
Force Users in MHA

The life of a boy and a girl born into the world of My Hero Academia with a strong connection to the Force. Will they live in the light or fall into the dark or perhaps they will be balanced as all things should be. I wrote this cause I felt like writing a story about a power couple. This is my second go at writing a Fan-fic so give it a read if it sounds interesting. I don't own anything in this Fan-fic but my own characters, that means I also don't own anything My Hero Academia related.

a_BMO · 漫画同人
26 Chs


[A/N: Double chapters today cause the story was really close to reaching 15k words so I figured why not. Throw me some stones if you like the story.]

(Airi's POV)

As I was getting changed in the locker room after the Quirk Assessment Test

"Hey, let's all go to karaoke after school!" Mina proclaimed presumably wanting to bond with her new classmates.

"Oh, I'm in!" Said Toru sounding excited.

"Hmm ok I'm down" I agreed

"Sorry, I can't I have to take care of my siblings Kero," Asui said sounding disappointed.

"Sadly, I also have to take a rain check as I'm needed at home." Said Momo

"Sorry guys I have to get home too," Uraraka said reluctantly.

"Karaoke huh I don't know…" said Jiro hesitantly.

"Oh, come on Jiro I don't get many chances to hear your singing," I said putting my arm around the rocker chick.

"Hmm, I guess I can go" Jiro relented.

"Hey did you two know each other before coming to UA?" Mina asked curiously.

"Hehe yep we're in a band together" I answered immediately.

"No way who's the singer?" Toru asked

"Aki of course Jiro here's too shy to do it"

"Wha- I'm not shy" Jiro argued

"Haha of course you're not." I said with a teasing smile.

"Hmm so Yuki-kun is a good singer maybe we should invite him too," Toru said

"Ok! I'll ask him," I said looking forward to his reaction.

"By the way you two seem really close are you two perhaps dating?" Mina asked oozing curiosity.

"Hehe yep we're like two peas in a pod" I responded

"No way you're really lucky Yuki-kun is like super hot," said Toru

"Haha I know right," I said puffing up my chest proudly

"You two are like a real power couple I can't believe you both tied for 1st place today" Mina said

"Haha yeah I really wanted to beat him though"

"Alright let's get going everyone already left," Jiro said as she exited the room

(Akira's POV)

I was currently waiting at the gate for Airi to arrive when I looked over I saw her waving to me while running in my direction. I was surprised to see some of the other class 1A girls trailing behind her namely Jiro, Mina, and Toru. When she was finally in front of me, I asked,


"Actually, we're thinking of going out for some Karaoke"

"Oh, ok I'll see you at home then," I said

"Ooh, you two live together how mature" I heard Mina say with a teasing smile.

"Uhh it's a long story" Airi responded rubbing the back of her head.

"Anyway, you're coming too," she told me causing me to raise my brow.

"Yeah, we wanna hear you sing," said Toru

"Yeah, mister rockstar we wanna hear those cords" Mina added.

"I see you've all gotten close, *sigh* alright let's go then," I said turning around and walking outside of school.

Walking into the private room I quickly found a seat on the couch.

"I'll order some drinks and snacks," said Toru as she picked up a menu.

"Ok, I guess I'll sing first!" Mina said picking up the tablet so she could pick a song.

"Ooh I'll sing next!" said Airi sitting next to me. Me and Jiro exchanged glances but neither of us said anything. Mina then found a song she liked and started to sing, she wasn't the best but she could stay on pitch. After she was done, they all gave her a round of applause with Toru and Airi cheering for her.

"Alright, I'm next!" Airi said jumping up and taking the mic Mina handed her.

She already had her song picked out so she quickly started the song. Honestly Airi was a great performer the only thing was her singing frankly it was just bad. She didn't lack enthusiasm but her ability to keep a consistent pitch was near nonexistent. Even though it was sung poorly I quickly recognized the song if I remembered correctly it was called "Datte Atashi no Hero" and it happened to be the first ending theme for My Hero Academia season 2. When Airi was finished she got off stage to another round of applause and handed the mic to Toru.

"Nice job Airi" Mina told her but I noticed a minor cramping in her lips as she smiled.

"I know right? Aki here says I can't sing"

"I'm just being honest," I said defending myself to which Airi responded by sticking her tongue out at me. After Toru was done singing and everyone finished cheering, she asked,

"Who's next?" Me and Jiro once again found ourselves exchanging glances.

"Come on mister professional show them your skills," Airi said with a hint of sarcasm letting me know she was still pouting over what I had said earlier.

"Yeah, we wanna see the lead singer in action!"

"Yeah, come on!" Toru and Mina added respectively.

"Alright but if I'm gonna sing Jiro you have to too," I said completely throwing Jiro under the bus

"Wha- why are you including me?" Jiro said clearly caught off guard.

"Oh, come on Jiro we all wanna hear that beautiful voice of yours," Airi said

"Yeah, come on Jiro"

"Yeah, you can't be the only person not to sing," Toru and Mina said piling on.

"Hahh fine ok," Jiro said giving up on struggling.

Stepping onto the stage I immediately started the song, I decided to match with Airi and picked another song from My Hero that I had seen on the list, namely the 1st ending song called Heroes fitting for our first day at UA.

"In this world that surrounds me and my inferior self, no matter how I re-imagine it, grasping for it… it still feels so far away.

I awoke in a dream that got further away the more I tried to get up close. That city filled with signs of daybreak, is hiding a voice within.

Wavering as I am, I'm searching for the meaning of my life amongst the darkness!

In this world that surrounds me and my inferior self, no matter how I re-imagine it, grasping for it… it still feels so far away… What must I throw away in order to reach it? No matter how many times I try to scream aloud, in the end, I'm no one but myself. No matter if this is fiction or reality, I'll surely manage to go beyond!" Once I was done, I got off the stage receiving applause from my classmates.

"Wow that was great," said Toru

"Nice job!" Mina followed up, speaking in English for some reason.

"Hehe I never get tired of hearing you sing," Airi said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. When I looked over at Jiro, she just grabbed the mic and said,

"Alright let's get this over with" Standing on the stage she quickly started the song. I guess My Hero songs are pretty popular in this world because she chose one too.

"I can't imagine you ever giving up, Though I'm sure even you have empty, miserable days.

If you think you might be facing any number of monumental efforts... The kind that comes only once in a lifetime...I wanna be there to see it!

Even if we only have one life, together we have an unlimited supply. I had nothing, but you gave me a sense of meaning. Now I'm unstoppable!"

As soon as she was done, we all immediately cheered Mina and Toru seemed to be the most enthusiastic as they hadn't heard her sing before.

"My ears are so happy!!"

"What a husky sexy voice"

"Right? Right?" Jiro's response to their compliments was to look away her face carrying a faint blush.

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