

In life there must be darkness ,light, love and hate in this book a girl was made a second wife but she won't take that and when she meets the king the more on to the family secrets she becomes and like that anna will find companions truths and the most wicked people will be revealed pls follow me on this daring adventure.

Jessica_Okefielem_2527 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

chapter 1: The wedding



It was so hard to sit down and look at him with this stupid fake smile. Especially when he was smiling too I couldn't even help but imagine who he finally found to sell me off to all in the name of marriage."Anna" he continued with that stupid smile "today Mr Evans came over to ask for your hand in marriage, he claims that he wants you as his wife my dear" . Father added the last statement with a glow only found in the eyes of a happy child meanwhile I was dumbstruck. Not only was Lord Evans our kingdom's highest ranked Lord, second in command to the king even rumored to be our unknown king's best friend and second in line to the throne since our king has no family. Which would have made him the perfect husband but Lord Evans was married and had a son, yes I know that it's normal for Lord's to marry many wives but I would never imagine my own father putting me in such position. " b - but father" "No buts from you Anna thousands of women would praise the Lord for such an opportunity and you intend to complain. I won't be so foolish to allow such an opportunity to get past us just like that" and now his charade was over.
