
The Great Demon Lord


Zero_Zoro_5347 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Walking Beast

Taz, Miic and Unop stopped in their tracks, confusing rising as they observed the rapid appearance of the dark clouds above them.

"W-What?..." Unop thought anxious, her grip tightened around her staff.

"Unop! Eyes on the ground," Miic shouted, alerting her to the presence of the enemy.

Taz narrowed his eyes, "Wait… Gray Persudo Wolves?"

Unop gasps in shock, quicking getting on her guard, feeling puzzled by usual docile wolves' hostile growls.

"We're surrounded," Miic calmly warned.

From thin air a much larger wolf materializes itself.

Inside his home curled up, Imuru gets a knock at the door. Hesitant Imuru heads to the door, and slowly opens it to a familiar face.

"We're not done, Demon Lord," Arken shouted angrily, pointing.

Uninterested, Imuru calmly closes the door, ignoring the fact Arken had more Dark Deviders behind him.

Stunned at such disrespect, the Deviders stare at Arken, expecting some response from their leader.

Arken glances around nervously, as he clears his throat, and knocks at Imuru's door once again.

Composing himself, he speaks up, "As I said this fight..." Arken pauses, noticing a bright glow from the forest entrance.

He frowns.

A young Devider focuses on the glow, "A wolf?" A young Dark Devider, said puzzled at its appearance.

Hearing the rising commotion outside, Imuru takes a step outside, the glow captivating him.

Arken points at Imuru, "You wait... A more worthy opponent is calling me."

"Uh-huh," Imuru responded, stepping back, his head held up slightly.

Arken switches his attention back on to the wolf, slowly makes his way to the glow. The other Deviders followed behind at a distance from Arken.

The Wolf stands at an magnificent height of 8 feet, boasting vibrant elegant blue eyes, soft glowing fur, a white flame flow stretched from over his back to the top of his gray front legs.

"So this is the thing… Now time to make a statement, watch closely Persudo's?" The massive wolf thought.

"You Devider! You resemble the Devider that attacked a mother Gray Persudo, that was you a couple days ago correct?" The wolf asked.

Imuru is left shell shocked, almost fainting from hearing the heavy voice of the wolf. A young Devider held him up, keeping him from falling.

Arken proudly grins, crossing his arms, "Lucky you I was barely trying that time," Arken boasts.

"What! Don't accept it. Doesn't he realize how strong that pup looks," Imuru shouted in panic at Arken.

Arken laughs at Imuru's worry.

Imuru sighs, realizing he'll get nowhere trying to talk sense into Arken, resorting to praying for the other Devider's, seeing Arken is a lost cause.

A chuckle escapes from the glowing wolf, "Hm, well then. You never attack a wolf. I, Forcent will make it quick."

The moment he expressed himself, a rage of lightning crawled from the sides of Forcent, shattering the ground as they raced up to the Arken, who's unable to react before it hits, obliterating the ground.

Forcent chuckled lightly, internal ecstatic that he effortlessly took down the Dark Deviders like ants. Turning away, Forcent heads back into the forest, the Gray Persudo's following behind, the sky clearing up right after.

Gradually the once rising dust settles, followed by the flames of Belzora.

Imuru rests his hand back to his side. He looked behind him to see the shell shock Arken.

"There, your problem is taken care of… Barely," Imuru remarked.

He looks to the other Devider's, "So how many are you?"

"Of us? T-Thirty sir," A young Devider responded. This young lad boasts similar armor to the likes of Arken and so do the others.

"Hm… I'm The Great Demon Lord Imuru," Imuru said, folding his arms, "Name?"

"I-Im Roll s- Great Demon Lord," Roll replied anxiously.

Arken gets on his shaking legs.

"Hey Mr. Tip top shape," Imuru cheekily remarked.

Arken growls, "Laugh all you want… Because it's the last time you'll get to." He stood up straight, "Deviders prepare yourself, this fool first, then that wolf."

Not one Dark Devider makes a move, choosing to whisper amongst themselves for a moment.

Imuru looked up at Arken, "I guess they're whispering about you, huh?"

Arken frowns, "What are you all doing, assist me in striking him down," Arken ordered.

Curious, Imuru approached the group, "Sorry for intruding, but if I may, what are you all doing here exactly, the traveling type of species perhaps?"

The Dark Deviders all take a glance at each other, waiting in silence until Roll spoke up, "Yes, that would be correct. We were once a group of One Hundred Three Deviders… But circumstances have brought our number down."

"One Hundred Three, now Thirty …" Imuru looked over at Arken, "Yeah that, figures."

Arken glared at the other Dark Devider's, "Fine, I'll do it myself." Arken raised his fist at Imuru.

Imuru went on to seriously question Arken's choice, noting if he attacked it wouldn't end well for him, and making sure to remind Arken that he saved all of them.

Hearing this inevitably made him lower his hand, taking note of the power difference and assistance he provided for his people.

"You guys have been traveling for some time now, correct?" Imuru asked.

Arken sighs, "Yes, correct we have been. During our time we've been ambushed hense or declined numbers, so I took it upon myself to walk ahead further, to scout the area's out."

Imuru smirks, "Alright, why not stay here for the time being, You know until a giant pup doesn't want to have you are your species on a silver platter… And until I take care of the problem."

"Wait, sorry, excuse me, but Great Demon Lord sir, you'll really help us?" Asked Roll, making sure to be extremely polite.

The Dark Devider's face lit up, ecstatic with the news.

"Imuru…" Looking at Imuru with a strange look, one mostly grateful Arken couldn't help but to thank him.

Expressing gratitude for being helped was something Imuru didn't expect Arken The Great Dark Devider would be capable of. Impressed, Imuru gives Arken a pat on the back, a slightly hard task, because of his height compared to Imuru's.

With a pounding head, the dizziness fades from the eyes of Unop, she blinks trying to focus her vision on the enemy in front of her.

She backed up the moment her eyes landed on Forcent. She scans for her weapon in the field glowing a vibrant orange from the evening son.

Unop turned to the forest behind her, pondering briefly if she could make a getaway, but knows she wouldn't be able to outrun him.

Forcent narrowed his eyes, glaring down at Unop from the boulder protruding from the slope he lays on, "You are now trespassing… And you could say unlucky that you were in my path."

Unop creeps back scared, "T-Trespassing huh. G-Guess we are unlucky?" She mutters through a shivering breath.

"Oh, Yes," Forcent said, jumping down from his rock, approaching Unop until he's up close to her, he stares at her for a moment, before moving his head down close to her. "I'm not in the mood for distractions… I have important business with this forest."

"Where are my friends?" Unop asked, finally working up the courage, standing to her feet, getting into a defensive position.

Forcent turns around, "They weren't half bad, I've weakened them enough, that now they might just be Persudo food "

Unop glares at him, "They won't die. What's your deal here?"

Forcent frowns, "You wouldn't understand?" 

Unop expression suddenly becomes serious, "So this is how you are, violent. Something tells me you're gonna act the same to the Village Of Collon?" Unop asked cautiously.

Forcent narrowed his eyes, "You tell me… It's all up to them."

A low grunt of anger escapes from Unop.

"It makes me wonder, your not a Gray Persudo Wolf, why are you acting like one?"

"Hmm, now what makes you say that?" Forcent asked.

"It's pretty obvious. Gray Persudo Wolves, even after evolution, don't grow to your size… Unless this is something unheard of… But I doubt it," Unop responded.

Forcent faces her once again with an eerie smile, remaining silent to her question, "Now then run along, you're friends won't last long," Forcent said smugly, taking his leave.

Out of her sight, Unop activates her tracking spell in her staff, using it to pull herself to her teammates direction in a hurry.