
ML: She is here.

Val entered the library and walked slowly to the front counter. An older woman stood there. He read that her name was Ms Chen.

He had given up his shop and account to be standing here. Last night he met her. A stange funny girl that made his soul sing. His mate. Gene that girl had driven a hard bargain. He had given up everything and gotten her. He felt like he was winning.

"Hello. Can I help you?"

"Can you help me find a little lady cover in paint? I have something to give to her."

That is of course me, my body and my heart thought Val as he walked forword. Humans weren't too smart when it came to danger.

"Oh, of course. She's right upstairs. The first floor to the back by the window."

He flashed her a quick grin and nodded. Turning to where she said his Lina would be. He cast out his senses, suddenly picking up a nervous scent and fluttery heartbeat. He looked down the aisle leading to the back of the room, just catching a shapely behind that was full and round and so very tempting as it crawled the corner away from him.

In a few large steps, he was near her. A row of books was all that divided them. He thought of what Gene the new boss of the cafe had said to him after he agreed to her terms. Don't mate her yet.


They will find her and kill her for her magic. It was magic that was because of him. They were link but she was still young and new. Gene had given him a file. It was bad. Many mates had died and man priestess had died too. There was no way to stop them. Since they didn't know who or what was doing the killing just that reble vampires were involved.