

Fantasy Romance
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Đọc tiểu thuyết THE EVIL IN HIM của tác giả Jessica_Okefielem_2527 được xuất bản trên WebNovel.In life there must be darkness ,light, love and hate in this book a girl was made a second wife but she won't take that and when she meets the king the more on to the family secrets she becomes and li...

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In life there must be darkness ,light, love and hate in this book a girl was made a second wife but she won't take that and when she meets the king the more on to the family secrets she becomes and like that anna will find companions truths and the most wicked people will be revealed pls follow me on this daring adventure.

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Eye of the Beholder (Loki Love Story)

Her name is Katrina Stark and she is Tony's younger sister. She has had the life people dream off, being born into a life luxury and following all of her dreams. That was until 3 years ago when an accident in a lab caused her to lose her sight, plunging her world into darkness. Now blind, she is struggling to cope with not being able to see as well as the magical powers she gained due to the accident. But even with this mystical gift, she doesn't see a future for herself with nothing but darkness to light her way and no chance of having a normal life. Having a career or finding love. Just as she loses hope, she moves into Stark Tower only to discover the mysterious Loki has been banished and is staying on her floor. A spark ignites and she is thrown into a world of magic, secrets, love and lies. Her life changes in a thousand ways and yet there is only one thing for certain, it all began with the God Of Mischief. 'Beauty is through the Eye of the Beholder. I was told that when I was a child by my mother but I didn't really want to know what she meant. But a part of me always thought she meant that you fall in love with someone, for not just their beauty, but their personality. Their spirit. Which to me made me believe that beauty is seen differently by everyone and right now, I want to believe that. I want to believe that more than anything. As I fear like many things I have lost, love could be one of them and I hope that isn't true.' (I do not own Marvel or any of the characters in it. I only own Katrina, any characters I've created and my own storyline.) Also being published on Wattpad, CRCECL

CRCECL · Thanh xuân
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76 Chs

Love Amidst the Tides of War

Duke Alexus Gymyr and his enchanting wife, Quatrice Aveleria, were once the epitome of love and devotion. Bound by an unbreakable bond, they thrived in their blissful marriage. However, fate had a cruel twist in store for them. As war engulfed their kingdom, their lives were torn asunder, forcibly separating them from one another. Duke Alexus, a valiant and strategic leader, had to navigate treacherous battlefields in defense of his homeland. His duty to protect his people weighed heavily upon him, but his longing for his beloved Quatrice was an insurmountable burden in itself. Meanwhile, Quatrice, dejected and alone in their opulent estate, yearned for her husband's warm embrace. Bereft of his love and security, she struggles to endure the hardships brought on by the war-ravaged lands, seeking solace wherever she can find it. Unbeknownst to Alexus, in the depths of his absence, Quatrice forms an unlikely connection with a mysterious and charismatic man within their social circle. Drawn to his charm and empathy, she finds solace in his companionship, unaware of the dark twists of fate that await her. When Duke Alexus finally returns from the war, victory is bittersweet as he discovers his wife's emotional betrayal. Consumed by heartache and anger, he confronts Quatrice, causing their love to be further marred by deception and mistrust. As their shattered hearts clash, they must confront their individual faults and the harsh reality of choices made in the darkest of times. Amidst the chaos of their crumbling marriage, a deeper conspiracy emerges, one with its roots entwined in the very fabric of their kingdom. Faced with a common enemy, Duke Alexus and Quatrice find themselves forced together once more, their love for each other fighting to resurface amidst the ruins of their past. "Love Amidst the Tides of War" is an enthralling tale of love, sacrifice, and the devastating effects of war on relationships. Will Duke Alexus and Quatrice be able to rekindle the flames of their love, or will the wounds of betrayal prove too deep to heal? Find out in this captivating historical romance, where amidst the backdrop of battle, true love will be tested like never before.

Mac_Mac_3173 · Huyền huyễn
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2 Chs


大二学生白雪在一个噩梦中穿越到端木王朝,从此人生就像开了挂,段位一路飙升。 杨雪:   穿越初始,自己处于一种依赖状态,可是当一个小白不仅会害了自己,还会成为猪队友。反击!不仅能保护自己,还能拯救更多的人。   他以为,我只曾倾心与他,可是,一开始就无意识撒网的,却是自己。   端木朔:   心中自有天下,心中不能没有她。   前十年,谋权,为了权利,为了拥有她。   后半生,乱世,为了赎罪,为了追回她。   端木泽:   她再美也不过是个女人,既然得不到,再找一个便是。   相亲对象一:和亲公主。   这女的也太特么矫情了!吃饭也没她香,那么小口,看的着急。   穿的繁琐沉重,脱衣服都是个麻烦事。   相亲对象二:文艺贵族少女。   看她一整天咬文嚼字,慎得慌,时不时还伤春悲秋!这谁顶得住?换一个。   青楼头牌...   下一个......   泽王殿下,您是要禁欲吗?   端木新:   她告诉我,你去喜欢别人吧,没有必要在我这里浪费时间了;   她说,你是个值得拥有幸福的人,娶个贤妻,儿孙满堂才是正经事,   她说,苦苦相追会让她难过。   那么简单,娶妻生子,伦理纲常,便依她的意思。   端木峥:   老四喜欢的人,我偏要得到。   可是她怎么都注意不到我。   她想要幸福,可是那些幸福里没有我,我便要毁了那幸福。

木言己 · Tổng hợp
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96 Chs

슬롯머신 하는법톡/텔: boqi88#슬롯머신 원리#온라인슬롯 환수율

슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】온라인슬롯머신추천\\슬 롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】 온라인슬롯머신추천\\슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】온라인슬 롯머신추천\\ 슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】온라인슬롯머신추천\\슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】온라인슬롯머신추천\\슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】온라인슬롯머신추천\\ 슬롯사이트추 천【ak1616。CoM 】온라인슬롯머신추천\\슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】 온라인슬롯머신추천 \\슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】온라인슬롯머신추천\\ 슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】온 라인슬롯머신추천\\슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】 온라인슬롯머신추천\\슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】온라인슬롯머신추천\\ 슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】온라인슬롯머신추천\\슬롯사 이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】 온라인슬롯머신추천\\슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】온라인슬롯머 신추천\\ 슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】온라인슬롯머신추천\\슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】 온라인슬롯머신추천\\슬롯사이트추천【ak1616。CoM 】온라인슬롯머신추천 #슬롯머신 그림 #슬롯머신 규칙 #슬롯나라 후기 #슬롯나라 카심바 #슬롯나라 주소 #슬롯나라 조작 #슬롯게임추천 #슬롯게임 확률 #슬롯게임 규칙 #슬롯 환수율조작 #슬롯 커뮤 #슬롯 추천 #슬롯 머신 팁 #슬롯 머신 조작 #슬롯 머신 이기는 방법 #슬롯 머신 원리 #슬롯 머신 라인 #슬롯 머신 관리 시스템 #슬롯 머신 BAR 슬롯머신주소 【 ak1616。CoM 】 코드 vip34 ㅋr톡/텔: boqi88 슬롯머신주소 【 ak1616。CoM 】 코리아카지노노름닷컴 슬롯머신주소 【 ak1616。CoM 】 코리아카지노온라인바카라 슬롯머신주소 【 ak1616。CoM 】 코리아카지노바카라하는곳 슬롯머신주소 【 ak1616。CoM 】 코리아카지노카지노사이트 슬롯머신주소 【 ak1616。CoM 】 코리아카지노모바일슬롯머신 슬롯머신주소 【 ak1616。CoM 】 코리아카지노룰렛추천사이트 슬롯머신주소 【 ak1616。CoM 】 코리아카지노온라인카지노 슬롯머신주소 【 ak1616。CoM 】 코리아카지노월드카지노 슬롯머신주소 【 ak1616。CoM 】 코리아카지노바카라주소 슬롯머신주소 【 ak1616。CoM 】 코리아카지노모바일바카라 #프라그마틱 슬롯게임#하바네로 슬롯게임#분고 슬롯게임 #리얼타임게임 슬롯게임#BB테크 슬롯게임#마이크로 슬롯게임 #아시아게임밍 슬롯게임#에보플레이 슬롯게임#플레이스타 슬롯게임 #아리스토크랏 슬롯게임#제네시스 슬롯게임#CQ9 슬롯게임 #에볼루션게이밍 바카라#올벳 바카라#드림게이밍 바카라 #마이크로게이밍 바카라#섹시게이밍 바카라#아시아게이밍 바카라 #오리엔탈플러스 바카라#bbin 바카라#비보게이밍 바카라 #프라그매틱 #슬롯 머신 #슬롯 나라 후기 #슬롯 나라 포인트 #슬롯 나라 카 심바 #슬롯 금액조절 #슬롯 금액 조절 #슬롯 게임 확률 #슬롯 검증 #슬롯 가입쿠폰 #스핀슬롯 #사설 슬롯 #무료슬롯머신 #무료 메가 슬롯 머신 #메가슬롯사이트 #메가슬롯 추천 #메가슬롯 주소 #메가슬롯 조작 #메가슬롯 도메인 #메가슬롯 가입쿠폰 온라인슬롯머신게임 【 ak1616。CoM 】 코드 vip34 ㅋr톡/텔: boqi88

Nia_Yurem · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

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