

In life there must be darkness ,light, love and hate in this book a girl was made a second wife but she won't take that and when she meets the king the more on to the family secrets she becomes and like that anna will find companions truths and the most wicked people will be revealed pls follow me on this daring adventure.

Jessica_Okefielem_2527 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs



She had always known that this day would come but it all felt to soon to sudden.


"Anna dear come here" Mr White called out to his daughter Anna and for the first time in a good while he was all smiles .It has been a long time since he's been trying to achieve something and now finally the thing came knocking write at his door step. Anna came down the stairs gently just like the elegant lady she was raised to be, while taking a seat on the couch. " Good evening father" she greeted with a smile only angel's are meant to have.