
I can improve every night in an alternate dimension.

Altair suddenly woke up in a classroom, only a few moments ago he was in front of his computer working late on a project due the next day. "What's going on?" he thought to himself. He realized that he was in another world and that the human race was an inferior race on the verge of extinction since the Earth was taken from them by other races. The humans vowed to take revenge one day. Altair finally found the opportunity to fulfill his dream of becoming the most powerful warrior, especially when one night... [Beep...Welcome to the pocket dimension]

Le_Merwen · 奇幻
19 Chs

Chapter two :

The next day Altaïr got up early for school. Today's classes will be different to prepare for the university entrance test. In particular, there will be combat training courses and strategy courses for group or solo battles, in hostile environments or not, and reviews of the weaknesses and characteristics of monsters.

Hopping a little in his worn sports clothes and with his bag on his back, Altaïr found that he no longer even felt the weight of the bag. The increase in his rank greatly strengthened his body.

"Fascinating," he thought to himself as he began to run much faster than he could before.

Altaïr took his phone and went to the school website to see what class he had been assigned to.

Once in class, he settled in his favorite corner whenever he is in this kind of room, that is to say in the back row. The professor had not yet arrived, he took the opportunity to put his head in his arms and take a short nap.

"Okay, class is about to begin," said the teacher entering the room.

He looked at all the students before frowning.


Altaïr jumped, abruptly came out of his sleep, he looked around him without understanding before noticing that the professor and the whole class were looking at him.

"Just because your talent is far superior to others doesn't mean you can afford not to listen in class. »

"Yes professor" he grumbled, thinking we should stop yelling his name when he's not listening, he's going to have a heart attack at this rate.

The lesson was finally able to begin, it focused on the different types of monsters that could appear during the tests

Altaïr meanwhile was not focused at all. He thought back to his time in the pocket dimension and the best way to survive.

His plan looked like:

1. Kill as many blue cats as possible

2. Avoid dogs with red eyes at all costs

3. Hide or run at the slightest threat

4. Find yourself a weapon.

"Well that seems like a decent plan to me." Altaïr thought rather pleased with himself.

The lesson continued but Altaïr was not listening to anything, the death of the day before has tired his neurons and he can no longer connect them to each other.

"It's the end of the course, come home to eat, we will meet this afternoon for the practical combat training course. the professor then said, finally offering the freedom that Altaïr so longed for.

He ran home to take a nap worthy of the name.

The alarm clock rang, it was time to go to combat training class.

" Already ?? muttered Altaïr

In a foul mood he left for school. He checked his phone and saw that he and his class were in the gymnasium.

"I should have checked sooner" he annoyed

He turned around and went to the right place, checking his watch, he only had five minutes left to arrive at the gymnasium he saw a hundred meters ahead.

"PFFFF I'm still going to have to run"

And he took off at full speed. The punishment for being late is terrible enough that he dares not attempt to do so.

"Phew just in time" he exclaimed as he arrived at the same time as the professor.

"Indeed Altaïr indeed, luck is on your side this time around," the professor said in a rather menacing voice.

Shivers ran down Altair's spine.

"Well, for this first lesson we're going to look at the different basic stances with a sword. Everyone get a basic sword from the weapon stash. »

The students headed towards the reserve and once everyone had a sword in their hands the teacher continued:

"Well here is the first of today's techniques. The basic position before the exchange of blow with the monster or others. »

He got into position. His feet are slightly apart and placed at a comfortable distance to allow him good stability. The front foot is turned slightly outward, while the back foot is perpendicular to the line of travel. The teacher's body is then leaning slightly forward, with the weight distributed on both feet. His torso is turned slightly to the side, so he is a less vulnerable target. His shoulders are relaxed and low, ready to dodge or parry an attack. He holds his sword in the dominant hand and he points it forward, in the direction of the imaginary adversary. His arm is slightly bent and ready to attack or defend. His other arm is stretched out to the side to maintain balance. His head is straight and his eyes are fixed on the opponent, allowing him to watch the enemy's movements and react quickly to any attack.

"This basic posture allows the swordsman to move quickly and with agility while maintaining good stability to attack and parry the blows of his opponent. »

He then ceased his explanations. He looked at us one by one seeing if we assimilated the information well.

"I'm going to walk past all of you in five minutes, you better have the right posture or you'll get a punishment. »

The students shivered and hurriedly practiced the correct posture.

Altaïr closed his eyes. The professor's figure materialized in his mind and repeated over and over how to get into the right posture. As if his body had already learned how to do it, he got into a good position on the first try.

"Wow that's actually quite easy"

[Beep…Your talent and specialized power in swordsmanship are the main causes of your success.]

"Thank you system" said Altaïr in bad faith.

"Well time is up, please take the position, the first one who makes a mistake can do me 200 push-ups in front of everyone"

He then walked past each student.

"You're good, you too..."

He made half of the class before a poor unfortunate suffered his wrath.

"Alalala Sam, I warned you all. »

He took his staff and hit every spot where Sam had made a mistake.

"You can start your push-ups"

Sam got into position and began the exercise.

He walked past Altaïr, nodded, and moved on. Relief then coursed through her body.

"You, you and you can go join Sam on the pumps" he shouted over two girls and a boy.

We waited for them to finish before the teacher taught another technique.

"Last sword technique for today, a basic simple frontal blow but which you must master to perfection if you want to go further in the art of the sword. »

The professor then bent his knees slightly and leaned slightly forward to charge the attack. His shoulders are lowered to give more strength to the attack. His sword was brought back in one smooth motion to gain momentum. He advances quickly in the direction of the imaginary adversary while launching the attack. His sword is pointed up and forward, with his wrist slightly bent for better accuracy.

"The goal is to hit a vulnerable area of the opponent, such as the head, torso or legs. » he says looking at us.

The students nodded quickly, more to avoid his attention than to really understand his explanation.

For Altaïr, the class felt like a kindergarten class. His genetic power although he had no techniques yet to use it allowed him to quickly understand every movement or technique related to the sword. So these basic attacks like the frontal attack was like putting a cube in a cube-shaped box.

"Can't wait for me to go back to the pocket dimension," he said to himself with a sigh.

The class finally ended with a few students coming out with their arms shaking from doing push-ups.

Altaïr trots back to his apartment. When he put his bag on the ground, he closed his eyes and felt that he could enter the dimension again.

He felt a sensation that his body writhed and when he opened his eyes again, he was again in the same grassy and flowery plain.

It wasn't like the last time. The pain of death made him more careful, more seasoned in his movements and his way of proceeding.

"I'll make skewers of dogs when I'm strong enough to hunt them," he told himself, still traumatized.

With his body lowered in the tall grass, Altaïr suddenly arrived in a place where he had never been. A tree stood a few tens of meters from him, solitary in the middle of the meadow.

He approached it, observing every detail that might betray the presence of some wild beast.

When he was close enough, Altaïr noticed a golden fruit on one of the branches. He climbed the tree to pick the fruit. He reached out with his trembling hand and grabbed the fruit.

Suddenly swirls of pink smoke escaped. Altaïr, sensing the danger approaching, hurried to eat it.

[Ding…The divine purifying fruit was ingested by the host]

[All the impurities present in your body are evacuated and eliminated]

[You have the best physique there is in terms of purity]

"What's the use of having a pure physique? »

[There will be no bottlenecks when you pass a rank and you will be able to fight opponents who are one or two ranks above you]

"But it's awesome!!!"

[Ding…The fruit allowed you to upgrade to rank 5]

[Prepare for obtaining your genetic technique]

My vision then instantly went black. A man then materialized in front of me.

I approached. He was my height, dark black hair reaching down to his ears, his icy blue eyes looked at the world with coldness while his face gave off a mature and calm look.

" But ??? It's me ?? »

Altaïr suddenly found a double of himself facing him. This double then began to move. He pulled a sword from its sheath and assumed the basic stance of a swordsman. His originally steel-colored sword covered itself with a mantle of crackling red lightning.

The power of the skill made me feel suffocated.

"Red Lightning Kata, First Form: Searing Lightning"

The kata then began with a total relaxation of the body of the double, which then collapsed. This fall being neither a disadvantage nor an advantage nor a gesture of preparation, the opponent is disconcerted. The speed of the fall due to gravity then coupled with an acceleration of the full force of the lower body, this is how we obtain a forward super-acceleration. During this super-acceleration achieved through the combination of gravity and physical force, the red lightning cloak on the sword began to crackle louder and louder, covering not only the sword but also the swordsman. The double then saw its speed tripled, it was no longer a super-acceleration but a huge speed boost associated with the most superb technique and phenomenal power.

When the sword moved up and down diagonally, the lightning bolts were projected forward and a powerful, brutal and wild explosion occurred. The double's body fell to the ground, all this happened while his body was falling to the ground.

He then stood up, sheathed the sword and tilted his upper body towards Altaïr. The vision then ended.

He opened his eyes, whose icy blue pupils were shot through with red electric currents.

"Lightning Kata, first form, interesting," he said as a smile crept across his face.

On his branch, he then looked down and saw that a blue cat was staring menacingly at him.

"It's time to test my technique even if I don't have a sword. My fist should be enough. »

He climbed down from his tree, stood the right distance to reach the cat when performing his technique, and unleashed the first form of the Lightning Kata.

The blue cat didn't even have time to react before hitting his head with a crackling fist of red lightning. An explosion sounded and his body was completely annihilated from the surface of this world. Only four orbs of white light and one violet remained.

Altaïr felt completely drained after executing his technique.

"Want a new orb?" »

He picked up the purple orb and felt a rush of cool air blow through his head. His senses became more powerful and his thoughts more fluid and rapid although the increase was slight.

"Amazing, I need more of those orbs!" he exclaimed.

He picked up the other orbs.

[Ding…Enhanced Novice Genetic Warrior Apprentice Rank (Rank 5 -->6)]

"Hey, I only went up one rank. The effect is less and less effective. I'll have to hunt stronger beasts. »

In the distance he heard strangely familiar barking. He fled at top speed without asking for his rest.

The trauma of being eaten alive came back to him and shivers ran down his spine. His speed increased accordingly.

When he no longer heard the barking in the distance, Altaïr stopped to rest for a few moments. During his break, deafening explosions sounded not far from him.

"What else is going on? he exclaimed with a start.

He cautiously approached the place. He then saw a lion of fire, like a lord of flames he was their master, dozens of fireballs obeyed his commands to attack a green wolf who somehow dodged them thanks to his control over the deflecting wind fireballs.

"I came across a boss fight, I better not interfere in their fight"

But his curiosity won out over reason and he stayed to watch their fight. It lasted another good hour before a ball of fire manages to touch the abdomen of the wolf and he burns in excruciating pain.

Suddenly Altaïr saw balls of light appear in place of the wolf's corpse. There were four white balls and one purple that had three times the area of when he killed the blue cat. In addition to these five balls, a sixth but green where floated inside the mini-tornado of wind.

"I can't leave these luminous balls, even if I have to die. Altaïr said with eyes shining with lust.

He rushed towards them, Altaïr even used the lightning kata. Her body enveloped in red lightning shot up in a sheaf of red light, her hand reached out to grasp the balls of light.

The lion turned and roared upon seeing Altaïr. Its claws covered themselves with scarlet flames and the moment Altaïr put his hand on half of the balls of light, the paw of the lion sliced Altaïr's body in two and the two body parts were consumed like coal in a barbecue.

Altaïr's suffering was terrible, the feeling that his body was tearing apart and then gradually melting into the flames is a most horrible torture. He didn't even pay attention to system notifications.

When the pain finally subsided, Altaïr weakly stood up.

"I will never get used to it. Finally the pain of the dogs was a walk in the park in comparison. »

Like the day before, he went to the shower to wash his body of all the accumulated sweat. While under hot water. He took the opportunity to check the notifications he had missed.

"System, show me old notifications"

[Ding…You went from Rank 6 Genetic Apprentice Warrior to Rank 4 Intermediate Genetic Warrior Apprentice]

[Ding...You have awakened a new Genetic Power: Wind Control (Advanced Apprentice Level Wind Element: 1\100)]

Altaïr clenched his fists and felt the power contained within was immensely greater. His body was now more powerful than any of the Olympic athletes in his former world.

"Let's try out this new power. »

Altaïr opened his hand palm to the sky while he was in the shower, and a mini tornado formed in his hand. The water that fell from the shower was expelled all over the bathroom.

" Shit ! Altaïr swore.

He immediately stopped summoning the wind.

"My control is still approximate, I will have to train. »

Altaïr dried off and went to bed without eating. The pain of dying to burn alive took away his appetite. He fell asleep like a baby.