
Gluttonous System Holder

Thousands of years passed since humanity existed. Achieving societal evolutions through modern technologies made human capabilities advance further to the extent that humans started inhabiting the nearest habitable planet Mars, and even go beyond residing the habitable satellites, while extracting usable minerals and materials from other celestial bodies in the entire solar system they've known for centuries. There existed unbalanced treatment between poor and rich that should have been resolved throughout the decades but greed took over the social structure after the founding new Earth Era executives died and succeeded with unworthy executive candidates. ---- While rich people enjoy living the life beyond fullest, the poor were scattered throughout the forsaken realms of the Earth, and got to live modestly while enduring the scarcity of supplies needed, neither the human organizations nor rich considered these forsaken inhabitants as human. One starry evening on one of the Earth's forsaken realm - Hellish Pit, there a lone forsaken inhabitant got abandoned by his adult companions. He's Neil, just turned 5 years old the day he was left alone in one of the considerably deserted island among the lands known as Forsaken Realms. Aside from Technological advancements, humans did evolved a step further when it comes to capabilities. Rich people were amongst the talented individuals, possessing their innate evolutionary talents, aided by technology they can afford and prestigious schools to attend, they enhanced these talents well, on the other hand, amongst poor, there were also some promising people and hence the scattered forsaken guilds often invest money on procuring aiding technology and books to hand over with these people while those devoid of luck amongst themselves got abandoned in places that forsaken realm inhabitants wouldn't even dare to think about residing. It was due to their quite irrationally rational thinking, - building their forsaken society made of strong people bound to yield greater good than keeping those untalented individuals. Aside from the lack of technology, humans still need to think about their basic necessities after all, such as food and water, though forsaken people adapted well enough in their environment, this isn't something that can be taken lightly when it comes to food and water supply. The strong must survive - says the founding and current leaders in the forsaken realm. Neil, a innocent, loving, intellectual child that just got 5 years old was abandoned after his father who was the head of Resistor Forsaken Realm Organization - one of the big organizations existed in the forsaken region, got assassinated, while his mother died after giving him birth. With his mom long gone, and his father's sudden death, there was no one to take care of him nor the high-ranking executives of organization wants too. Discarding the successor of the organization is the best way to relieve their greed after all, all these high executives have to do was fake the child's death, and the lower ranking people can't do anything about the situation than to be bound by the greedy new highest executives of the most respected and fair organization amongst the running company in the land of desolated people. Neil the unsuspecting child who lacks the protection from dangers of the world in a such a young age got himself shut from things he deserves. Now being left alone, scared, and hungry, his adventure begins.

AgWrites · 奇幻
4 Chs


Everything's going worse, the Fox faction started to move and make use of the Ram Society's current situation like a fox aiming towards an injured prey, they're drooling to take over the land they wanted.

"The scale of damage rapidly increases, the military department retaliation unit did their best but aside from these two greed-lead organizations, our reckon unit spotted a number of free guild and lone mercenaries trying to benefit from this chaos," reported by Military Council to the executives board members.

Arel tried to resolve things but such surprise turn of event did take away their chance of counterattack being successful. Just the meager time they waste arguing the more land of Ram Domain slowly conquered by the Viper and Fox faction, and the more resources they've been robbed of by the opportunistic non-organization affiliated forsaken fighters.

Arel who grew tired listening with the bullshits of some of the council members then walked away from the meeting room. He can't waste time consulting his security unit and just decided to went back his private office.

He took and wore his battlesuit, armed himself with the weapon he kept at his office, and immediately departed into the battlefield.

Little did Arel knew that it was a dangerous decision, even worse, going without his security team, and not getting further updates from the military communication. He just wanted to win this battle himself, and if ever, try to negotiate things with both the Fox and Viper Firm.

He arrived the area, and was greeted by a peaceful scenery rather than a bloody battlefield as per the last report.

Furthermore, there's not even a sign of destruction to any of the buildings around, a sign that a battle did not even commence in the area.

"What's happening---", he said to himself, a bit relieved yet confused.

Aside from that, there's no one around, just the breeze of the wind, and the considerably illuminating night sky.

He gazed above, and tried to feel the presence within the area, and just a few moments, his enhanced senses did detect someone behind him, just a few meters away. The presence was of a familiar person, and he thought that the person knew about his departure so decided to follow him for his security.

"I am quite surprised to see this too... aren't you the same? A bit relieved but confused that the reports were not true, are there some mistakes with the location?", Arel asked while standing still and gazing above the skies, feeling that a little portion of his burden dissipated.

The familiar person he sensed did not mutter a single word, and so Arel was about to turn his gaze towards the man.

Arel suddenly spouted blood coming from his mouth, and the stinging pain that passed through his body, circulated unbearable burning feeling with all his senses.

"Why-- wh-- y-- I... I..h...ow can u do th--", he muttered while realizing that someone he trusted more than Jeric betrayed him.

Arel took his last breath...


A day after


The council was frustrated as per the report they receive, things escalated further and their Head, Arel, was nowhere to be found. They thought that maybe he went somewhere to request help at the humanity origin firm, the nearest safe haven located in the safe regions on Earth but little did they know that their head was already dead.


The tension grew stronger within the council since Arel's presence did wipe their confidence, and largely, these fool executives being overly dependent with their head's wise decision making was all they were good at.


A military personnel came in the scene, and silenced everyone.

It was none other than the military head minister, accompanied by elite military commanders to protect him.


The military minister stabilized the situation, and made the worrywart executives lie in confidence with the might of Ram faction's military prowess.


A day earlier


Before Arel finished his last breath, he reminisce the days he spent with his lover, the maiden who stole his heart. Even without words, his heartaches badly as he failed to keep his promise for long enough, the promise to raise their child well, and become an independent strong person who can protect himself from dangers of the world.


Back at the Ram HQ


The military minister said that they will be sending the young heir of the Ram Society into safety, as per reports said that Arel, made some negotiations with the human origin organization, and taking their future leader to safety is a must.

The board executives were quite disagree with such action because they can't fully trust the human origin organization and most of them believed that the young heir, Neil, would be safer here at the main building. Some foolish fellows did thought that their head, Arel was nothing more than just a coward on the run to his safety, and selfishly save himself from hassle.

"That bastard! He's just a coward! Dare to hide and take his child to safety while we are afraid of our security! What a irresponsible leader!", A senior executive member shouted.

"Stop your nonsense! Dare to mock our head?! U can't even slay a rat monster! You blasted old hag! You can't get that position if isn't for your father who thought letting you succeed his title be a good thing before that senile old man died!", Angrily replied by a loyal higher-ranking executive member.

The change of harsh and nonsensical words continued and when the military minister had enough, he threw a powerful punch into the meeting table that instantly bent its metallic surface. It was then that silence echoed the meeting room, and the dominating presence of the military minister shut everyone's mouth.


A few hours passed


It was an exhausting afternoon. The skies were cloudy, whe the trembles around the farthest sides of the northern and western most land continued to portray a brutal fight.

Jeric, Arel's dearest friend, one of the commanders accompanying the military minister was tasked to take his friend's son to the eastern Ram stronghold region where he'll be meeting the transportation unit that will send Neil into the Human Origin Firm. Before departing, Jeric was told by the Military Minister not to waste more time that he should be after meeting the actual group that will send Neil to safety since his strength's needed to defend against the aggressors, not even after the military minister finished, he just walked away, and head to Neil's private room at the headquarters.

He remembered the things Arel told him if ever Neil will be transported to some other safety lands or organizations for protection, though he wasn't sure about what to believe anymore, he still fulfilled such request Arel made.

Back at his office, there's a vault, and only Jeric knows of the code, he immediately took what's inside. It was just a pocket bag with somethings inside, even though he's curious, he dare not peak what's inside of it. He also packed some supplies for Neil, many things that he thought necessary to bring with the child, and a lot more just in case his premonitions came true. He stored everything in a special device called Space Medallion.

Space Medallion:

Quality: High

Durability: Worn out

Item grade: Pre-advance grade

Space medallion is one of the signature modern technologies developed by humans. Though it was one of the old version of inventories around that can warp things and store in a special space. It's still precious for the people living in the forsaken realm.

The Space Medallion owned by Jeric is one of his valuable treasures. He decided to keep the supplies and things he packed for Neil in it to avoid getting himself from unnecessary hassle thinking that if something sketchy is really happening these packages will be taken back if found out. He also stored the treasure left by Neil's father in it.

He went to Neil, and before getting ready for departure, he gave Neil the medallion and made the kid wore it. Prepared with everything they then went into the base's flight car garage.

The base only had 3 units of flying cars for transportation, and he already asked permission to use one for the trip.


While on the journey, Jeric told somethings with Neil. Despite the young age, he knew that Neil can understand things better than average kids, even smarter than 15-year-olds.


An hour and a half passed


The trip ended, and they finally reached their destination, the eastern Ram stronghold. It was Neil's first venture around the domain, and he was quite amazed. Seeing the medium-sized structures around the territory gave him amazement but the kid knew something wasn't right around, as the area seemed covered by dark smokes that prevent the sunlight from ever reaching the ground. From the farthest distance beyond the Ram Domain, Neil saw huge structures, shined by the light of the sun, beautiful colors showed. Big ships around, lights from the buildings, and inferred that it was likely a land full of joy and peace. He was amazed of things he had never seen before but was not ignorant of such things as he studied the landscape of their territory, even the extending areas, and these newly seen things doesn't surprise him but amazed as it was his first time seeing them in person from just studying and knowing them kn books. What Neil was still ignorant about was about the prejudice happening, and the fight for survival in the place he's born. He knew about monsters, he knew about innate abilities but he doesn't knew about humans treating and seeing forsaken realm inhabitants less than a brainless mutant monster.


"Neil, we are finally here, like I remind you earlier, don't lose that medallion, I keep important things of yours there, and don't tell anyone about it, such thing is even more valuable for the military, if they knew it, they'll take it from you, won't you be sad, right? That's my gift for you, it's your birthday today, and you should know that your father's gift was inside that too! Keep it safe no matter what, little brave fighter!", Jeric said in a warm and loving tone to Neil who was burning with a cute smile.

Though quite rare, Jeric always showed his warm expressions with this kid. And as a matter of fact, Jeric is the older brother of Neil's mom. The kid had similar eyes as his sisters, and everytime he see those eyes, he wanted to protect what's left of his younger sister.

Neil hugged his uncle Jeric and replied, "Thanks uncle, will dad be there? Who will be there with me?"

"He should better be there with you brat! A brave man should know how to be independent at a young age!", Jeric said unsure of what to answer with the Kid's piercing question.


The flight car then landed, and they immediately headed inside the eastern base.

Jeric then reported that they reached the Eastern Ram Stronghold, and did not face any difficulties or problems along the way.