
The Great Demon Lord


Zero_Zoro_5347 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Mighty Dark Devider

Imuru got home in just a day, as he thought he could, having to just allow his horse to have brief rests.

"Ah, finally home," Imuru joyfully thought, feeling dizzy from exhaustion.

After taking that brief time to himself, Imuru got to unpacking, having a home that still needs some furnishings and repairs.

Through his unpacking Imuru enthusiastically found even a few stuff that might assist in his repairs.

Grateful to Prerent, Imuru couldn't help to think what a good guy he is.

Running through what he has to start with, Imuru begins his home furnishing.

When it comes to repairs and more technical stuff, he isn't the best, but decorating is his strong point. Taking his time to find the right atmosphere and ideal stop for everything, placing his futon near the window for the view.

Finishing up most of what needs to be done, Imuru rechecked his wagon, and found something interesting, a fishing rod.

It took him a moment to recall the thing he had in his hand, as he mostly got distracted with swinging the very flexible finishing rod around, finding it satisfying.

He releases the horse from the wagon, giving it a pat.

"You know you're an adorable thing," Imuru commented.

Imuru brings the rod over his shoulder, wondering where he could find a body of water, he could make use of this with.

So he did a bit of wandering, from his village. Climbing to the highest possible points he can find, for him to finally locate a body of water on a hill or sorts, rushing down through the forest. This pound didn't have any exact source, and Imuru wasn't too clean on taking a dip to find out if it's just that deep. 

The spot boasts a spectacular view, in his opinion of the village, as he could see it all.

Taking in the splendid view, Imuru takes a seat down onto the grass and casts his fishing line, hoping for something to happen.

So he sat back and waited. Soon realizing nothing is coming of this, he retrieves his line. In a few moments he recalls a fundamental aspect he might be missing and places his fishing rod onto the ground. 

Returning back to the hill, Imuru places the piece he was missing on his hook, a bait. In the form of a white larva aminon

And again he gave it another try, and surprisingly in just a few seconds something tugged at the rope, which Imuru responded immediately pulling with force.

Outside of the water, the mass of his catch was made quite evident to Imuru, "Oh! That's pretty big," Imuru thought, fascinated by the creature.

[[<Baseline Skill>]]

[[Awakened Stream]]

Without a moment of hesitation, its instincts kick in, causing it to automatically activate its skill in order for its survival. The calm body of water overflows creating a vast quantity of rushing water in mere seconds, that crashes into Imuru sweeping him off his feet, and just as quickly it all retracts carrying the fish along with it back into the main body.

In silence Imuru remains on the ground, contemplating what just took place. Before eventually making his way to his feet.

"Oh, come on, that's just a fish!" Imuru yelled, "Though... A strong one, so fair."

Imuru searches for his fishing rod, once he finds it, Imuru couldn't help but let out a yawn, "Not tired but... I want to sleep in my beautiful bed," Imuru graciously fantasizes.

He glares back at the body of water from the corner of his eyes, "And forget about that."

Returning to his home, Just as he wanted Imuru gets inside to lay on his futon, quickly becoming comfortable in his position to even move. The gradual relaxation of his eyes and body feeds into Imuru's sleepiness, and slowly he drifts off to sleep.

A bit later down in the day Imuru awakens, he stayed in bed and stared off for a moment.

Getting up after a few minutes, he got up to make himself some tea. Sitting down on his chair, still a bit drowsy, his body not fully awake.

"Ahh! That felt good, but I feel tired."

A sudden rise of voices emanating from the outside, confuses Imuru for a second. Placing his tea down, Imuru went out to investigate.

Stepping outside Imuru gaze is immediately placed upon Taz, Miic and Unop.

Imuru being a bit wary of the strangers he hides himself.

"Who are they? Hmm, It would be very suspicious if I stay here hidden, maybe they're not bad." Taking a few moments to think everything over, Imuru eventually comes out of hiding.

Unop was first to spot Imuru, tapping Taz to alert him to Imuru's presence.

"A leader unaware of his surroundings," Miic remarks.

Taz raises his hand to Imuru, "Wait there, just a moment," Taz said, turning to face Miic, his fist clenched, "Your problem!?"

Miic ignores Taz, to focus his attention on Imuru, knowing he spoke his truth and is at peace.

Taz calms himself to display good behavior now that they're on duty, so rests the issue for now.

"Sorry about that... May I ask your name?" Taz asked.

"I'm Imuru, and may I ask who you three are?" Imuru asked politely.

Taz grins, "Of course. I'm Taz Glidin Leader and the strength of this little group... This here on my right is just Miic," Taz said, introducing Miic unenthusiastically.

"And the final member is Unop, our long range specialist and healer, she's unique and I can say overqualified, unlike a certain person."

"I think you miss the fact, you're the unreliable of the group," Miic remarks.

"Wha..." Taz folds his arms, and musters up the will to ignore Miic's remark.

"I apologize for that. Now Imuru, may I ask, why are you here?" Taz asked.

"Well I live here," Imuru nonchalantly responded.

This came as a surprise to the group. "Here? Imuru don't you know this is still considered to be under a Demon King's rule?" Taz asked, puzzled.

Unop steps up to speak, "I'm sure like others you know the 6th Demon King is no longer her... But this territory is automatically the 7th, Whether or not he cares for it."

"Still there's also quite a few associates of the 6th that are more hostile… So you just can't make it your home," Unop said, almost pleading to Imuru.

Imuru remains silent and calm, whilst panicking on the inside, "I understand clearly what you're getting at and worry, but I will be staying."

"At this moment this isn't our problem," Miic said.

Imuru turns his head slightly for his eyes to meet the face of a very threatening Miic.

"Consider this a warning. We'll continue to do what we came here to do, and pretend we didn't see you, but next time we won't be talking," Miic warns, staring Imuru down for a brief moment before looking away.

Taz clears his throat as he addresses Imuru, "You've heard it all from Miic, you can't stay here. Has had already been stated you'll be ignorant to your presence only this once, we don't want to hurt anyone, but we still have a job we must do to the best of our potential."

"Thank you for your time and best of luck," Taz said in his expression of pity, as he turned to leave, Unop and Miic right behind.

Imuru is left in awe of the generosity of the group, "They have a job to do after all… Really nice people."

On their way out, Taz, Miic and Unop hope to not get in any trouble for what they did. They're not a violent group, but their group requirements don't allow them to shy too far from it.

"It's fine, we did the right thing," Unop said reassuringly.

"Guess we'll see,' Taz responded.

Standing aimlessly, Imuru ponders on options he might have, but realizes quickly that he might not have any.

"Is leaving really an option for me? Hmm..." Imuru thought. Until he finally makes up his mind. Placing his hand on his hip, holding his head high.

"Sorry Taz, Miic and Unop, you guys are nice... But unfortunately I'm not going anywhere," Imuru whispers underneath his breath.

The sudden sound of heavy footsteps from behind drew Imuru's attention.

"And now I've regained my strength. My armor is pristine once again," A voice said confidently.

Puzzled, Imuru turns to see what it was. His eyes land upon a dark Devider, which Imuru gave zero reaction to.

Until he saw how similar it looked, to the thing that was fighting the mother gray persudo, "I remember seeing something like this... looks quite identical to the one that fought that mother pup," Imuru thought.

The Devider observers Imuru for a brief moment, before raising his black broadsword towards Imuru.

"Now be gone human, this territory is mine," The Dark Devider said.

Imuru tilted his head, "Now where was he hiding," Imuru pondered, disregarding the Dark Devider's threat.

Imuru stares the Devider down with a puzzled look on his face, "I'm curious... What are you exactly?"

The Devider's weapon lowers slightly, his pose also lax. He stares down at Imuru, surprised, before suddenly bursting out in laughter. He took him a moment to compose himself, his laughter leaving a lasting impression on Imuru.

"I'm serious..." Imuru responded hesitantly.

The Devider express gets serious once again, "Hmm. If you're serious then I'll tell you. I'm Arken A Mighty Dark Devider," Arken said proudly, turning his back towards Imuru, resting his weapon beside him, his fist clenched, "And you?"

"Oh, I'm Imuru the Great Demon Lord," Imuru responded.

"Uh?" Arken looks Imuru up and down, before bursting out into laughter once again. He angles his body towards Imuru, as he approaches him, before taking a knee to be on Imuru's height, "Prove it," Arken said with a grin.

"I can see why he lost to that pup," Imuru thought with a sigh, shaking the Devider's overconfidence in his own strength. 

"Well I won't turn you down. Ready when you are," Imuru said, creating some distance between him and Arken.

"Ha! great. Demon Lord," Arken stands to his feet, fueling with confidence.

"Can we take this somewhere else?" Imuru asked, fearing the damage the fight could cause, to an already damaged place.

"Oh?" Arken grins, "And why should I, this is my property... Demon Lord," Arken response mockingly.

Imuru glares upon Arken, "If you damage anything here... Just so you know I'll be less than please," Imuru replied as calmly as he possibly could.

Arken chuckles, "Say goodbye Demon Lord," Arken shouted on the top of his lungs, charging at Imuru with his broad sword in hand.

Reaching in close proximity, Arken swings his blade.

Imuru leaps into the air, landing behind Arken, and brings him down with a hit from his palm.

An embarrassed Arken wipes his face off, and slowly stands to his feet. Arken in an instant thrust his sword at Imuru, an attempt of an attack that Imuru I've seen before, so grabs hold of the blade, stopping Arken, this time easier all thanks to the flattered top of the blade.

Arken struggles to make the blade even budge, before he could realize the futility, the broad sword is pulled from Arken's grasp, just the force pulling Arken into Imuru's grasp.

"Guess this is the second time I stopped someone's weapon like this..." Imuru thought.

Noticing Imuru's brief moment of distraction, Arken manages to escape from his grip.

"You think taking my weapon is enough to defeat me," Arken shouted in contempt. 

Arken went on to ramble as Imuru observed in silence, allowing him to express his anger for a few seconds. Imuru shook his head, making a swift move, getting up close to Arken to knock him off his feet. 

Standing on the Devider, Imuru looked down on him, like a disapproving father.

Holding out his palm to the devider's face.

Arken grunts, "You have some skill… You may be capable of harming me."

"Really? Has this guy lost it?" Imuru asked himself bewildered. He quickly composed himself.


Small sprouts of dark purple flames slowly begin to flow from the palm of Imuru's hand. Splitting into four pathways that flow behind Imuru, it sporadically hits him ever so often.

Arken could feel the intensity of the flames, not just the heat, but the weight they carry.

Arken held his hands up, prompting Imuru to rest his hand on his side.

"W-Wait just... Just wait, don't do it," Arken begged fearfully. His once red illuminating eyes, now gone.

"Does he want to fight or not?" Imuru stepped back surprised, to see the confident Devider like this..

"If you kill me, the other Deviders wouldn't be pleased," Arken said pleading.

"Oh! Really?" Imuru responded in a sinister tone.

"But… Why not," Imuru removes himself from Arken, leaving his back to the devider. 

"Huh?" Arken is left stunned, but quickly gets back to his feet and makes a retreat.

Imuru watches him briefly from the corner of his eyes, as he makes his getaway, letting out a sigh once the Devider is out of sight. "Done with him... But I have a feeling he'll be back... Again."

Whilst looking out, Imuru could see dark clouds forming rapidly, as they spread across almost every inch of the sky.

"Rain. looks like it's gonna pour soon," Imuru thought heading off inside, already forgetting his encounter with the dark devider.