.

"Wow! Are you the one that beat Endeavor's son in that fight," one kid asked.

"I sure was," Ryoto replied.

An hour and a few civilian interactions later, the three Heroes from Musha's agency took a break in one of the many cafes.

"Aura, huh? Must I always ask something in order to hear about it," Ryoto asked.

"You never asked. Maybe that was just your fault. I would tell you most things," Miho answered.

"You never told me if you boo-," Zoro's attempt to tease was cut off by an invisible slap to the face.

Miho had used her Quirk. She intended to slap Ryoto, and so he was slapped. A very friendly version of a slap that made both chuckle. Both were mature enough to know that Ryoto's teasing was just a rare form of a joke.

"Feels weird... Walking around the city with my Hero costume on and allowed to use my Quirk if necessary as well," Ryoto said.

"Once something forces you to act, it will become second nature immediately. And I believe you will get your provisional Hero license on your first try. So, it's not long until your life completely changes," Miho said, standing up after Tri-Force told them they would continue their patrol.


The wall of a bank exploded, creating a cloud of dust. There it was, the Demonic Swordsman: Scar's first crime fight.

Three criminals in total. None of them had visibly used their Quirks, so their classification was still not set as Villain.

Tri-Force was about to pull out his bow, but Scar asked is he was allowed to deal with it. Tri-Force had learned about how Scar was Musha's grandson, so he allowed Scar to deal with the issue.

The criminals were on their way to their get-away car, but two air-slashes completely cut the back axis of the car.



The criminals yelled out, noticing the damage done to their car.

Only one figure approached them. Dressed in black and dark green, having multiple weapons on his body and two Katanas on his left hip, Scar's presence was noticed. The fear overwhelmed the adrenalin in the criminals' system, causing their fight or flight to activate.

"Fucking kill him!" One criminal yelled, activating his Quirk that shot glass from his palms.

They had gone and done it. They were now classified as Villains - something that Scar wanted to happen. Now, Scar was able to exude more force.

The two remaining criminals used their Quirks, becoming Villains as well. One Villain's Quirk allowed him to shoot concrete at Scar. The other Villain turned completely white, becoming too bright to look at.

There was now glass and about 50 pounds of concrete flying towards the blinded Scar. A normal Hero might've struggled with this situation, but the breath around Scar made it possible to fight with his eyes closed.

The pieces of glass were cut the second they made contact with Scar's clothes, not even damaging it. The concrete was simply cut with his Katana, not even causing him to struggle.

Scar closed the distance, the Villains continuing with their strategy. Glass bullets, concrete boulder and blinding light.

"Yeah... No. I am not looking cool while doing this, right," Scar asked.

"One-sword style, Slow Circuit." Scar chanted.


Slow Circuit was a new attack Ryoto and Zoro came up with. It was the result of combining Soul Reap and looking cool. It worked like this: They would leave one cut on every target and would appear behind them as fast as they could. Then, they would put their Katana back into it's sheath, and once it was completely sheathed, they would activate Soul Reap, increasing the initial cuts' damage by how much they saw fit.

Being a Hero was not just fighting crime. Being a Hero also meant that one would become a celebrity, so image was important as well.

And in the case of the 3 bank robbers, they were cut so bad that they collapsed immediately and apprehended just as fast.