
We meet again.

Two hours later Lina had a book full of sketches. Some were of body parts eyes, hands torso and other were of dragons. They were all her best work. Her stalker as she referred to the man from last night that had touched her so intensely that she shivered just thinking of it. He was going to be her muse but she had to be careful. She'd her plenty of tragedy from such a man.

In her imagination, he could be after her because of a bet like in the movies or he just like the chase. He could also be a slave trafficker that was going to kidnap and sell her. Or he could be a serial killer that wanted to cut her up.

She felt a breeze of cold air and a mechanical beep as the doors to the library opened. That was unusual. Rarely did student on a desperate last-ditch effort would come in the middle of the day. She was the only one that came daily.

A tingle ran through her body as a familiar male voice came from the direction of the front counter. It made her body melt even if she couldn't quite hear the words. She set her sketch pencil down and listened.

The voice came again, louder, and her heart skipped a beat. It was the handsome stalker from last night. Today he was cloth in a black suit and the piercing and bracelets and necklace were removed. He looks like a handsome cold CEO on Qidian. The type that made woman melt and root to quickly rescue the MC.

In a hurry. She grabbed her stuff, shoved it into her messenger bag and threw it over her shoulder. She fell to her hands and knees, scrambling to the back. She wove her way through the shelves to her sheltered corner, sure that nobody could find her hidden back there. She curled up in the overstuffed chair and leaned her head back, breathing deep to try and calm her racing heart. That had been close. She needed to avoid her stalker at all cost, the man was too intense.