Follow the adventures of the self-proclaimed Rick Sánchez in the Dragon Ball universe or multiverse. Rick, now with a new dream, won't stop until he gets to the end of his life and says he's given everything. With a system that imparts knowledge. Can Rick make a wise choice? And more over, are you ready to witness the changes made throughout the universe? ____________________________ Sigue las aventuras de el autoproclamado Rick Sánchez en el universo de Dragón ball, o mejor dicho multiverso. Rick quien ahora tiene un nuevo sueño, no parará hasta encontrarse al final de su vida y decir que lo dio todo. Con un sistema que otorga conocimientos. ¿ Podrá Rick elegir sabiamente ? Y además, estás listo para presenciar los cambios realizados a través del universo? _____________________________________ Verfolgen Sie die Abenteuer des selbsternannten Rick Sánchez im Dragon Ball-Universum bzw. Multiversum. Rick, der nun einen neuen Traum hat, wird nicht aufhören, bis er am Ende seines Lebens steht und sagt, dass er alles gegeben hat. Mit einem System, das Wissen vermittelt. Kann Rick eine kluge Wahl treffen? Und sind Sie außerdem bereit, die Veränderungen im gesamten Universum mitzuerleben? ___________________________________ #Isekai #System #MartialArts #DragonBall #Multiverse #UniversBuildings #DojoBuilding #MoreThanOneProtagonist
With strong winds and heavy rain, a young man finds himself in a narrow and dirty alley.
The young man had light blue hair and eyes of the same color, he was attractive for an 11-year-old brat, an age that in turn was not noticeable due to the fact that he was a little chubby since he looked like an 8-year-old.
CLASHh! *thunder rolls*
And when it rings, the young man wakes up violently.
"Ahrgh! What the fuck? Where am I?"
The dazed boy stands up noticing that he is safe and sound in light white clothing now wet from the rain.
Feeling his body, he noticed that he had nothing on him.
As he heads to the exit of the alley he glimpses a large city.
"I am dreaming ? Why are there cars flying?"
Just when he was beginning to doubt life…
'Do not tell me? I'm reborn and do I have a system?'
Unless there is a false alarm, there is no way it is system, it was just the well-known dragon ball tournament.
"What?! I can't believe it, am I in Dragon Ball? I loved that anime but I stopped paying attention to it after GT.
What do I do now?"
'Wait a minute, am I an earthling?'
When he touched his body again and found nothing out of the ordinary, he realized that he was 100% Earthling.
'He had to check it, at this stage of the anime not all Earthlings were the same, out there where black pepole too .'
"Haha just kidding."
' Thank goodness I didn't talk while I was thinking. In any case, what I was referring to, was that there were too many furros. Seriously, I ask myself what must have happened for so many species to evolve to the humans of today.'
" Oh! Wait here there are gods, and the earth has one of its own."
After some rambling, he made up his mind.
'Good! Since I am reincarnated in this universe, I would be foolish not to pursue my dreams and pursue the strength.
I might as well start my own martial arts school and make the human race privileged in the universe. We have such powerful scientists and arts as the turtle school.
However before all this...' *Grrrrurg*
It played along with the background music.
'I need to eat.'
As he walked hungry towards the tournament, he observed the food stalls and the people crowded together, occupying rows and rows of spectators.
Just as he reached into a lady's bag to take out a wallet, the cheers around him largely faded away as a high-pitched beep sounded again.
-Welcome to the world of dragon ball!
You won a reborn ticket by winning a lottery in the afterlife with an information system!
Purchase information in exchange for experience points earned by winning battles, training, and performing feats beyond normal! Get over yourself and have fun!
...: 'Heee I don't know what to think.'
As he took money out of the wallet and put it back in its place, he ran out of the crowd.
"Hello system?"
After another beep, he heard:
-Please host mention your questions, you will only have the next few minutes to receive help assistance.-
"How much information is available?"
-All the human information known through the multiverses.
However, the less you know about a topic, the more it will cost.-
"Are there any benefits for newcomers?"
-you got only a balanced body and mind that helps in the compression of the information acquired by any method.
Along with the universal mortal language.-
"That's all?"
-Yes just that.-
"I can not think of anything else. Yeah right! Is my mind protected?"
-Only your last life and the existence of the system would be hidden unless told-
"And I have another last question, are there more reincarnated people?"
-Yes, of all the universe 7, they usually reincarnate through the afterlife.-
"No! I mean time travelers."
-There is also, but it is dangerous and there are usually people who are in charge of protecting the barriers between dimensions.-
"Ok...? Okay, I didn't know that part, but I didn't mean that either. Are there other travelers from the multiple multiverse or omniverse or whatever it is with a system?"
-I don't know but this universe is now protected until your assistance runs out.-
"Oh boy, that makes me paranoid.
In any case, will the system be updated at some point?"
-No. Time is over.-
"Oh?! Hello Hello hello…!"
'True, what happens to my identity? And my name? Meh... fuck it, I can manage it putting one myself. How about Alexander the Great? Der Führer? Obama?'
'Mickey Mouse?'
'Or simply.... Machete!?'
'No! Damn that's disgusting. He's cool, but only becouse he looks manly.'
'I am a littel kid with blue hair. OH! I know! I'll call me Rick Sánchez! But the one who, instead of science, achieves everything through struggle.'
'Maybe i create my own dojo.'
'It doesnt have sense, but HEY! IM IN DRAGON BALL!'
'Although it is a bit cheesy to copy someone's name, he is someone respectable, well actually not entirely, but that wouldn't matter since I am my own person and not the well known Rick.'
'Hahaha now I have a protagonist's name,
Protagonist system.'
'Goal for the protagonist and I'm missing the protagonist's wife. Well I'll include it in my goals.'
'So! I'm also missing a Morty!'
'Nah! Let my students be Mortys.'
'The Mortys can be cool... Some of them.'
Upon arriving at the food stall that sold hot dogs, Rick handed over the money and ordered a few to eat from the man with the horse face like Bojack Horseman.
"And tell me sir, is there anyone famous in the wrestling ring?"
"You do not know? This is the eighth tournament in which the world's strongest master Muten Roshi has participated!"
"How did that happen, I thought this old man was only interested in tranquility and women?"
"Hey, I'll tell you a secret. You see, a decade ago the king of the continent led his army against Master Muten Roshi to discover how he possessed immortality.
Seeing that they couldn't beat him and they couldn't get anything out of each other, Master Roshi proposed a challenge: for a decade in a row, a martial arts tournament would be held, where the strongest fighters in the world would be sent to fight in a ring.
If they beat him in a decade, he will tell his secret. And if not, he will be given an island untouchable by any country, kingdom or force to rest on, however he himself will have no restrictions on where he can travel."
"Wow! and how did you know about that ?"
"Ha ha! I'm glad you ask my friend!
What is your name?"
"I'm Rick, nice to meet you sir."
"Well Rick, I'm the old one known as
The mountain thief Artem, without a surname.
In any case, I fought in the first tournament and was personally hired.
I gave up fighting in exchange for a stable life after my defeat.
I was crushed with a punch.
And since I was an evildoer whom they hired because they needed it, when I lost my courage I did not receive help from the king, so I couldn't heal myself.
Now I see how that challenge is about to be fulfilled in favor of Roshi.
I would expect to see the frustrated face of that mangy decrepit dog, but he died a year ago of natural causes, however the bet still stands."
'OMG, so that old man may be tougher than he looks,' Rick thought.
'I'm not sure but I think this is an opportunity'
Rick reacted and then looked intensely at Artem.
"Hey Artem!"
"I want to be a martial artist, teach me what you know, please." Rick said as he bowed.
"You! do you know what you're saying?"
"Yeah! I'm sure !"
'Besides, I don't know any other martial artists.'
"Well, I wouldn't mind, it's good that my martial arts are passed on to the next generation." Artem sighed.
'That easy ? Brilliant. I already have where to start.'
"Man, what martial arts do you know?"
*Uhfff*Artem sighed.
"I am 44 years old! So that you know and have mastered 4 martial arts and develop them even more than what they taught me."
"That really only qualifies you as a martial arts master."
"What did you say brat?!"
"Oh nothing! haha!"
' After all, not everyone is qualified to call themselves my teacher.'
"Now!... well follow me, it's getting late. Let's talk more at my house, I will introduce you to my family, my martial arts and then you do a student ceremony. "He said as he turned around and shook his hand.
"Help me put away the hot dog cart."