
chapter 3 morning phasing of the princes and princesses

everyone is having a good, well almost everyone, all four of their children are starting to phase again. the fun is heating them, Cao Jr. Jain, * Sun Jain, Huang Jain, and Xiong Jain is burning up. " they are phasing again Cao get the oldest, and you get the youngest, he picked ⛏️ up the baskets and head for the castle when his screen pop up," ( uncle Ren this is not a good time right now!) snapped out * Cao Jain, " my son and my daughter come on let's get out of the sun ️ for a few minutes, mother and father you are now acting In our stead as queen and king. she picks ⛏️ them up and head for the castle, " Shi comes on they phasing, said. Zhong Jain, so Zhong and Shi her grandmother and grandfather followed behind, "(what wrong * Cao?) asked, Ren Fu, he waved the screen way. he walked into the castle bathroom, he runs cold, cold water into the tub, as he picks them up the sticks them into the tub of water, " (*Sun you on your way?)-( could someone bring them their breakfast up to the castle, please . ) said, * Cao Jain. "( yes my king, grandfather could you get the castle physician two make two more cooling gels get the castle armory to make four cool armor for them.) Asked, * Sun Jain." ( I am on it,) she takes them into the bathroom and put them in the tub with the twins. Shi Jain walked into the physician tents," you needed now come on, said. Shi Jain walked out of the tent and walked into the castle, inside of the bathroom . he starts to exam them in the tub. ". they are entering into eternal phase, you should keep them out of the sun ️ my queen and my king. Said, the castle Physician, " thank you, what can they have to eat and drink ? Asked. * Sun Jain, " everything is good, my queen. they need to eat and stay cool, said. The castle physician, " thank you and that is great, he walked out of the room. " so what do we do? asked, * Cao Jain. " how far are you on finishing the west? Asked. * Sun Jain, " thank you and that is great, he walked out of the room. " so what do we do? asked, * Cao Jain. " how far are you on finishing the west? Asked. * Sun Jain, " we are almost done, all is left is for Gou to furnish and design the house rooms, said. * Cao Jain, " good, I stay with them until everything is done or they stop phasing. She waves her hand up and her screen appears in front of her. " ( Zou if I am needed to screen me, or my parents tend to the matter,)-(" we are retiring from the crown * Sun, you are queen now,) said. Wu Jain, "( i ask you for your help father and mother, I know that you are retired from the throne, please help me. ) Cao Jr.

Trying to get out of the tub," no son stay in the tub okay. You need to cool down first. The twins are crying," Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, cried. * Sun Jain, momma, momma, momma, cried. Cao Jr. * Cao Jain went to tend to the twins, " mom and dad are here, our son and daughter. You going to be okay, everything is going to be fine, you four are just in eternal phasing, said. * Sun Jain, " it means our little ones your Dragon power is growing. Said, Zhong Jain. " you like your mother going through the Phase, great-grandchildren. Said, Shi Jain, after a few hours they take them out of the tub. And put their cooling gel on them and their cooldown armor, they pick ⛏️ them up and take them into the bedroom, and lay them onto the bed. * Sun Jain sat down on the bed, they bring them their breakfast. They start to eat while they feed the twins their bottles, outside of the castle. " the Royal Family not going to join us? Asked. Village women, " the princesses and princes 🤴 are eternal phasings so they are in the castle trying to keep them cool, " four grandkids lady Jain, what it's like to be a grandmomma?

" I love ️ being a grandmomma, now only if they give me two more, said. Yuan Jain, " (how are they doing * Sun and * Cao?) -("they okay they are eating right now a mother.) Your uncle again? Asked. * Sun Jain, " yeah, " momma, momma, " maybe after the west is done and they not phasing anymore, you can go in spend a few nights where he is. Said, * Sun Jain. " I not leaving you to take care of four kids alone, he is fine. Said, * Cao Jain, " if the Queen need a day away, so do the king , we are going to be fine * Cao, after what you doing you have earned a few days of rest from the west, size I owe you one for denying ❎ you the right from your first twins," no you don't my queen I had no right forcing you to be their mother and Jr. To be there, brother, said. * Cao Jain, " momma, momma. " yes my son. Answered, * Sun Jain. " can we go to? She got done feeding Xiong Jain and wipe her mouth and put her in the basket. She sat on the bed and cross her legs 🦵 ," tell you What I take you flying ️ and we have a family, said. * Sun Jain, " it is going to fun my great-grandbabies, said, Zhong Jain. They sing to them. As they lesson to their mother and great grandmother, " I love ️ it when she sings, every night when she sings Wu to sleep, she sings me to sleep . Said, Shi Jain, "I love ️ it too along with them having power over us, he pets him on his back. * Cao Jain and Yao Jain walked into the room, " how are they doing? Asked. Yao Jain, " they calm and cool for now lady Jain, answered. * Cao Jain, " You are our great-grandson in law now so call us, " pop and ma. * Cao

Jain finished for her, he pets him on the back, Yao Jain join on the song,

The sun ️ went down in the sky and breakfast is over. Which will last them a long time, outside of the castle Yuan Jain joining in on the Song. " they singing them to sleep, Everyone is in their tent tonight sleeping. After the song, they finally fall asleep, they kissed them goodnight, As they settle down on the bed for the night . " it's not that I don't want to talk or see him, I have a family now that needs me, I can not abandon you to fly ️ or ride off to Chengdu when I like, I love ️ you I love our kids. Said, * Cao Jain. " * Cao if you do not go you be registering it, and blaming me for not letting you, my father will take charge of the west, you go stay and visit with your uncle Tomorrow. Said, * Sun Jain. " I will never do that to you * Sun I love you, said. * Cao Jain, she looks at him and strokes his face. " I know my King, but if you don't go you will never be in peace with yourself. You drive yourself sick and mad for not taking the time to go to

See your uncle, said. * Sun Jain,

He signs and said," okay I'll go tomorrow and stay for a few days, will you call me every morning and night? " * yes, my love we will call you every day and night. Answered, * Sun Jain. They kissed each other and went to sleep. As the winds blow throughout the land of Yanying, as the night slowly disappeared in the morning Slowly come, inside of the castle in the castle bedroom they are waking to say bye to him and wish him a safe journey. He picked ⛏️ up his oldest boy Cao Jr. Jain and hugged him and he told him, " while I away you are the main of the castle, okay take care of your momma, sisters, and brother for me. Said, * Cao Jain. " I will papa, he lay him back on the bed and pick up * Sun Jain, " help mom your little brother and sister, can I count on you two ️to be good, and help her out? They shake their heads yes. He lay her back

as they walked out of the room.

" you sure about this my wife? Asked. * Cao Jain, " yes, my husband you need to go and have a few days of rest, have a safe flight. they kissed each other, and he left out of the castle, she walked back ⬅️ into the room and got in the bed. " momma? Called, Cao Jr. Jain, " yes, my son. Answered, * Sun Jain, " when is papa coming back ⬅️ ? Asked. Cao Jr. Jain, " after a few days Jr. Papa has done enough and he needs to rest don't you agree my Prince 🤴? Asked, * Sun Jain. She strokes his face and continues to say to him. " papa will be back ⬅️ before you even know it, son. So they went back ⬅️ to sleep. Cao Jain arrived at Chengdu and his uncle and Aunt's house. Ren Fu walked out of the house, got terrified by Cao Jain. He was about to run back ⬅️ , " uncle Ren it's me relax. He took form in his human form, he turns around and walked up to him. " boy you scared the crap out of me, they hug each other and laugh. " what are you doing here? Will my wife told me I need to come and stay a few days if that okay? Asked,

Cao Jain. " sure, come in. Did you marry now nephew? Said? Ren Fu. They walked into the house, the sun is finally up in the sky. wu and Yuan Jain, Shi and Zhong Jain, Cao and Yao Jain, Zhou and Su Jain, and Gao and Xia Jain alongside Yuan finally. Cao and Yao Cheng, Duan and Zeng Cheng, Zhang and Kong Cheng, * Zeng and Tao Cheng, and Tang, and Cai Cheng. Walked into the room, " morning our Queen are you up. Asked, Wu Jain. " grandpapa!! They both yelled out, he picks them both up, " yeah mother, Cao took a few days to rest, so the houses and the west said. * Sun Jain, "

We will see to it after we go flying, then a picnic. Said, Wu Jain. Back ⬅️ in Chengdu at the house, " yeah we have been married for nine years. Yes, she was married to Bai first but he didn't do right by her, so she ended with him, you were at my son's blessing. Said, * Cao Jain. " yeah how is the baby doing? Asked, Ren Fu. Inside of the castle in Yanying, " So what we got plans for this morning ? Yuan Jain. Chen Heng and Xiao Heng walked into the room,

" will you all join us for breakfast ? Asked. Chen Heng, they sat down in chairs while Tao is in the kitchen fixing breakfast . " will, we love they can join you, but I have to see to our people first my king . Said, * Sun Jain. " he is walking, talking , and two, we have three more. Our daughter is two. The twins are still babies Said. * Cao Jain, Tao Fu brings a tray out with the morning tea. And pour them a cup 🥤 . " four wows, what are their names? Said, Tao Fu. As they head down to the patio for breakfast , and she and the kids. they sat down at the table, walk into the camp, they walked up to the cooks. " what can I do for you this morning my queen ? Asked. One of the cooks, " this is the last breakfast here. So we need your skills again. And a picnic basket 🧺 too. Said, * Sun Jain. Everyone gathered around and all start to talk at once, " we are