

A sudden bomb-like noise echoed throughout the forsaken Realm: Resistor Domain. The noise came from a far, and it was one of the considerably powerful shock blast since the world fell into chaos. Such a blast pack the power of a nuclear bomb that caused the nearby area shaken by its power. It was followed by a strong impact and vibration sound that almost mimic an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.


A day later


Main Headquarters of Resistor Forsaken Realm Organization

The high ranking executives and chief of the Resistor Forsaken Realm Organization or also known as the RAM of the central region conducted emergency meeting a day after the unprecedented event the previous day happened. It was urgent enough for the company's current Head summoning all of the high ranking executives of their firm.

The magnetic shield protecting our domain suffered severe damage from the recent shock blast and was found that it was caused by a grand destruction scheme from either nearby hostile forsaken realm organizations or the small clubs wanting to initiate some destruction and wait for opportunity to lot evacuated areas rather than just a normal shock blasts caused by the superior level mutant animals running wild in farthest east side of our territory. With weaken defense, our organization's military minister did anticipate attacks from other company such as the Voltage Forsaken Land Society (VIPER of the west) who's aiming to expand their territory and conquer the far areas on our domain's west sector, and even less likely, the military minister did expect the Power Realms of the Forsaken Region Corporation (FOX of the north) to do some movements since they are still eyeing for the farthest area of our northern most areas to build their new main headquarter, the military minister considered that they less likely commence such activity as per the military minister's judgement was due to the fact that half of their board executives agrees with our treaty proposal, such decision might ruin the agreement but since half of their board members disagrees with it and would rather choose to form some treaty with the Viper faction, there might be internal conflict happening within their organization, said by Elie - Military minister's proxy.

Majority of the present high-ranking personnel remained their silence, while their organization Lead, Arel, became frustrated with this news. They were currently on a disadvantageous position as to not found reasons, their domain suffered succeeding mutant beasts attacks the last few days that greatly exhausted their military power, and just recently found out that there might be high-ranking executives that betrayed their union, which he learnt through secret one-on-one talk with the military minister just a few hours ago before he headed into the meeting area.


"Everything's progressing well", message delivered by unknown traitor of Ram organization to a contact Viper Faction military personnel.

"You did great, I assure that you'll be getting a nice higher-ranking position when things ended very well...

keep up the good work but still, our faction's grand plan's about to happen later, don't slack and make sure you do your part well--", replied by the unknown Viper faction's high-ranking military commander.


A few hours later


Arel who was busy doing some necessary paper works at his private office, reviewing some budget plan to resolve their security crisis sighed in the midst of his budget reallocation decisions and while he checked new reports, he received a call from one of his trusted confidants.

3D communication device ringing - - -

He immediately accepted the call, and Jeric's 3D hologram greeted him.

Jeric's eyes were as calm as ever, still accompanied by the man's emotionless expression, such a fierce face full of battle scars, tidy hair fixed like a office worker, with his younger appearance despite being as old as Arel.

Arel's face looked a bit more stressed since he already guessed what the report his dearest friend and most trusted confidant was about to deliver, and it's less likely be a good news. Arel's withered white hair due to stress, glimmering calm expression as ever, the thick eye brows, white eyes that seems to pierce through any hardships, just showed the gloomy changed, his fighting spirit now seemed to be a less spirited one. Though it's a fact that Arel looks better than Jeric when they're still 30 years old but things changed after such stress-free and warm leader life of Arel turned a major set back, his biggest defeat, the death of his lovely wife after giving birth with their son.

Without further formalities, Jeric immediately relayed the situation.

"As the military minister predicted, the Viper Organization's on the move",

"Our miliary prowess maintaining the far west was astronomically overpowered by such large scale movement by the Viper Military, and instead of losing cards, the military department did not retaliate and ordered the destined forces in the area to retreat back to safety,"

"As such, it's likely that the Viper Faction now starts to build their camps within that part of our domain," Jeric ended his report.

Arel took a deep breath after hearing such news. He did not expect that this will happen so early but cannot do anything than accept what was bound to happen in such situation. He also understood the decision of the military department and find it rational. Keeping the exhausted military prowess rather than fighting a losing battle is a good move, though abandoning a part of the domain cannot be decided that easily.

"Thanks for the report Jeric, and be safe buddy, hope that we will be able to minimize the loses on our side," Arel replied.

"You too, Arel, it seems that we really need to do something with the board members, it's likely that there's a traitor amongst them or worst, there are traitors within our faction, gotta end the report, I'll be doing something important, good bye --", Jeric replied.

Their call ended and both of them continued to do their necessary work.


A few hours later


It was already 7 in the evening, and things are starting to grew intense as the abrupt confrontation between the Viper and Ram faction occured at Ram's West Stronghold. Viper military's prowess was overwhelming due to numbers but the Ram faction keeps their balance due to their individual battle strengths despite being low in military personnel.

Just a few hours passed but according to the latest reports, the farthest west Ram Domain was already taken over by Viper Military and Viper camps were already spread in 4 corners throughout the area, the North Viper Camp, East Viper Camp, South and Central Camp. It's understandable that Viper was able to disperse their army within the area but what's stressing the Ram Military department was the progress of their camp building within the abandoned farthest western land, even surpassing their coordination to send reinforcement into the west military stronghold which put them at a dire situation.

Next chapter