
I can improve every night in an alternate dimension.

Altair suddenly woke up in a classroom, only a few moments ago he was in front of his computer working late on a project due the next day. "What's going on?" he thought to himself. He realized that he was in another world and that the human race was an inferior race on the verge of extinction since the Earth was taken from them by other races. The humans vowed to take revenge one day. Altair finally found the opportunity to fulfill his dream of becoming the most powerful warrior, especially when one night... [Beep...Welcome to the pocket dimension]

Le_Merwen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 3

The next day at school, the headmaster gathered all the newly awakened.

"Dear students, I have bad news for you. In other human cities, students were able to awaken before you because the delivery of awakening seeds was faster. I even heard that some geniuses were even already at an advanced level apprentice genetic warrior or even close to becoming a genetic warrior. »

The students began to panic. How could he have a chance of finishing at the top of the rankings if other students put them two power ranks ahead. It's just unthinkable.

"Like I said, other than those with rich families, you don't stand a chance. This is why a tournament will be held this afternoon between all of you. The top hundred in the leaderboard will get ten bottles of Advanced Apprentice Rank Elixir to quickly increase their rank, and the top ten in the leaderboard will receive a physical skill of their choice from the library. Your future is in your hands. resumed the headmaster.

With these words, he turned and left the room accompanied by the other teachers, leaving the students in shock.

"A tournament?? I'm going to get ready immediately so much the worse for the lessons"

"I agree the bottles of elixirs are too important"

"Quick quick quick, every second is precious. »

The students scrambled to leave for practice before the start of the tournament that afternoon. Altaïr shook his head in amusement.

"It's too late to train now," he said.

A laugh then sounded behind Altaïr. A young boy in a dashing outfit was taunting the other students with his subordinates.

"You can run around you idiots, you can't do anything in front of me. My family gave me all the necessary resources and I am already an intermediate apprentice. Nobody can beat me in this school"

The others stopped running to look at him with jealousy and anger. The insults even started to fall on him but that only made him laugh even harder.

Altaïr shook his head.

"He's just a frog in the well but he allows himself to be arrogant," he sighed before going to eat a can of food at home. Food is the only important thing in life. Thinking about it Altaïr hurried to go home if the food that awaited him was going to be very bland.

Time passed quickly until the start of the tournament. Altaïr with the hood on his head did not even look at the headmaster who was speaking.

"Dear students. I announce here and now that the tournament begins. There are several arenas that have been built for the occasion and on each of its arenas, two students will compete against each other. To eliminate the other you just have to take him out of the arena, make him unable to fight or he gives up on his own initiative. »

The rules are simple and the list of the first fights is displayed on the central screen. For students who do not have weapons, the school provides them with one of the most basic.

Altaïr checked his phone, he was only ten fights away on arena six. He sighed in boredom.

The same laughter that noon resounds then, not very far from him. Altaïr looked up.

"OSCAR, let Sammy give up, you have no right to torture him like this!" shouted a panicked student.

Yet Oscar just laughed, while Sammy at his feet, his head bleeding and the collar of his sweater in Oscar's hand preventing him from escaping, struggled to get out but in vain. Oscar two rows higher than him, difficult to get out of such a grip.

Oscar then suddenly raised a hand. A greenish, smelly substance gradually covered her. A drop of this substance fell on the floor of the arena which sizzled and melted.

The referee hesitated to stop the match, judging that it was becoming dangerous.

"Hey, you don't know who my father is? Stay in your place," threatened Oscar arrogantly.

The referee hesitated again but finally he came back to his place.

"Have mercy on him!" cried the same student again anxiously.

"His crime was resisting me, stay out of it if you don't want to suffer the same fate," Oscar replied.

Altaïr shook his head seeing this scene, he looked up at the headmaster and the other teachers and he noticed that he was pretending not to see anything.

"Well his dad must have a hell of an influence"

Altaïr walked away from the stage to a corner where no one would see what he was doing. He then summoned a mini tornado that was the same size as the palm of his hand but he compressed its power to the maximum so that no blades of wind escape and do damage. When Altaïr was satisfied, he threw the mini tornado quickly, right at Oscar.

She quickly made her way and she placed herself right in between before suddenly expanding and unleashing her power. Oscar and Sammy were both cast opposite.

Oscar due to his superior physical condition managed to withstand the tornado before Sammy fell.

Altaïr when he saw this, revoked his power.

" WHO DID THIS ??!!! Oscar yelled in rage.

Everyone ignored him and the competition continued. No matter how much he kept yelling at everyone after what he did, every student looked down on him and ignored him.

Altaïr sat back down on one of the chairs and took the opportunity to doze off a little, after all his fight was several rounds away.

Finally after several rounds without twists, Altaïr got up to join the arena. He climbed the three steps and put his foot on the first stone slab. He raised his head, his icy blue eyes gazing coldly at the blonde-haired girl who had just appeared in front. She shivered under the invisible pressure.

" Spell. You're not ready to face me," he told her in an expressionless voice.