
The Great Demon Lord


Zero_Zoro_5347 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

A Happy Yosho, Is Even More gorgeous

Yosho could hear the bickering of Taz and Miic, as she makes her way home on a desolate street. The continuous bickering eventually fades after a few minute's. And just as quickly her attention is focused onto something else.

Getting home, Yosho glances around a bit exhausted, but this sleepiness is something she puts on hold, thinking she'll at least spend a few minutes reviewing a few complaints.

Once she gets to her desk, she sits down and is immediately met with one she has little care for. "Dare, a complaint from the High Council... They seem to really want things to run their way, disregarding what anyone else wants," Yosho calmly thought, removing the paper from her sight. "Besides, they can wait."

Yosho gathers all the complaints from the villagers, stacking them on her desk together, so she herself could head off to bed to get some rest.

Bright and early as she planned, Yosho leaves her home with determination to follow up on the complaints of the villagers.

She takes one from the stack, and pauses momentarily. "Huh? This still hasn't been dealt with?" Yosho asked herself in confusion, trying to recall where she'd seen this exact complaint, about Mult The Captain Of The Village Defense Team before.

In front of the Inn, three guards make themselves a pain in everyone's lives in their drunken stupor. The other guards that can control themselves, stay in

In silence.

Their mood is abruptly ruined by the outside presence of their captain. No one dares to speak up in fear of the repercussions that may befall them, as the captain has close ties to a member of the High Council.

As drunk as he is, the captain regains his senses quickly, once he catches a glance of Yosho. Swiftly he brings the other trouble makers' actions to their senses. As they were trained to, they properly showed their respects to Yosho, who briefly stopped beside the captain before making her way into the Inn.

The moment she entered, Both guard and the average Villager, face forms into one of surprise. The guards were first to stand, the villagers following suit, to stand as a show of respect for her presence.

Yosho gives a small nod, before taking a seat at the pub. 

The woman behind the counter quivers, her heart thumping faster than it ever had, "I-Is there anything I can get you?"

"Two of your finest will do, thank you," Yosho responded.

The lady bows, and goes to get the order.

Yosho briefly looks over at the Captain, as she slightly raises her hand to gesture him over.

His nervousness expressed all over his face and his quivering body. 

Yosho silently places the paper of complaints down in front of him. The Captain stares down onto the paper speechless. He tries his hardest, to say something in defense of himself, but decides not to, sensing it wouldn't help his situation.

"14th Captain Of The Village's Defense Team... Captain?" Yosho asked herself in a confused tone. 

"I'll tell you, never Lay your hands on the people you're supposed to protect like that." Yosho warned, her eyes sharpened like a predator, her smile cold, as she stared into his eyes.

The Captain dear not to say a word, frozen in position.

Finishing what she came to do, Yosho leaves the cash for the drinks, "Don't over do it. And besides I know you can control yourself," Yosho said, closing her eyes before getting on her way.

Outside the Inn Yosho feels a disappointment, that the Captain wasn't ever warned, which would have likely resolved the issue with his behavior, and if the warning didn't work, a demotion would be in process, if the issues persist a complete removal would occur.

"Dear, I suppose my brother does need me. If issues like this go unresolved by the other higher ups, this place will fall."

Hopefully resolving one issue, Yosho prioritizes the rest of her day to the other complaints. 

Coming from having to deal with a captain of all people, the rest of the complaints were to make her proud, to assist the people herself, a task that never gets old.

Yosho checks over to ensure she didn't miss a single complaint, that was she had written down.

A guard approached Yosho, to relay the information that her brother would be requiring her presence.

Yosho nods, and thanks the guard. An idea of what the topic of conversation would be, already formed in her mind, though she thought there wouldn't be much to talk about, after last night. But this was all an assumption.

With her curiosity peaked, Yosho made her way to the merchant guild. Inside is as busy as ever, unsurprising since this was the only guild allowed.

Yosho enters the office and makes her way to the back, her brother's room of usual relaxation. She silently entered, he didn't clock her presence, until she sat down in front of him, since his eyes were glued to the floor.

"Well, I've been thinking... About you leaving... admittedly I'm not feeling too good about the idea," Collon looks up at Yosho, "If I may ask, were you serious?"

Yosho's smile almost faded from her face, "Brother I was... If it makes you feel better, I'll be traveling with your crush."

This remark made him blush slightly. "Imuru isn't my crush..." He said embarrassed. "Working under him you said?" Collon asked.

"Not quite high, is he hmm?" Yosho asked.

"Huh! No the status is not the issue really, it's just... would you even be safe?" Collon asked, his concern growing as this conversation prolongs.

"I Know the distance from here isn't great and I know, you know, what you're getting yourself into, but..." Collon's voice drops, sounding less frantic.

Yosho smiles, "Well dare brother, you know the decision is all yours."

Collon lays back processing what to say for a brief moment, "It's f-fine... Not really, but I can't keep you here if you don't want to stay. You're just like that, you two really care for your people, but want to live your own life's as you see fit... If you didn't that just brews hatred and resentful," He looked at his sister with an understanding smile, "So go Yosho."

Slowly a massive smiles forms onto Yosho's face, her eyes open wide beaming with joy, "Really big brother?" Yosho asked, still reserved, her face up close to his.

"Uh!... Yeah, yeah," Collon replied quickly, surprised by his sister's reaction.

Yosho embraces the speechless and surprised Collon, who is baffled by the individual embracing him.

He watched her joyfully make her way over to the door, "Wait! You're leaving already?" Collon asked, still wanting to experience this joy that his sister is suddenly emanating.

Yosho spins around, giving him a thumbs up, flashing him a gorgeous smile, "Not quite. Thank you for your approval... Big brother."