

In life there must be darkness ,light, love and hate in this book a girl was made a second wife but she won't take that and when she meets the king the more on to the family secrets she becomes and like that anna will find companions truths and the most wicked people will be revealed pls follow me on this daring adventure.

Jessica_Okefielem_2527 · Kỳ huyễn
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The Wedding Party

I was seated in a red carriage with my groom beside me he hasn't said a word since the ride started and I was beginning to feel anxious " Lord Evans "I spoke my voice barely coming out as a whisper. "Lucas" he replied "you can call me Lucas while were alone " his voice sounded firm but soft at the same time . I so badly wanted to question him on why he married me but I was afraid of his answer , because I already knew it . The ride was long and terribly silent , I was so glad when the carriage stopped that I was about to get down on my own but , before I could he stopped me. ' Lucas held onto Anna's wrist' "and where do you think your going princess" he spoke. "well I " his touch was hot and it made me nervous and then one of his men opened the carriage doors. Lucas got down and stretched his hand out towards Anna she gently placed her hand in his as they walked arm in arm into the ballroom. The ballroom was amazing the decorations exceeded my expectations, and the food and drinks were top notch. We spent two hours greeting people while Lucas also introduced me to all his friends and business partners . Strangely I didn't meet any of his family members after another hour I could barely stand so I told Lucas. " My Lord I need to sit down" Lucas scanned her with his eyes as if checking if she was hurt , it was quite impossible for him not to hear the plea in her voice , he looked at her with a worried expression and took her to a table to sit. "I'll be back in a little while" and with those words he was gone . I sat alone at the table for like half an hour and yet Lucas was nowhere in sight I decided to wait until he came back but then I got that feeling. The one of cold sweat running down my back, eyes that could see through me , I slowly lifted up my head and looked up. And maybe I wouldn't remember him exactly but those eyes I can never forget the man who stood at the church doors he was upstairs and he was watching me never have I ever seen eyes so cold, but then. He suddenly turned his back and walked away and for some reason I followed him . I ran up the stairs as fast as I could but I saw no one but then I could still feel him as I followed the chill it led me to the balcony. And there he stood his back to me at the very edge of the balcony there was no barrier or protection at the smallest step he would fall right over. "What are you doing there" Lucas spoke at her back " uh" Anna turned around abruptly "Lord Evans I" she spoke as if she was breathless which she was after running up a flight of stairs " I was worried about you" . Anna was stunned for a moment why would he worry about her, " Anna " Lucas called out to her as if he was waking her up and that's when she remembered but when she turned around he was gone. 

 She ran to the edge of the balcony and looked down but there was no one there 'so that means he didn't jump' she thought and turned to Lucas " did you see him?" "See who" Lucas looked at her as if she had run crazy. "There was a man standing here, I followed him here!" "Okay princess you've had a long day and I believe your pretty tired I think it's time we go home". Anna stared at him in disbelief how did he not see the man but then she realized what he had just said he called her princess again , but before she could say anything he held onto her hand and began to lead her down the hall. As she held his hand she couldn't help but admire his features this was a face she would never get tired of he was just too good looking.

Well I hope you find things good so far this is just the beginning please read on and I am grateful for your support .

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