
Force Users in MHA

The life of a boy and a girl born into the world of My Hero Academia with a strong connection to the Force. Will they live in the light or fall into the dark or perhaps they will be balanced as all things should be. I wrote this cause I felt like writing a story about a power couple. This is my second go at writing a Fan-fic so give it a read if it sounds interesting. I don't own anything in this Fan-fic but my own characters, that means I also don't own anything My Hero Academia related.

a_BMO · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Battle Trial Pt. 1

The next day was our first actual day of school, walking past the upperclassman who were doing club recruitments we once again found over selves in front of the giant door to class 1A. When we entered the classroom Airi immediately greeted our classmates. I returned the greeting given to me while making my way to the seat in the back next to the window with Airi sitting in front of me.

In the morning were the usual classes taught in high school like Math taught by the hero Ectoplasm or English taught by Present Mic. These classes pretty much-bored everyone to death. For lunch me and Airi found a secluded place and ate our lunch though instead of the homemade bentos we ate in the middle we ate the food made by the Cooking Hero: Lunch Rush it was as good as the anime made it seem though I didn't know what a 'cooking hero was. Finally, in the afternoon it was time for a class I was looking forward to Hero Basic Training.

"I AM coming through the door like a normal person!!!" When we heard this every person turned their heads and immediately got excited which was a given because the person who had just walked in was none other than All Might who was basically a real-life Superman.

Taking everyone's excitement a step further he announced we would be receiving the costumes that we had put orders in for. I was excited because neither me nor Airi had shown each other the designs for our costumes. Receiving our costumes, we all immediately headed off to the locker rooms to get changed.

My costume took inspiration from the outfit that Luke wore while doing chores on the planet Ahch-To in The Last Jedi movie. I wore an all-black outfit that heavily contrasted with my white hair. It consisted of pants tucked into a pair of boots that covered my calves with a long-sleeved tunic-like shirt that went slightly passed my waist with a belt that held a couple of items including both my lightsabers, and a hooded cloak that covered my shoulders.

Walking through the entrance to Ground Beta I quickly meet up with Airi. Seeing her I instantly knew where she took inspiration for her costume from. She was dressed in an all-white bodysuit with a pair of off-white boots that covered her calves. An off-white belt that had a few compartments along with her dual-bladed lightsaber attached. She had two wide silver cuffs attached to her upper arms and an off-white hooded cloak over her shoulders. Her hair was done up in two side buns that she sometimes liked to wear.

"Padme on Geonosis from Attack of the Clones? But I see you're honoring Leia with the hair buns. Looks great" I said smiling

"Hehe yep thanks, you look great too. You're clearly channeling Luke on Ahch-To from The Last Jedi right?" She answered back with an even bigger smile plastered on her face.

Once Izuku caught up and he and Uraraka were done flirting All Might began telling us what we'd be doing for today's class. Basically, like in the anime we'd be split into villains and heroes in order to fight 2-on-2 indoor battles. Where the villains hide a faux nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout with the goal of protecting it until the time limit or catching the heroes. While the heroes have to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in within the time limit.

We were quickly split into teams by drawing lots the teams were pretty much the same as the anime. Airi ended up teaming up with Momo and I was on a team with Koda.

"Jealous that I got paired up with Momo?" Airi whispered into my ear.

"No why?"

"Cause her costume's so sexy I mean look at her"

"Well, I won't deny that… though I liked the version with the cloak it's more uh practical"

"Wow I didn't think you actually agree"

"I'd never lie to you" I whispered into her ear sounding as affectionate as I could. My actions seemed to have paid off because she just replied.

"I see…" but I could notice her cheeks carrying a slight blush.

"Would you two stop flirting All Might already picked the first two teams" Jiro said walking away towards the monitor room.

The first two matches pretty much went by as they had in the show with Bakugo letting his anger get to his head letting Izuku and Uraraka win at the last minute.

The next battle was completely one-sided with Todoroki freezing the entire building and casually walking in and capturing the payload.

The third match was a little more even with Kirishima keeping Tokoyami busy while Sero fought Tsuyu both using their superior movement abilities to outmaneuver the other. Unfortunately for the heroes the villains had the home-field advantage and Tsuyu had trouble maneuvering through the field of tape that Sero had set up beforehand allowing them to run out the clock giving them the win.

The next match was another uneven one but I wasn't surprised seeing how Airi was participating. Though there was no audio in the monitor room I could still hear her using telepathy.

(Airi's POV)

"I sense a disturbance in the force"

"Uhh, what are you talking about?" Momo asked looking confused

"Uh never mind just get ready they're coming, you set up the defenses while I go on offense," I said setting up a game plan.

"Hmm ok," Momo agreed waiting for Airi to leave before starting to barricade the room that held the payload.

'Hahaha you forgot I wasn't there didn't you' I heard Aki say in my mind, but I decided to ignore him. Quickly sensing their location using the force. Using my lightsaber, I cut a hole through the floor and dropped down to the lower one. I repeated that action till I was right above them I knew that they knew where I was due to Jiro's Quirk. Sensing they were waiting for me I didn't hesitate any longer dropping down I was quickly assaulted by a sound wave. I heard Jiro call out to Kaminari,

"Get to the weapon I'll hold her off!" I quickly block the sound wave using a Force barrier.

"Sorry Jiro no hard feelings," I told her before using Force stasis to freeze her movements. Seeing as she couldn't move enough to even talk, I walked up to her and tied the capture tape around her. Releasing her she quickly responded.

"No hard feelings my ass! that was terrifying what was that?" Jiro complained

"Sorry talk later got to go catch myself a Pikachu," I said quickly following after Kaminari.

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