The story goes like this the first king Gao Jain was granted power of the dragon by the great dragon himself, so he can protect his family and kingdom, from invades, this power has been pass down to family member to a family member, with this great gift, the dragon clan can line themselves up and test the one that they pick as their queens. the daughter of Wu Jain the great great great granddaughter of Gao Jain found her king and tested him, which it is Cao Chen has passed the test of the fire when you pass there is an invitation to dinner at the castle, which he didn't get thanks to his father and brother, Bai Chen went in his place, pretending that he is him. but you can't fool a dragon that easy, they waited for the real Cao Chen to come but he never did. so she had no choice to marry Bai Chen, It's a hot summer in Chengdu at the castle and inside, Cao Chen walked in the door of the castle, while the king is out at the North and the castle,r. Sun Jain walks up into the room, Cao Chen looked at her. she is getting tired of being hurt by the's enough that he is ruining her family name. As Li Feng continued to read from the scroll to her four teenage kids she adopted with her husband Zhou Feng, Chang Yu, Ye Bingwein, Su Huan Hao Tengfei, at the castle, the people are wondering about the new Queen and King, even her parents the lord Wu Rong, and the lady Yuan Jain, is coming. even the East is about to call. " I go get him for you, my queen, said. Cao Chen, " I going with you. Zou Youngzheng holds the castle down until we get back, Said, * Sun Jain, they walk out of the castle, he helps her up on the horse, " you okay my queen? Asked, Cao Chen, their bodyguard ride up, Yan Hai, Qiao Shan, Fang Yingtai, and
Wen Feng. " I guess. you don't know what it's like living with a man that does not love ️ you, said. Sun Jain, they ride out of th1e kingdom and into the city of the East, also known as the north, where there is smoking, drinking, gambling, and several whorehouses." my Queen the king does love you, said. Cao Chen, " does he? she asks him. " why doesn't he don't want to stay home, or share a bed with me or have breakfast. With me? if we don't make our marriage work we will be hearing from the East soon, Said. Sun Jain, they arrived In the town, " I do not like ️ it here. This is no place for a queen, said. Cao Chen, " I agree. Soon as we get him we can leave. Said, Sun Jain, they got off of the horses in walked into one of the whore houses . as he walks around the corner with two women, he stops in his tracks. " you rather be here than at home with me, said. Sun Jain, " this is bigger than the both of us fool! they going to see that we are having problems in your marriage, they are going to take the West from us. Think she'll want you than with no home or Authority? said, Cao Chen. " just come home with us please, it's getting late. Please I saying please Bai Chen, said. Sun Jain, they walked past them. "
no, you are going to come either you like ️ or not. he put pull him outside and throw him on the ground. he starts punching him in the face and saying" when are You are going to grow up! Tell her you are sorry for hurting her! Say it. " Sun, I sorry for hurting you. Said, Bai Chen, " you shouldn't want this life when you got the best life of all, he constantly studies hitting him. " can I say something to him, please, Asked. Sun Jain, " what? said. Bai Chen, "why are you doing this to us? this is bigger than us we could lose everything because of you. You don't even care, Said, Sun Jain. Cao Chen punch him again in the face, " answer her! Now! Cao Chen told him, " okay I Don't care, if you that unhappy then leave me, I am not going back ⬅️ with you until I am really to go. Said, Bai Chen. He was about to hit him again, " won't it be a waste of time and your energy, don't bother coming back, you are not the king anymore consider yourself a free man, you are banished from the West, Frankly, I don't give a damn where you live or stay, Captain let's go. he took his crown and wedding band from him along with his band of brothers too. " I don't have a brother or a father I never did,
, they got on his horse and left out of the North, " Are you okay Zhong? you pick the wrong brother, Said. Cao Chen, " Not really, I didn't have a choice, you pass my test, but you didn't show up at the castle, he did, we waited for you to come but you didn't, the rulers of the East is going to be calling tomorrow morning, and they are going to order e to come to the East, they people. is going to lose faces. thank you ♂️ for not saying I told you so to me, " You. my queen, the women I have always loved, and sister-in-law, I am here for you, I will make. Sure that will never happen to you. And you are going to keep the West and your crown. Said, Cao Chen. " I hope so, we have to wait to see what they said. Do you love ️ me? Asked. Sun Jain. " Yes, I don't know why you pick a stray when the good one was here, they ride into the stables. " I didn't know I sorry Cao, they got down from their homes, " don't be it is not your fault. she strokes his face, " I have always loved ️you if you have me, I can do be all four a husband, father, King, and
Captain. You deserve me I deserve you. He told her, " I love you too, And I know that you make A great husband, father, and king because you are already a great Captain. let me get. this over with first soon as I end my marriage with him, remove ❌ him as King of the west, then we can get together you not only have full command of the army as captain but as a warrior king the flame of the East and West. said, Zhong Rong, they walked out of the stables in the castle, and went to bed. Back ⬅️ in the Time of 1830 at a little shack