
A new class of Rick: Dragon ball

Follow the adventures of the self-proclaimed Rick Sánchez in the Dragon Ball universe or multiverse. Rick, now with a new dream, won't stop until he gets to the end of his life and says he's given everything. With a system that imparts knowledge. Can Rick make a wise choice? And more over, are you ready to witness the changes made throughout the universe? ____________________________ Sigue las aventuras de el autoproclamado Rick Sánchez en el universo de Dragón ball, o mejor dicho multiverso. Rick quien ahora tiene un nuevo sueño, no parará hasta encontrarse al final de su vida y decir que lo dio todo. Con un sistema que otorga conocimientos. ¿ Podrá Rick elegir sabiamente ? Y además, estás listo para presenciar los cambios realizados a través del universo? _____________________________________ Verfolgen Sie die Abenteuer des selbsternannten Rick Sánchez im Dragon Ball-Universum bzw. Multiversum. Rick, der nun einen neuen Traum hat, wird nicht aufhören, bis er am Ende seines Lebens steht und sagt, dass er alles gegeben hat. Mit einem System, das Wissen vermittelt. Kann Rick eine kluge Wahl treffen? Und sind Sie außerdem bereit, die Veränderungen im gesamten Universum mitzuerleben? ___________________________________ #Isekai #System #MartialArts #DragonBall #Multiverse #UniversBuildings #DojoBuilding #MoreThanOneProtagonist

minombre26_ · 漫画同人
68 Chs

Normal day in Edo

At the Yorozuya, Gintoki Sakata, Shinpachi Shimura, and Kagura were starting a typical workday. As usual, Gintoki was lying on the porch, enjoying his customary morning nap.

"Wake up already, Gintoki! We have work to do," Shinpachi said, annoyed, as he swept the dust from the floor.

Kagura, with her usual energy, came out of the kitchen carrying a mountain of Pocky boxes in her arms. "Come on, Gin-chan! Today is sure to be a lot of fun."

Gintoki lazily opened one eye and sighed. "What is it now? Another old man looking for his lost cat? Or maybe someone needs their windows cleaned?"

"No, this time it's something different," replied Shinpachi while looking at a paper in his hand. "We have several tasks pending, and they all seem... complicated."

"Complicated? What kind of problems can be so complicated for us?" asked Gintoki as he got up sluggishly, stretching.

Kagura dropped the Pocky boxes and approached, excited. "Look, Gin-chan! A 'Wanted' poster! And it seems they're offering a good reward."

Gintoki took the poster and examined it with interest. "Mmm... looks like they're looking for a group of bandits causing trouble in the market. What else is there?"

"There's also a request from a merchant who needs protection for his shop. He says he's been receiving threats," added Shinpachi.

"And another one, to find a lost child in the park," said Kagura as she pulled another sheet from the stack.

"Well, looks like we have a busy day ahead," said Gintoki, resigned. "I guess I can't keep sleeping. Let's go, guys, to work."

The group left the Yorozuya and headed first to the market, where the bandits had reportedly been seen last. Upon arrival, they found absolute chaos: overturned stalls, goods scattered everywhere, and frightened merchants.

"There they are!" one of the merchants shouted upon seeing Gintoki and his team. "Please, help us! Those bandits are stealing everything."

Gintoki nodded and headed towards the center of the market, where a group of burly men were looting the stalls.

"Hey, you guys! Didn't anyone teach you manners?" shouted Gintoki, drawing his wooden sword. "Stop stealing and face me!"

The bandits turned and laughed upon seeing Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura. "You and what army?" one of them mocked.

"This army!" replied Kagura, brandishing her umbrella. Shinpachi raised his sword and prepared for the fight.

With a quick series of moves, Gintoki lunged forward, striking the bandits with his wooden sword. Shinpachi and Kagura joined the fray, each fighting with determination.

The battle was intense but didn't last long. Soon, the bandits lay on the ground, defeated.

"That was easy!" said Kagura, smiling.

"Yes, but we still have a lot to do," replied Shinpachi, looking at his watch.

"Let's move on to the next job," said Gintoki, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Today is going to be a long day."

The group then headed to the shop of the merchant who had requested protection. Upon arrival, they found the merchant nervous, constantly looking over his shoulder.

"Are you from the Yorozuya?" the merchant asked, relieved. "Thank heavens you're here. I've been receiving threats from some thugs who want to extort me."

"We're here to help you," said Gintoki with a confident smile. "Don't worry, those thugs won't bother you anymore."

Just then, the shop door burst open and a group of menacing men entered. "There you are, old man! It's time to pay what you owe!"

"Not so fast!" said Gintoki, stepping in between. "If you want trouble, you'll have to go through us."

Another fight broke out, but like in the market, Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura proved to be more than a match for the thugs. After a brief but intense struggle, the thugs were expelled from the shop.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" said the merchant, deeply grateful.

"It's our job," replied Gintoki modestly. "Now, about the payment..."

After ensuring that the merchant was safe, the group headed to the park to look for the lost child. They searched everywhere, asking passersby and checking every corner of the park.

Finally, Kagura found the child crying behind a large tree. "Are you okay?" she asked gently.

The child nodded, sobbing. "I got lost and can't find my mom."

"We'll take you to her," said Shinpachi, smiling. "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

After reuniting with the child's mother, who was desperately looking for him, the group returned to the Yorozuya, exhausted but satisfied.

"Well, guys, we did a good job today," said Gintoki, collapsing on the porch. "But I think I deserve another nap."

Shinpachi shook his head. "Maybe another day, we obviously kept the mother and son waiting all morning."

Kagura caught Shinpachi's negativity and added, "That lady spent all day looking for her son in the park and couldn't find him! I think she wanted to abandon the child! And the kid is a crybaby, if he had come out of the grove he could find his mother right away!"

Kagura and Shinpachi laughed as they walked home.

Gintoki, walking like a dead fish, stopped, causing the other two to crash into his back.

"Hey! Watch it, what are you doing? Looking for a fight?" the two employees exclaimed.

"Guys... I think we're being hunted," Gintoki said, pointing to a poorly drawn poster of three people.

Shinpachi approached and adjusted his glasses to look. "What are you saying! That's obviously not us!"

"No, actually, we do look like that," Kagura nodded to herself.

"Could these be the doodles drawn by today's delinquents? They've got some nerve to threaten us..." Seeing Gintoki drawing conclusions, the other two followed like good followers.

"But doesn't this seem strange to you? No reward is offered for the search," Shinpachi analyzed.

"Ha! In space, that only means one thing, either the state put up these posters hoping for free labor... or a big shot is willing to pay anything to find us." As if by magic, Kagura was already dressed as a detective.

With a sigh, Gintoki tore the papers off the wall and continued his way home. "Better let's go home to rest."


On next chapter... Meeting between two protagonists.