
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

The Trials of Gohan pt. 2

Well this has been an interesting 2 months.

Not only did Gohan and his friends blossom from the training but it went even better once I taught them at our boosted training arena that Kami made for us to help them in their growth.

At the end of the two months they had a great boost and an allowance of them joing Gohan as heroes.

Alongside some budding feelings.

But it wasn't easy getting there.

The first week was fun at least.

-Week 1 -

"Please no more!" Sharpner was panting and crying while red faced as he went through a 100 hit combo I taught him for the 200th time today. He was sweating buckets while in our training arena and had 80 extra pounds strapped to his body to increase his growth. My son Orion was cheering him on while doing the same training alongside the teen. Sharpner was sweating hard in a light blue version of Gohan usual training hi he wears around the house.

Erasa was hitting a reinforced 150 pound bag that has hard dino skin to make it toughen up her hands, feet, and legs. She was panting hard as she went through her 50th combo on the bag. Her combos were 30 hits each round. She finished the 50th round and then sat down in exhaustion. She sipped from a water bottle while Maron was working hard on her own bag that was the same kind and weight while using 100 hit combos.

Erasa was stunned as she saw a little girl not even half her age outdoing her. She finished her sips and goes back for the next combo round. Sweating like crazy in a green version of Chi chis all qi pao Chinese kung fu dress Erasa pushed her current limits to be much better.

Videl was doing her best training since some weighted clothing like Goku used to use all the time. While wearing a dark red kung fu qi pao from Chi chi. She was training with Gine and Chi chi to get a woman's touch on feeling her kid and pushing her skills and body further than she currently can use. My daughter Tomoe was with them and getting some training from young Gine in learning more about ki control and usage.

Gohan was training with his father and Vegeta trying to reach the next level from Super Saiyan 2.

Especially since thanks to my hard work in training with those Saiyan men I managed to push Vegeta and Goku to the next level. Both could now reach Super Saiyan God.

But that wasn't the end I made sure they could keep the form up for over an hour in combat and they are still trying to perfect it further since they felt my celestial form and my new form as well thanks to their efforts in pushing me and themselves.

I chuckle as at the end of the first week they were all hurting and sore but they had definitely improved.

Already they had grown thanks to the training boost and the efforts they themselves put in. I was able to estimate their growths and new power levels thanks to my old habit of scanning as often as I could when I had my scanner power. Now I can pretty much estimate how much they have grown. I might be off a few points for them but hey... Close enough.

Erasa: 12 - 30

Sharpner: 35 - 60

Videl: 120 - 170

The kids were all shocked they felt so strong after only one week. I explained the effects of the arena they trained in and they were shocked about the magic until they saw where their clothing came from as Piccolo used his magic to create some fresh clothing right in front of them.

They believed us after that.

- Week 2 -

The second week went by smoothly as they got used to the general exercises we put them through and the combo and sparring training.

In my infinite wisdom I had Videl and Erasa train against Gohan while Sharpner was training against Goten to help him push his limits while Goten had to learn how to hold back.

Needless to say... We burned though at least 10 senzu beans a day with that organization.

Sharpner on the bright side saw it as a challenge to try and defeat the middle schooler.

Erasa and Videl seemed very distracted while Gohan focused hard on them. The reason they were distracted?

I told Gohan he needed to fight shirtless. Not only to allow him more movement. But also to allow the girls plenty of eye candy.

For some reason both girls had permanent blushes every spar with him. And every time they asked if he can please wear a shirt I simply answered, "Do you really want him to?"

They glance at him. Look back at me then mutter and grumble before both meekly answering, "No..."

I grin widely as I go, "Thought so."

They did well for their development this week as well as their bodies got used to the training thanks to the arena boost helping them.

Erasa: 30 - 95

Sharpner: 60-105

Videl: 170- 230

- Week 3 -

This week was a fun push for their limits. I might have wanted to vent.

I sent them to Popo!

We won't talk about what he made them survive... first is we NEVER talk about Popo's training.

Unrelated note they all came back with haunted eyes repeating his 6 rules in a mantra like chant.

I think things went well! But Gohan argued against it going well. I simply asked him, "So we endure the training and you don't complain... THEY endure the training and you suddenly get all huffy. So is it because they are your friends? Or because Erasa and Videl had to endure it?"

Gohan stutters and stumbles a bit before he yells out, "The first one!"

I grin and say, "Keep telling yourself that kid. You just keep telling yourself that... I'll even ignore your stuttering and stumbling over your own thoughts to give you the benefit of the doubt."

For some Reason Gohan had a blush after that.

~I can't imagine why!~

Erasa: 95 - 190

Sharpner: 105-325

Videl: 230- 520

- Week 4 -

This training week was fun, we doubled their training weights, and had Videl do boot camp with chi chi, Erasa with adult Gine, and Gohan helped out Sharpner.

I was busy training my kids as they wanted to enter the junior division of the upcoming world martial arts tournament with Goten and Trunks since both boys were just barely 14 in age, (Thanks to the time chamber training.) My kids wanted to be a good match for them and I got them up to snuff.

Videl heard us during this week and got the idea to tell Gohan to join them in the tournament, or his secret about being the new Silver Gorilla hero will be out to the media. Gohan of course agreed, but under the condition that this would be the new measure for their power. If they could get to the finals they could join him in fighting crime and evil.

All three kids agreed rapidly at that point and went harder into training.

Thanks to the motivation boost, they were earning that win.

Erasa: 190 - 460

Sharpner: 325 - 670

Videl: 520 - 880

- Week 5 and 6 -

The next two weeks were basically getting them used to higher tiered training as Raditz brought out an old friend from Bulma experimenting with them from his old battle pod she kept.

She managed to cultivate saibamen to use as training tools. (She removed the explosion effect of them)

Each one was on average 1800 power.

We sicked one of them on the trio of teens.They had to learn to fight hard, or lose hard. As they learned bit by bit, battle tactics, team work, and also solo fights for strategizing and only relying on overwhelming your opponents during a clear gap in ability. After the two weeks helping them in our training arena, each one could fight one saibaman on their own.

And for some reason Videl and Erasa came to Gohan and spent time with him the most during the lessons and breaks for tips and for chatting about random stuff.

Sharpner seemed to be getting along with young Gine as she was enjoying the efforts Sharpner was putting in. Thankfully with her being already 16 and him being 17 I saw nothing wrong with it. But for some reason Goku and Raditz kept closer eyes on the two young friends.

I chuckled hard at how Sharpner, who had been training his ki and ki sensing, was breaking out in cold sweats during practice whenever he was hanging out with Gine. The killing intent from a protective uncle and father who could destroy entire planets is nothing to scoff at for the poor boy.

Erasa: 460 - 1760

Sharpner: 670 - 1890

Videl: 880 - 2230

- Week 7 and 8 -

These last two weeks were fun for us as we got the kids to their absolute limits, between finally being able to fire off actual beam attacks, Kamehameha for example, and flight, we also helped them get used to their bodies without the weights on them. It would be important so they don't over do it in the tournament and accidentally break someone to death. We all pitched in as we all trained together, we decided that since the tournament expanded we would send in a full roster to fight.

Myself, 18, Goku, Raditz, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, Young Gine, Sharpner, Videl, Erasa, and for a finishing touch we brought in Tienshinhan.

12 fighters all entering to compete.

But first we had to make sure the teens had an actual chance to touch us and deal some damage so that they didn't feel too discouraged from the power gap.

We pushed them hard and brought them to new heights. During the last week I sent out a call to a certain Kaio lord to let him know we were available and ready to fight against the threat. he readily agreed and prepared himself and his attendant to be fully trained and ready for the fight ahead.

This was going to be a Buu arc to remember.

Erasa: 1760 - 3320

Sharpner: 670 - 3890

Videl: 880 - 4200

- Elsewhere -

A short green wizard was screaming at his ally who said he would be leaving before the final battle, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T HELP US FIGHT?!"

A red demon king growled at the robo suit wearing man but he scoffed at the empty threats from the two. He gets off his wall and looks to them both, "I have already pushed the rules given to me by a powerful enemy before, if I push it further before our promised time, then he would do everything in his power to send his agents against me. As I am now, I can't beat them. But you have my troops helping you, and you have my knowledge of events. Use those and you have an 80% chance of winning against these annoying heroes. Go with your pride... and well... your head will literally roll. Understood?"

Babidi growls but huffs and nods, even he knows from Daburas knowledge that the gods above the Kai's were dangerous, especially if the interference of his ally would wake up that damned god of destruction Beerus. His main weapon wasn't ready so he had no way to fight such a being yet. But with his agents in place at the tournament to find the strongest fighters. They have a solid chance of pushing Buu's awakening up a few years. He looks to his ally and says, "Understood. Now you are sure that Kaioshin will be at that tournament?"

The robo suits eyes glow as he says, "I have it on good authority from my book of foretelling that he wouldn't miss this chance to crush you and your fathers creation."

Babidi nods as the robo suit instant transmissions away and appears in earths orbit. He takes out a book and begins to read it, the cover reveals it to be Dragonball Z: Buu arc written on it. He chuckles as he says, "I am so glad I was able to take my library with me when I reincarnated here. And man what a rush to have all this power. I wasn't expecting to be fighting a fellow fan... but hey you do your role and I'll do mine to my best ability. After all... I do so love a good alternate universe story."

With that he watches over the coming events to see how it diverges from Cannon and see how much he can enjoy the show.