
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · 漫画同人
68 Chs

The Trials of Gohan

Welp... I should have seen this coming once I suggested it.

Over the last 7 years we had some shocking but also fun times as a group. One such fun time was 21s birth.

Much like 18 she took it like a champ. And we didn't need to see the bed get drenched like when 18 went into labor thanks to her total control of her cells and bodily functions.

It was much easier as we were able to get right to the lab for the birth in capsule Corp right as her water broke.

Bulma was doing her best efforts with the others and Adult Gine and Chi chi were helping her out.

It went well and we had a healthy baby boy and girl.

The fun part was they were both pink skinned, white haired like their mother, had noses (Thank God), and they had tails. Their eyes were a rich black thanks to me compared to their mothers rich light blue. But she loves them all the same. We went with Tomoe after the female samurai warrior for our daughter, and Orion after the ancient hunter of myth.

We began to make plans to train them for the control of their powers once they showed signs of them.

And as this all happened a big event happened for the kids.

Gohan, young Gine, Goten, Trunks, and Arj all reached super Saiyan 2 after a lot of training with their parents.

17 was enjoying his time as a park ranger and visiting his niece from time to time.

While 16 who we had repaired and rebuilt thanks to the downloaded data 21 had saved during the fight was enjoying being an uncle to 3 kids.

We were all having the time of our lives over these last few years.

Then came the day.

We all saw Gohan off to school in Satan City.

The reason it was named that, despite no Cell Games and no Mr. Satan taking our credit was due to us.

You see, Mr. Satan won the last world martial arts tournament and to make sure he was able to be the big hero for everyone, (And to be left alone), we faked a big bad villain for him to fight.

I dressed up as Frieza with Piccolo, Kumo, and Tagron making various demonic villains like Piccolos father made before. We used them to fight against the human race.

We avoided killing anyone thankfully, but a lot of tanks and jets were destroyed in the rampage. We challenged the humans to send their ten best fighters against us. And that they had one month to gather and train them.

The humans were scared and sent Satan and 9 others. Normal means wouldn't give us a workout and we sent Master Roshi out of retirement as Jacki Chun, and Kami in a human disguise.they became to hidden masters who trained those ten champions for the month. And we made them fight us after the harsh training and allowed them to triumph.

We made sure we fled towards the sky and got teleported to our new sister planet Namek so that people could see we really left.

Jackie Chun and Kami in disguise told the world they would leave them in the hands of the ten champions and left for their final resting place, (Their cover story, not mine).

Mr.Satan started Satan city for his reward after being the one to protect Star City from me in my disguise.

The other nine started popular dojos in different cities trying to train more defenders should the need arise. And it was something we weren't going to stope since it would help us in the long run.

But we were left alone after that from curious reporters since we portrayed ourselves as simple families who could fight when needed during the time of the invasion.

The demon familiars are all living on Namek happy to be with their family members and using their unique bodies and abilities to help around their world for village development and training the next generation.

We all waved Gohan off and saw him head to Satan city on his nimbus cloud. He was admitted to Satan City College with some high school classes at the highschool. The reason? He needed to meet Videl. And with my old editor skills and computer skills I left out a few credits he didn't quite finish due to a falsified doctor visit that had him homeschooled for a year during his senior year.

He would have the knowledge but he would need to show it through a full school year.

Gohan didn't seem to appreciate it. But his mother said friends were important and it was needed for him to know others his age.

Nevermind that thanks to the time chamber and the training time boost from our years together that he was now about 20 physically, he would at least be able to date and get to know someone else from the school.

I sighed as I trained my children. Maron was eager to learn self defense and basic ki control, while her siblings Tomoe and Orion were more than ready to test their limits. I blame the Buu and Saiyan DNA mixture.

Using the whole day to train my kids while my wives enjoyed a spa day with Chi chi thanks to Gohan and Gine being at middle school and high school respectively. So after that training I sent the kids to the private tutor Bulma had set Trunks up with and relaxed at the Son family as the house sitter.

And because I knew in 3... 2... 1...


There it was.

Sighing I look to Gohan and raise an eyebrow and go, "What kind of advice? General? Dating? Signs? What?"

Gohan sweats and goes, "Kind of all of the above?"

I sigh and give him the basics of girls 101.

To say his brain was smoking was an understatement the poor kid had red ears, red eyes, and a head ache from the embarrassment of knowing more about female anatomy, a deeper understanding of the birds and the bees that Goku glossed over due to the awkwardness of fathers telling their sons. And how to spot common signs of a girl liking you, and how to notice her interests to grow a friendship and get closer to her for possible dating and more in the future.

He nodded and said he would do his best.

I nodded to myself and let him be as I then perked up and said, "Oh. And we better do something about your alter ego if you want to play super hero."

Gohan tries to deny it but I boot up my laptop and show him a head line about a golden warrior stopping a dangerous bank robbery with 7 armed gun men.

He sweats and blushes as I give him some ideas from my old life for this one.

The one he picked was something I would not have chosen, but hey he wanted training and he wanted to protect. This suit options gives him both.

(look up Kamen Rider SaGoZou for the suit idea. A d why it would be so heavy if you used heavy metals for the armor.)

The suit went to Bulma and with Gohan's details on wanting to make it heavy and make sure it would train him we contacted Kami and Piccolo and together they used Z alloy. A metal so tough it took at least 5 full force punches from my with all my ki released but before I went hyper human to do any lasting damage or dents to it. It would last with Gohan only going base for crime fighting.

He went off with the new knowledge on girls and the new suit and was able to do pretty well.

Until about a month later where he came to me after school with three friends behind him.

I saw a girl with blonde hair named Erasa, the blonde haired well built boxer Sharpner, and of course the ever intense, Videl Satan.

I looked up at Gohan then his friends and asked, "So... Good to meet you all. What do you need?"

Gohan hummed and then sighed out as he said, "They figured out my hero identity and wanted to join me in crime fighting. But I told them they need to train to get to my level before I could let them do any crime fighting. Especially since I told them the suit limits me, it doesn't empower me."

I nod before chopping his forehead making him yelp at that.

His friends all looked shocked that I could actually damage him before I clapped my hands loudly and said, "Hey kids! Want to see Daddy train some others?"

With a chorus of yes my three kids all came running out and began to bombard the poor teens with questions.

Before the teens got too confused I clapped my hands again and said to them, "Crime fighting is dangerous, you could die even with a bunch of training under your belt. So to make sure you don't die, and can handle yourselves out there. I'm going to see where you are and train you with Gohan helping me to make sure you can do well as crime fighters. What do you say? Just to warn you. It will be dangerous and you might feel like quitting after some of the training I have in mind. That said... You still up for it?"

Videl nods with intense eyes ready, Sharpner nods with his knuckles hitting each other as he readies himself in excitement for the challenge. Erasa is scared, but after a bit she slowly nods to help her friends and make sure they stay safe out there.

I chuckle as I then go, "Alright. First lesson? Show me what you got."

I do a quick power read on them all and find them to be at least decent. I ask them their training styles and what they have practiced before.

Erasa reveals a shocking truth that she used to train with Videl as kids and in middle school, until she gave up and decided to simply be a fitness influencer instead. She still trains but only enough to keep in shape and handle herself in a fight.

Erasa - 3 years Karate, 2 years Taekwondo PL - 15

Sharpner revealed he used to run with gangs in middle school and got into boxing and kick boxing from that. He has been at it for the last 5 years of his life now.

Sharpner - 5 years boxing, kick boxing, some MMA.

PL - 35

Videl need no explanation she has been doing martial arts of various styles since she was 5 thanks to her father's influence. And has just gotten stronger since he got advanced training and was able to pass some lessons onto her during the last 7 years.

Videl - 12 years of martial styles, 7 years advanced training.

PL - 120

They were all stronger than canon. But still nothing compared to what they would need for crime fighting.

To fight against guns and missiles. They would need to reach a minimum 300+ to be able to stand by Gohan.

I decided to show them the divide with the spar.

They all got nervous as I was obviously able to chop Gohan without care but they got into ready stances and launched at me.

The next few minutes were not exactly graceful, but they at least showed me what I was working with.

Erasa came at me with a basic three hit combo of kicks and punches. But couldn't land a hit and I flipped her away into a bush behind me.

Sharpner followed up with an impressive fast boxing combo that had 15 hits. But I saw them all and blocked them all. He gasped in shock and then gasped for breath when I winded him with a single upper cut to his chest.

He collapsed in pain and lack of oxygen.

Videl then leaped in next doing a flurry of hits at me. Her hits were precise and I actually had to put in a bit of effort to fight them off. Soon though she got over confident in my defense only strategy and soon punched too far while I grabbed her wrist and flipped her over my shoulder and into the same bush as Erasa.

She came up trying to get back to the spar but found my fist an inch from her face. She shivers as I then stated, "We've got a lot of work to do. But we can work with these solid foundations. Be ready to become super heroes."

I turn to Gohan and say, "You too buddy. You got to learn how to work with them and how to improve ki control so you don't over extend with that suit on you."

Gohan groans but complies as I begin to put them through some harsh training all while my children joined them and even cheered them on.

Little did I know I had set something into motion I would not be ready for. But at the same time. Allowed me to enjoy my back up plan for Buu even better in the end.