
Makoto's date

"Ei, are you sure?" asked a nervous Makoto, looking at herself in the mirror. "I am still not used to our new body, it feels a bit weird after living in that puppet for a few years".

She was going to go on a date today with Kenshin, and she was preparing for it.

"I already told you Makoto, it doesn't matter what you wear, what matters is that you are ready for the battle" Ei gave a very Ei-like recommendation. "And there is no way for me to let my body grow fat".

"What battle are you talking about?" asked confusedly Makoto. "Never mind, I don't want to hear it".

Kenshin gave them the opportunity to craft a new body for Makoto so the sisters wouldn't need to share a body, but surprisingly, it was Makoto who refused. She didn't want to reveal her existence openly to the world, fearing that someone would realize that she had revived, and Ei decided to 'move in' with her in a new body made of flesh

They were twins, so their body was the same.

EI was growing even stronger now, as advanced as the puppet's body was, it was just that, a puppet. Now that she had a body exactly the same as the one she had discarded, her spars were even more satisfying for her, as she could feel the perspiration of her body, the effort of her own muscles and the euphoria of the adrenaline rush, things that in the puppet's body were absent.

"What are you going to do? You never told me about it" said Ei from the interior of the Plane of Euthymia.

"Well....." Makoto was embarrassed to say it. "I thought of doing a ceremony like people in our time had".

"....." Ei didn't answer.

"W-What's wrong?" asked a nervous Makoto. "It's bad?".

"I don't know" that was all Ei could tell Makoto.

"....." Makoto was worried now. She had seen how radiant Sara had been this week, and she quickly realized what happened, she wasn't 2000 years old for nothing, even if now Sara was her sempai. She wanted to have a nice date with Kenshin too, even if it didn't mean going "What do you mean?" asked Makoto a bit calmer, twirling in front of the mirror. She wore a kimono exactly the same pattern as the one Ei wore, but in lighter shades. It was the same type of kimono she wore in her times, even before the Archon War.

"I would enjoy this kind of calm ceremony with him" Ei admitted. "But I would prefer something more physical, like a fight or exploring a nearby island. It's not that I think your plan is bad, it's just that your way of interacting with Kenshin is different than mine" explained Ei, strangely coherent about this topic.

"But I know he likes a lot Inazuma's history and we are living history after all".

Makoto couldn't help but wear a dark face upon hearing that.

"I regret asking you" muttered Makoto, ignoring the perplexing feeling she was sensing from her twin sister. "I will tell Kenshin to read a book to you on your next date".

"What are you talking about?" asked a confused Ei. "I didn't have a single date with him".

"What do you call all those battles you are having with him?" asked Makoto with a scoff. Ei could talk all she wanted, but she had sometimes gone to see their 'battles', and they were anything but.

They were certainly violent, and Makoto had to watch from afar or she would turn into ashes. Again.

But what she felt from Ei was the same sense of gratification she herself had after a particularly good date. That sense of contentment and satisfaction that left you with warm feelings, and wanting for more.

In Ei's case, it came as a rush of adrenaline, that once ended, she had a soft smile on her face. 

That's why Makoto thought that her sister just had a different way of showing affection, but that made her sad.

The first month since she came back, Ei didn't release her for a single second, as if she was afraid that Makoto would disappear. It broke Maloto's heart to see that her normally strong-headed sister was acting like a frightened child.

But she could see how Ei's mind was recovering the broken fragments now rejoining each other under Miko's and her help. She was the one who could help Ei the most mainly because she was the main reason for her current situation, but Kenshin came in close second.

Ei had suffered a lot these 500 years, and while Makoto was someone she loved, Kenshin had been a part of this turbulent period.

He shared a bit of this dark age, and even the darkest one, where Inazuma was near collapse. And Kenshin had been the one to defy Ei when nobody else dared, knowing that he would die. In fact, the only reason Kenshin was here today was that Ei's chivalry made her 'invite' him to the Plane of Euthymia.

So Kenshin was someone Ei recognized, something rare these days. Ei appreciated Sara as a loyal subordinate, she appreciated Miko as her friend and familiar, and loved Makoto as her sister.

But the only one Ei recognized was Kenshin, as he had beaten her in her own game, a duel. Something nobody else could do.

Makoto knew the truth of the duel, Kenshin had lost, he himself told her about it. But Ei didn't realize it due to her mental state, and Makoto was not going to correct her.

Kenshin was someone walking side by side with Ei, and that was helping her a lot.

Their frequent duels were forging Ei anew, making her remember those happy times she had avoided thinking about for 500 years.

How could she be indifferent towards Kenshin?

Makoto knew how stubborn her sister was, but she would let her sister realize it for herself. They had all the time they could need.

And maybe seeing her get 'frisky' with Kenshin could get Ei interested.

"Whatever you say Ei" Makoto rolled her eyes.

"Just....." Ei didn't know how to say it. "Just tell me beforehand".

Sharing a body was weird, and when Makoto occasionally kissed Kenshin, Ei didn't know how to feel. When she later took control of the body, her lips were still warm, and it made her conflicted.

But she didn't dislike it.

And Makoto knew it.

"My little sister, who could split an island in half is embarrassed by a little kiss?" Makoto didn't have that many opportunities to tease her sister, and she wasn't going to waste it.

"..." Ei didn't reply and started meditating. She wasn't embarrassed, it was just that she felt conflicted.

"Why aren't you answering Ei? Maybe tonight I will have a long hot kiss with him" Makoto said with a teasing smile.

Ei kept meditating trying to make her thoughts drown her sister's mockery.

She already knew where the relationship would end anyway.


"And maybe even have some special moment" Makoto said covering her red cheeks with her hands. "You know, this kimono can be worn off quite easily, maybe I will ACCIDENTALY trip with something and-"

Makoto looked at the voice who had answered her earlier and saw Kenshin standing there while nodding sagely.

"It is a good plan and one I approve of. Go on, let me taste your ACCIDENTAL nakedness" Kenshin opened his arms with his eyes closed.

Makoto felt her face turn red.

"H-How much did you hear?" she quietly asked.

"I don't know why would you think that's important" replied Kenshin opening his eyes again. "The worst was at the end".

Makoto fell to her knees while covering her face with her hands.

"But in case you are wondering" Kenshin approached and seated next to her. "Since you said that I should read a book to Ei on our next date. I will try it".

"We are not having dates" Ei came to control the puppet, and Makoto didn't oppose it as she wanted to disappear for a while.

"Of course not" Ei agreed with a nod at Kenshin's words. She was glad Kenshin was a smart man. "We only have meetings where a man and a woman, alone, without anyone near, make their bodies clash and get sweaty together relishing the pleasure of mutual stimulation".

"I don't like the way you put it" Ei muttered looking at Kenshin with a frown.

"But I didn't lie" Kenshin waved her concern. "Don't worry I will start using my sword soon enough".

Ei felt her face darken hearing such a crass comment.

"You can't beat me, what are you going to do?" asked mockingly Kenshin.

"...." Ei felt her face darken even more. It was true, he couldn't beat him.

She had improved by leaps and bounds, and she now was able to dodge or block absolutely everything Kenshin threw at her unless he made the Plane of Euthymia explode or something like that.

But the same was true for Kenshin, he could hole up and she couldn't reach him.

A few months ago, she could be assured that if she decided to beat him up, the only thing she needed to do was not let him enter the Plane, knowing that if she didn't let him enter the Plane of Euthymia, she could easily beat him.

But when Yae taught him how to use his own Plane, she couldn't even do that.

Her only chance was to sneak on him or approach him so fast Kenshin didn't have any time, but who could sneak up on Kenshin?

His vision range didn't stop growing, and he could see through walls or even the ground. And what's even more, a soul as strong as Ei's was shining like a beacon. As fast as Ei was, Kenshin had enough time to deploy his own plane. He only needed a thought after all.

So Ei found herself in a situation she had never found herself in; she couldn't beat someone.

She found a lot of people in her youth who she couldn't beat, Morax being one of them. But she believed that with enough time to train, she would be able to eventually beat them, she was very talented, and she knew it.

But with Kenshin, she didn't see any way for her to win. Kenshin wasn't going to get weaker, and even if she grew stronger, she was countered by Kenshin's ability.

And this frustrated her.

And this excited her.

Knowing that there was an enemy that she couldn't beat only made her excited about training more. The more difficult it was, the more interested and excited he was.

"But I understand your frustrations" Kenshin nodded, making Ei frown. The only moment Kenshin understood you was the moment he knew how to mock you hitting your weak point. "You trained for thousands of years, and a 16-year-old boy can beat you. Talk about incompetence".

Before Ei could unsheathe her sword, Kenshin slapped her on the shoulder and brought back the embarrassed Makoto.

"Ei, think about what you have done wrong while I enjoy my time with Makoto" Kenshin said in a stern tone while marking his words with a wave of his finger. "Now Makoto, leave that ignorant woman and let's have fun okay?".


"And finally we drink" Makoto taught Kenshin the steps of the tea ceremony in her time.

They were in the back garden of the Tenshukaku, watching the garden calmly.

"This is the same tea ceremony Ei and I did back in our time" explained Makoto, sitting on the border of the platform with her feet dangling in the air.

"To think people come here every day to do these grooves while jumping from rock to rock is amazing" mused Kenshin. He had seen this garden before, but it was the first time he could sit to watch it calmly, he was a busy man after all.

"You know, the ones in charge of doing this are the descendants of the same people who did it 2000 years ago" commented Makoto with an amused smile.

"Well, that specific lineage has to liven for longer than you then" Kenshin pointed out. "You have a 500-year gap after all".

"Indeed" Makoto nodded elegantly.

Kenshin thought the Shogun, meaning Ei, was elegant and refined, but it was only after he saw Makoto that he knew what the word elegance meant.

Ei made very rigid movements that looked elegant, while Makoto made mesmerizing soft and fluid movements. It was eye-opening.

"..." Kenshin wanted to ask something, but he didn't know if it was a good idea, and this kind of hesitation was strange to him.

"I don't want to talk about it" Makoto sighed, knowing what Kenshin was trying to ask. "I don't remember what being dead was like. I feel like if I focus, I can probably remember it, but I'm afraid of messing up with something".

"Then don't answer" Kenshin replied, absent-mindedly looking at the garden. "I know better than anyone that there are things in this world that we shouldn't touch".

Makoto nodded, and the 2 fell silent

"By the way" Kenshin said with a bright smile. "When are we going to dance?".

"D-Dance?" asked a shocked Makoto.

"Yes, even if I am, obviously, not as knowledgeable as you about this whole ceremony, I know that there is a dance after this" Kenshin proudly said. He loved Inazuma and its traditions so he read about these things as much as he could.

Makoto looked at Kenshin's proud expression, and couldn't help but softly smiling too.

"The, let's dance" she stood up elegantly, and extended her hand to Kenshin, who used it to pull himself up-

"Ouch!" Makoto fell on top of him. "What are you doing?!"

"Well" Kenshin awkwardly replied. "I thought you were going to pull me up".

"I just offered you a dance, why would I pull you up?" replied an indignant Makoto, standing up. "When a lady offers you her hand, it's an invitation to dance, not to 'pull you up'!"

"In my defence I have to say that you have the same face as Ei" replied Kenshin, standing up too. "And she DOES pull me up".

"She does?" asked a weirded-out Makoto. She knew how 'stingy' Ei was with offering skin contact, She would normally say something like 'standing up is also a part of being a warrior' or something like that.

"Just leave your sister aside, it's our dance" replied Kenshin, offering her his hand, which she graciously took.


"What are you doing?" Makoto had now a dark face, buried deep in Kenshin's embrace.

"When a man offers you a hand, it's for a hug" Kenshin replied with a serious face. "It's obvious".

Makoto hit his chest softly, and he released her, putting a hand on her waist in the typical pose to dance.

"Oh, you know how to dance?" inquired Makoto, standing at the precise distance to start the dance.

"No" replied Kenshin, making Makoto deadpan. "That gesture was all I know".

Makoto sighed, but she guessed this wasn't bad. She could teach him something.

"Then approach me....come on" Makoto had a smile on her face, so Kenshin decided to stop playing around and comply. "I don't bite".

"That body cut my arm, I have a bit of trauma".

"Stop joking. Now, match my steps, starting with the right one. 3, 2, 1 ....yes, like that".

They softly moved around the room, without music, but they didn't care about that. 

They were softly turning and spinning, Makoto leading the dance while they looked at each other's eyes. Kenshin thought Makoto's purple eyes, a tad pinker than Ei's, were beautiful, while Makoto thought the same about his eyes.

"What do you think of Inazuma?" asked Kenshin, who was getting familiar with the dance.

"It's still not as great as it was in our time, but it's improving" nodded Makoto.

"Don't you think you are a bit biased?" asked back Kenshin.

"Hmmm, maybe" after softly humming, Makoto replied. "I had great memories with my friends, the sakura petals were brighter, the ocean shone more, the moon was bigger. That's the impression I have".

"Well, if you were with your friends, the world was probably shinier overall" Kenshin admitted, he could understand what she meant. "But there are still Sakura trees, the moon is still there, and the ocean hasn't changed".


"It's hard" Kenshin ended her phrase while looking into her eyes. "I don't think I am able to understand how you feel about that. I saw a lot of memories from the Remnants, but they were brief".

"I don't think you will ever be able to understand it" confessed Makoto. "You were born as human, and you have a different concept of death as we gods do. You see it as a normal part of your life. You see old people, and that tells you that there is a process to life, at the end of which you die. But gods don't get old, we Erode. Death won't come to us if we are not killed or we sacrifice ourselves".

Kenshin nodded and let her vent.

"I know I died, and I remember the pain and desperation. But most of all, I regretted leaving Ei behind" Makoto rested her head on Kenshin's chest. "And when you brought me back, all my friends I knew for centuries or even a thousand years were dead. I am thankful Ei and Miko are here, but I still miss them".

"There is nothing we can do about that" Kenshin sighed.

They stood in this melancholic mood for a while, but Kenshin started leading the dance, surprising Makoto.

"And yet, we can do everything about it" added Kenshin with a smile. "Your friends are gone, and you will mourn for them. But look at us now, I don't think even in your wildest dreams you would have imagined this situation".

"No" Makoto admitted with an amused expression.

"Right? Inazuma is still here, and it's recovering at a fast pace. It won't be the same Inazuma you and your friends live in, but it will be the one you and your new friends will live in" Kenshin added, making Makoto do a turn. "I know Shenhe is sending letters to you every day".

"Yes" said Makoto, doing another elegant twirl. "Some days she only says that she liked her food, or asks about me".

"And I know Sara usually talks with you" Kenshin said, putting his hand again on Makoto's waist.

"She asks me about how was Inazuma founded, and how were her ancestors" Makoto nodded, looking at Kenshin's bright smile.

"And Yae is, well, Yae" Kenshin said with a dramatic shake of his head. "She only knows how to communicate with half smiles and teasing remarks, but I know she appreciates you a lot".

"I know, I saw her grow" Makoto said, mimicking Kenshin's smile.

"So we might not be your older friends, but we are your new ones. You only need to start a new chapter in your life. Until now, it was Makoto, the Electro Archon and the founder of Inazuma" Kenshin said, hugging her close. "And now?".

"Hmmmm" Makoto thought for a while, she knew that the title she would say to Kenshin symbolized what she expected from her new chance at life. "The other girls' friend, Miko's confidant, and Ei's sister. And Kenshin's lover".

"Well, that's a big jum-"

Makoto had the impulse to kiss him, and that's what she did.

She felt that she could now pass the page, and start anew.

She wasn't as driven as she was 2000 years ago, if she had to establish a new nation, she probably wouldn't have the energy or the drive. That alone made her realize that she was not the same Raiden Makoto she was in the past.

She lost her Inazuma, her friends and even her life.

But she gained a new Inazuma, new friends and a new life she decided to use more freely now.

Inazuma no longer had an Archon, and the world was changing.

Snezhnaya was starting to move, Morax was about to retire, Barbatos was, well, Barbatos, and it was now the Age of Humans after the vast majority of races had declined, like tengus, onis, youkais and Adeptus. 

So she felt that he could take a step forward. If the Makoto that died was a womanbusy with ruling Inazuma and having fun with her friends, she could now look for a little bit more stability. Basically, moving to the next step of her life.

She separated her lips from Kenshin, who looked at her with a raised eyebrow and smiled brightly.

Her first bright smile since she came back.
