
Marvel: Remember(Hiatus, rethinking the idea)

Once was a god, now only a man. Adventures of the man, that lost in the universe that is not his. He lived his life, not knowing about his potential, but everything changes when things get bad. He is not someone that knows the future, but he is someone different at the same time. ---------------------------------------------------------------- As long as I'm concerned there is no fanfics with this kind of setup, I hope this idea sounds good and appealing to readers. I don't want to spoiler things, but the story will start from Nazi Germany. There will be characters from Marvel and Mc will interact with them a lot. The picture is not mine, all credits to original author of the art: [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/QEeZ3]

TacetIrae · 电影同人
12 Chs

Chapter 4: Herr Schmidt

Those experiments continued on daily bases, I was being injected with a lot of different serums over and over again, only to live through hell for the entire day, with no way to escape, with no way to break free, without hope.

But I didn't give up, I could give up at any moment, but one thing that stopped me, therefore I can not afford that, I need to see my sister, I can't leave her alone, I need to take an example from Eric, he was holding himself together just fine, so why should I give up like a coward.

So I endured, every single day. I endured pain that before that I could only imagine. But I had to be strong. I lost count of days I was being used as a lab rat, until one day this freaking Nazi came to me, Schmidt.

The one that is responsible for all of this hell, I will definitely kill him if I was ever given a chance.

He came to me when the experiment was just done and I was still groaning in pain. He walked up to me and stared me in the eyes. I looked directly in his, I'm not afraid anymore, I greeted my teeth and looked back like a man.

He smiled with a sadistic smirk that I immediately wanted to erase from his face, I tried to pull my arms to his ugly face, but I couldn't. However I felt a bit odd, I felt stronger than before, much stronger.

Calm down Arthur, this might be your way out I can't risk it at the moment. I can't let them discover that I'm getting stronger from their experiment.

Schmidt smirked and said "You really fascinate me, you really do, such a strong will to endure all the pain that you go through, but the funny part is something else. You will end up in Hydra like many others, you don't have a choice, we will break you and then rebuild a perfect soldier for us.

The soldier that can't be killed by normal means, a soldier that can't be affected by poisons of the most dangerous creatures in the world. You are such a fascinating creature, but you are not ready yet"

I spit at his face and replied "Piece of shit, I will kill you with my hands and I will enjoy every single second of it. I will enjoy every single second that I will tear apart your body and turn you into a broken doll."

Schmidt started to laugh in amusement and chuckled "You are a very good subject, I will make sure to turn you into a perfect soldier for Hydra". He then looked at the scientist and commanded "I want him to be like a lifeless doll in a week, use the strongest serum that you can create, we will need a strong and loyal Hydra soldier in the future, and I need a lot of time to train him."

One of the scientists replied "YES SIR"

Without saying anything more, he walked away, while I directed my hateful gaze towards scientists that will put this shit once again in me.

Experiments continued, but the amount of pain I was getting from the serums they inject me with was getting heavier and harder to hold. Every time I was almost sent to oblivion, I was losing a sense of reality and going insane.

But in the breaks in between I tried to calm myself and keep enduring, I was getting stronger and stronger after every injection I received for some reason it was working this way. It felt like I was breaking barrier after barrier under the intense pain that allowed me to access the power my body has.

I kept on getting those injections 2 times a day every day for 5 days straight when I heard the dialogue that the Scientist had while observing me,

Scientist whispered to his colleagues "I think we need to hold on to the final injection, it will be the strongest, and we will need his body in perfect shape for this matter"

Another one replied with a stern voice "Are you sure about that?"

And he replied, "Yes, the last one be as strong as all the previous together, so if we want him to actually survive it and serve us some good, we will need him in the perfect shape for that."

Hearing their dialogue, I greeted my teeth and endured, but I knew I will have to try and escape tomorrow, when I have a day off, rather than waiting for them to finally break me and achieve what they want.

One scientist came close to me and laughed at my face saying "This is the last one for today, enjoy"

I scoffed back "Fuck you"

When the liquid entered my veins my head started to spin and a strong headache hit me hard with a new set of memories.


I lay in bed next to a beautiful woman that had a slim figure and a very appealing body.

I turned towards her and gave her a passionate kiss full of devotion and love.

We separated and looked into each other eyes. She asked me "Do you love me?"

I replied without a single doubt giving her another kiss "More than my life more than anything in existence."

She chuckled and inquired "Then let's have a baby, she will be the proof of our love for each other, she will be something from both of us"

I smiled and gulped down a mouth full of saliva as her body leaned more towards me touching my sensitive parts "Let's do it darling"

After that, we had passionate sex, that lasted for so long that counting time would be a useless thing to do,

[Memory end]

I woke up and looked around finding myself in the same spot on the experimenting table. But those memories, they were so sweet they felt so good.

It felt like the void that I felt before was filled, but as soon as my memory ended I felt empty again. Like she is the thing that can help me feel the void inside of my heart that she is the one I truly long for.

I once again recalled the memory and felt warm inside, my heartbeat was going crazy every single time I remember her face, every time I remember her sweet words and every single time I imagine her touch.

But it was not the right time to think about this at the moment, I have to try to escape and if I will be successful in this I will try to figure out who is she and why I have memories of her.

Looking down at the cuffs that were holding me in one place, I tried to break free. But my first attempt was unsuccessful, so I tried again and this time I can feel how some screws were shaking from the force I was applying.

With a final push full of force screws that were holding the shackles snapped and my hands were free.


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