
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Gold Rush 2

In the distance was a large manor. The walls were a mixture of a Black and White marble. That was all that could be made out at this distance.

The gate that surround the manner had a crest. The same one that was on the clothing of Carlos and his associates.

Will looked at this and felt uncomfortable. It reminded him of the menacing shadow of the innkeeper lurking over him. Even so He steeled himself and looked forward.

Next to him was Davie. He sat like a little kid who had just climbed up a tree. His hat feel from his head but his reflexively caught it with the tip of his boots and flipped it back onto his head. This action went on for as long as he was up there.

Will was glad atleast someone was having fun.

Sitting at the base of the tree with a book in hand was Belle. She was studying more complex spells and incantations to use. She has already mastered some of the easier ones and no longer needed to voice out the entire phrase for the spell to work.

It seems like she had advanced a decent amount since she started her journey but she also noticed that the corruption Rafael spoke about.

"The voices " she muttered below her breath. Apathy slammed the book covers shut and turned to her left. Where the shade of the trees was darkest.

" Are you really just going to sleep all day?"

The girls black hair blew in the wind and as it swept over her face her eyes opened.

" This operation starts at night. Im gonna sleep until it starts"

" Suit yourself " Belle replied nonchalantly before returning to her reading. In her mind she muttered.

' Its really weird chasing after shadows in the the dark'


An owl sat perched on a tree branch its hollow concave eyes allowed it to see everything even slightly behind itself. But something was able to escape the vision of the night bird.

In the grass four shadows sneaked around. They all crouched in the grass. Taking the smallest of steps feeling the cold clay beneath their feet. One step. Two step. Three step. Four.

They inched closer and closer to the wall's of the manor. Sneakily they boosted each other up above the wall to enter the compound.

They continued their sneaky shuffle until they reached a door. It was at the back of the house and seemed to be reserved for servants. The individual leading the expedition lifted their oddly enough it was a purple haired girl with silver eyes that shined like the moon. If you were to stare at them too long they would put you in a cosmic trance.

She lifted her index finger to her lips and gestured for them to be quiet as they entered. She stood and slowly twisted the knob.

A bright light assaulted their eyes. It took a few moments to adjust. The houses interior was much brighter than the exterior.

Their figures were now made visible. Davie no longer dawned his hat he instead opted for his regular look which was his white shirt and black trousers.

Belle dressed a little inconspicuous opting for a maid like look Apathy did the same however her black hair was neatly tied into two pony tails that fell infront of her shoulders.

Lastly Will wore the clothes Virgil gave to him. He didn't wear the coat but did have his trusty " stick " in hand. He was the first to take a good look at his surroundings.

Encompassing them was all manner of jewelry and fashionable clothing. Necklaces made of rare gemstones. Handwoven Dresses with intricate designs. Paintings of lavish living and lifestyles Taxidermy models of exotic and endangered species. But what stood out to him was the animal that he had seen so many times. A gazelle.

A large statue of a gazelle made it the centerpiece of the room at the end of the hallway. Will stared at it and it gave him an odd feeling. Almost as if it was alive.

He looked around to see a plethora of people wandering in and out of the halls. It seemed as if there was a party being hosted just around the corner. He turned to the rest of the group.

" Try to blend in." However he didn't have to worry about this because Apathy and Belle already carried some aura of nobility. It was mostly Davie and himself that he was worried about.

A few minutes later....

A duo walked into the center of the Hall. The statue of the gazelle became even clearer in their vision. It was made of solid marble and Its eyes were made with an eerie gem stone. Will stared at his reflection on the eyes and was completely entranced for a second.

" Hey..."

Will felt a slight nudge of his shoulder by Davie.

" Don't get distracted. The party's this way"

The duo trotted into the spotlight of the party. Garnishing looks from all around. However their gazes were quickly averted as the saw the unkempt nature of the blue haired man. They didn't even give the childlike Individual next to him a second glance.

Davie scoffed. " Tough crowd...Why'd it have to be beautiful women?"

" and men " Will added.

Davie raised his eyebrow. " Men?"

Will gave Davie a scrutinizing look. " How many girls have you kissed captain?"

"Well-...oh-" Davie held his head low in indignation. He felt as if he was robbed or cheated in an unfair game.

A voice boomed from across the room.

" HELLO EVERYONE! ITS ME! Your dazzling and snazzling host for this event. Dr. Sombre. Some of you more gentlefolks might call me the innkeeper. Hahahaha. And if its one thing Im good at doing. Its keeping people hooked! Am i right?"

The crowd laughed but their was an odd tension in the air.