

In life there must be darkness ,light, love and hate in this book a girl was made a second wife but she won't take that and when she meets the king the more on to the family secrets she becomes and like that anna will find companions truths and the most wicked people will be revealed pls follow me on this daring adventure.

Jessica_Okefielem_2527 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

The Grand Wedding

Thinking of how all of this came to be I felt a painful burn in my chest I felt choked by my own tears why was I being punished in this way? What have i ever done to deserve all of this ?"My lady your all done and may I say your the most beautiful bride I have ever laid my eyes on". I was brought back by the voice of my handmaid Jenna she's always been more than a maid to me but still refuses to call me by my name and I don't blame her one bit . I have quite the character and when I'm angry I can't differentiate between my friends and my foes. I turned to the mirror I thought when Jenna complimented that she was just trying to make me feel good but seeing myself I was astonished. My dark hazel eyes were complimented by my long black lashes my naturally perfect eyebrows not to forget my full pink lips that were now red and may i say perfect skin did the rest my wedding gown was so big and puffed up that i wondered how i was going to walk .'Ding, Ding , Ding'I could here the sound of church bells and they only turned me even more anxious".My lady there is no need to be worried your are going to be the best wife in the entire universe". I know that was supposed to be a compliment but I just couldn't help but hear the sadness in Jenna's voice, "thank you Jenna" and when I turned around I couldn't help but be shocked because the first in forever Jenna hugged me.


I was seated in a white carriage that was surrounded by numerous carriages all heading to the church and once again left alone the only thing I could think of was how things ended this way , but there was no time to sulk for it felt like I had just gotten in the carriage as we arrived at the church. I got down from the carriage with the help of my maidservants . Looking up at the church I knew there was no going back why didn't I run before this is terrible. Standing before the church doors the music began to play as the doors opened revealing me to the crowd . And the first face to greet me was that of my father never has his smile disgusted me more. " After today I can say that I really have seen an angel at church" he spoke, this wasn't the place or time so I just smiled and while putting my hand in his said a " Thank you father" . He returned the smile as he led me down the isle , under my veil I could feel gazes studying me to know if I was worthy of this man. While all I wished for was to wake up from this nightmare and when my father let go of my hand I realized that I was looking at my groom face to face and to be honest never have I ever been that stunned. I knew he was good looking but the man before me was breath taking. His eyes were crystal blue, his hair a dirty blond, I have never seen such a definite jawline and his lips a light pink. And when he smiled I could feel my knees go weak. And the wedding ceremony began , during the ceremony I began to have a bad feeling like someone was looking at me. Of course hundreds of people were watching me but this look hit different it was calling me I looked towards the church doors. And beheld the person who's eyes called mine it was a man for sure but he was too far for me to see his features , but what I could not ignore were his black soulless eyes I was terrified. And just then I felt the soft touch of his lips on mine, when did I even say I do but when he pulled back and smiled I felt my tummy tingle. ' loud cheers and applause' sounded through the church as the priest said "I now pronounce you husband and wife". Immediately I was taken to a room in the church and my dress was changed to a less puffy satin red gown for the wedding party and I was escorted to the carriage where surprisingly I saw my husband. We just got married and we shall ride together this was not going to be easy.

Thank you for giving this book a chance this is my first book so please don't be harsh please if you have any things you would like to say leave them in the comment section .Please rate and commet I know this is just one chapter but i would really appreciate if you support me by becoming a fan donating power stones.Thank you may god bless you

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