
ML: My Mate

Val could hear her rushing heart and quickened breath. He could smell her delicious scent. His smile grew wider.

His little mate. Lina. She was both cautious of and drawn to him. After what happen last night, any sane human should have run too. Even worst go to the police to make a report. But she was his mate, and, even if she did not realize it then or now, she would always be drawn to him just as he could not resist her. They were one half of the soul.

He had not expected to find his mate. After a few hundred years of searching he had given up. He knew of many who never found their mates in their lives, however long they lived.

In contrary he was consider a good age. Old enough to have power, but not too old to be broken. Well, he had made a few deals to live and there were dents on his should but he was still conserved to be in good shape.

But the story of her death had saddened him when Gene told him. She was a traveler of sorts. But his mark was on her skin, one that was almost complete. Made him listen to every word she told him to do.

Only a friend would have that marking, a very good one. It had cost him a lot to make it but he had for her so he would trust her. To avoid that she told him not to mate but to train her a lot. In this state strengthen the bond the fastest way he could. Make her love him don't use the mate bond to bind her said Gene.

It went against instinct but he had to do it for them. Gene had stressed the importance of love before the bond.