
Chapter 10 confrontation of Bai chen

Thank you for coming, the price does not move, these things need a dragon warning, if you see anything like attacks on my family, you have the go-to counter-attack, so after we finished our meal we will be heading to the cottage, any questions? They understand and they are at the king and queen Beck and call. She walked back inside the cottage. They just got done eating breakfast 🥐, so they clean up everything. Wu, Shi, * Cao, and Zhou's head back to the West to have a word with Chen's. The queen and the king, head down to the family cottage. Bad timing too because now Cao Jr is starting to phase as a dragon, and the sun has to heat him. He starts to cry rapidly nonstop, " Cao we need to stop, something is wrong. Said, Zhong Rong, " What is wrong my wife? Out of the blue hunters on horseback chase after them. " Come on, let go delivered the queen and the king warning to them. They ride past them and at the hunters, " we are almost there, he is okay? Asked. Cao Rong " I don't know, but he is burning up. Said, Sun Mei, they pulled up at the cottage, they got out of the wagon, " he has been in the sun all day. So they walked in the door of the cottage and they called the castle physician to come to the cottage, so he came and took a look at the prince. He is done and he looked at him, " my queen and my king he is okay he is phasing into a Sun dragon , like those before him. The castle physician had told them, " is there anything we need to do? Asked. Zhong Rong " just keep him cool, he is okay. Said, the castle physician. He left and heading back home, they call the West, the thee fi es are the Mei's. "( You are there?) Asked. Wu Rong "( yeah, we got news for you,) said. Zhong Rong, Cao Jr would not stop crying. " Shh, we going to have an ice bath soon, ( we need your help with now,) said. Cao Rong " What you mean by you have news what news?) Asked. Yuan R9ng, " ( what's wrong?) Asked, Wu Rong. "( Your new grandson is a Sun dragon ,) said. Zhong Rong" ( And we don't know to handle this father,) said. Cao Mei, "(did I hear right?Jr is a sun dragon ?) Said,* Cao Rong "(Yes, the great grandfather he is like us,) said. * Zhong Rong,"( yes, he is what you call phasing I guess. He won't stop crying.) Said, * Zhong Rong "( You go our wives. We belong shortly,) said. Zhou Rong "(we on our way Sun and Cao.) Said, Su Rong. They head down to the west to give a warning to the Chen's, and they off to the cottage. As they cut the screen off, and try to get him calm down. They pulled up at the cottage, they walked out of the cottage, " how's he doing? Asked Yuan Rong. " He has been in the sun today a lot, he is not calming down. Said, Cao Rong " Did you call the castle physician? Asked. * Zhong Rong " that is the first thing we did when something was wrong grandmother, Yuan Mei take him from Cao, he looked at her, with his wet eyes. " Hey, sweet 🥰 boy. Nothing is wrong, we just phasing into a baby dragon . Mommy and daddy just need to know how to handle a special dragon boy. Said, Yuan Rong. " We going to teach you how to handle a special boy, dad get a bucket of water and ice, mom takes your son. She takes him and they are walked into the cottage, and pumped water into the buckets take it inside. Dump them in the tub and then he went to get the ice, she takes his armor off him, he walked in with the ice and dump them in the tub too. " Gently put him in the tub she put him in the tub to cool down in the ice water . " Nothing like a special bottle and bowl 🥣 of soup to keep a little one down, so they started to prepare a pot of seagrass stew with chunks of beef and goat cheese in it. * Sun Mei is slowly stirring it to a boil, next they brew some coconut milk with some duck 🦆 sauce in it. After they got don delivering the warning message to the Chen's, now they are heading to the cottage. They look at them, " this is phase 1# the calming.

Phase 2# waiting in a twenty minutes break, they walked in the room, it is working he starting to calm down and cool down in the tub, Cao is stretching and yawning, " this is just beginning son. Get ready for it, said. Wu Mei, he picked him up and put his armor back on him Anandikeneded out of the bathroom, they sat down at the table, *Sun Mei give him his bowl of soup , he slowly feeds him. While she waiting for his milk 🥛 to get done, while Yuan, * Sun, Yao, and Su if cooking stuffed buns with meat and soup or nothing in the oven, and put on some soybean milk 🥛 on the stove, he wipes his face." Nothing is like a good bowl of special soup to calm you down. Said, * Sun Mei. He finished his soup , * Sun Mei give Cao his bottle of Coconut milk 🥛, he slowly drinks it. " Mmmm, Coconut milk 🥛, phase 3# take his armor off and lay him on the bed the way he is, said. Shi Mei, as he was drinking the milk 🥛 he was drifting to sleep. " That's enough milk 🥛 for now. Wipesmouth and burps him. They walked into the bedroom and, he takes off his armor and gently lay him in the middle of the bed . Cao Jr is fast asleep on the bed , so they walked out in sat down at the table to just relax, and eat, " maybe he will sleep throughout the day. Said, * Zhong Rongi. She eats some of her stuffed buns with meat and soup , " we all wished for that to happen, and it doesn't. Prepare for a rough day and night said. Wu Rong, " that's why we are suggesting that you stay with us because we are still new at this, Said. * Zhong Rongi, " a course we will, that's why we are here for, we just got through phases 1-2, said. Yuan Rong " so what is the next step? Asked. * Cao Rong, the Feng is back from spending few days in the South, they just arrived at the house , " will home sweet home, said. Zhou, they walked in the door of the house . So Li Feng called the castle and see if they are back. "(They are at the cottage Li, hang on I about to call her now,) said. Zou Youngzheng, he called the cottage screen, Zhong Rong got up and cuts it on. "(Talk Softy he is asleep, Zou go ahead and start the ocean view when Kang gets to the quarter tell him to get set up and tell Li Feng to go ahead and do the weather ️ report.) Said, * Zhong Rong, "( Report back when you all are done,) said. * Cao Rong, "(yes, my queen and my king , is all is well?) Asked. Zou Youngzheng, "( yeah, we are good we will see you soon, you and Kang are charge until we get back,) Said. * Zhong Rong. "( we got you, my queen and my king .) They went off the screen, she sat back down at the table, " twenty minutes break all we get as parents and grandparents and great-great-grandparents. Said, * Zhong Rong " that is not flavor, said. * Cao Mei, " twenty minutes is all you need if you are a good parent, and grandparents, and great-great-grandparents. * Cao Mei, " do you both love your son? Asked. Zhou Rong " yes we do great grandfather, answered. * Sun Mei, " more than anything in this world. Said, *Cao Rong " Then twenty minutes is all you need then, said. Su Ring while he is sleeping still, they relax after breakfast, Wu and Yuan Rong are walking around outside, Shi and *Zhong Rong are sitting outside in the chairs. , *Cao and Yao Rong is in the kitchen ., Zhou and Su Rongi is at the kitchen table., And * Cao and* Zhong Rong is in the bedroom asleep, back at the west and inside of the castle . They are busy at work. And Kang is busy taking down people concerned and problem on a scroll. Back at the cottage cao Jr is crying and wiggly. " Son dad and mom are tired, cried. * Cao Rong" he wakes? They walked back into the room. " Phase 4# nip back in the tub again, he hot again. Asked, Yuan Rong " I can't take too much of this! What has happened to my son? Said. * Zhong Rong," I am so tired, son calm down. Said, * Cao Rong " We all know how you are feeling son, phasing it is torture on a father, said. Wu Rong " we all said that same thing. Phasing it is also torture on the mother as well, said. Yuan Rong, they got up and put him back in the tub to cool down, he just fusing ad chatting. " We know that you are a hot son, that's why you are in a tub of ice. Said, * Cao Rong. " How long does this last? The captains walked into the cottage. " They have been taken care of by my queen and my king . The prince 🤴 you. Reported Hou Long, " how is the prince, asked. Zheng You, " he is in his phasing stage right now, and thank you all for doing that, said. * Zhong Rong, " you are Royal family, there is nothing we will not do for you, said. He He, " thank you, just stand by and you can see your nephew. So they walked in the bathroom, all at once he settled down. " What you know, you Eighteen steps in the room and he calms down. Said, * Cao Rong, " He acknowledged his brothers and sisters like you did Cao, Said. Zhou Rong. " and your son, Shi. Said, Cao Mei. " And you Wu, he like his grandfather and Mom, said. Shi Mei, " he got that Rong eye down right grandson? Said. Wu Rong, back at the West, inside of the castle . " The weather ️ t did, how do we get hold of the queen and the king ? Asked. Li Feng, "the ocean view report to, we need to wait for Kang to finish getting the scrolls, said. Zou Youngzheng, " how long will that take? Asked. Li Feng, " he took the audience down along with the living audience to its going to be a while, Scan the woods thanthanthanthan the ocean waves. Said, Zou Youngzheng. Out in the village side in the office people is line up, " where is the Royal family? asked an old man. " somewhere and they what to know what is wrong? Asked. Kang, Deming. " What is being done about water ? He took it down on the scroll.

Audience: elderly village man.

Problem: what is being done about water ,

Solution: talk with the queen and the king .

" The queen and the king will get this when they get back, next Said, Kang Deming." Tell me they got meat ? Asked a young village man. "

Audience: village man

Problem: is there anything meat ?

Solution: will check with the queen and the king ,

" I see with the queen and the king has. Back at the cottage, Cao Jr finally cool down and went back to sleep again. " I suggest you Eighteen stay in bond and help out with the phase, he picks him up out of the tub. And lay him down on the bed , " we are here for you my queen and my king . Said, Zheng You, " you Eighteen are my hero thanks. Jr knows who you are to him, that is important to us and him. Said, * Sun Mei. " For a few days then he will be okay mom and dad. Said, Yuan Mei, it is now dark outside in Chengdu, he finished getting everyone audience down on the scrolls. "( My queen and my king , we all do.) Report Zou Youngzheng. She walked up to the screen and cuts it on,"( put everything on the deck we will go over it when we get back to the castle .) Said, * Sun Mei. "( Are you okay Sun?) Asked. Li Feng, "(yes, Li just tired. Go get some sleep and we will see you soon,) answered.* Sun Mei. He cut the screen off, they locked up the castle , and went home, at the cottage, everyone is fast asleep in their rooms, * Cao Mei is on the left side of his son, laying on his back, and * Sun Mei is on the right side of her son, laying on her side, and the next room. Wu Mei is on his stomach, and Yuan Mei is on her side and the next room. Shi Mei is on his back, and

* Sun Mei is on her stomach. And the next room, * Cao Mei is on his side. And Yao Mei is on her side to, and the next room. Zhou Mei is on his back, and Su Mei is on her side. And the next room the Eighteen captains are asleep to. Deep in the woods of Chengdu, there is a loud howl, " what is that? Asked. Ye after he shot up in the bed. He didn't hear it anymore and he lay back down went to sleep again. As the sun slowly comes up in the sky . The ocean water is calm down in the ocean. And everyone is still sleeping in. At the cottage, Cao Jr starting to cry again. " Son dad loves you, said. * Cao Mei, phase 4# dip back into the tub again so he can cool down again. So they got up in stick him back in the tub and the bathroom, they both yawn out. " Will a few hours is better than nothing, said. * Sun Mei, " tea would be nice, said, * Cao Mei. Wu and Yuan Mei walked in the bathroom, " hot again, you doing good you two, if your mother gets up tell I'll be back, I got the idea that will help him to stay cool in the sun , said, Wu Mei. He left and went to the west, he is raving and howling. Yuan Mei walked in the door of the bathroom, " morning, how about some oodles of noodles , and some pancakes 🥞 and eggs 🥚? Asked. Yuan Mei, "soundsGGoodwood. Right son? Said. * Cao Mei, " mmm, that sure does baby boy. * Sun Mei, they walked into the kitchen and start cooking breakfast 🥐, Shi Mei walked inside of the bathroom. " Phase 4# cool downtime I will be back I got the idea that will help him to stay cool at night. So he heads back to the West to get the cool gel, * Cao Mei rubs his face. " Son, how are you feeling today? *assesskskss his son. " Where are Wu and Shi? Asked. * Sun Mei, " they went to get something to help him to stay cool in the sun and at night, said. * Cao Mei. " I remember asking Shi that too. Where's mom and grandma at? Asked. * Sun Mei, " getting breakfast 🥐 Cook, he about to start up again, the castle physician arrives at the cottage. " Morning my queen and my lady how is the prince doing? He asked them. " Hot and in the tub cooling down, answered. * Sun Mei, " where you at with the phasing stage? They walked into the bathroom room. He picks him up and examines him, on the bed . He is doing good, " phase 4# is he okay? * Cao Mei. " He is very well, he just needs to get some fresh air, stay cool, and get something to eat and plenty of rest, said. The castle physician, " you are doing well my queen and my king . Zhou Feng was about to head out when he saw Wu at the cloth shop, " my Lord how may I help you? Asked. Asked the owner, " yes, I need the same cloth armor that you made for my daughter, it's for my grandson, he like hiss grandfather and Mom a sun dragon , he is still an infant so I need likely said, Wu Mei," I know my Lord it is just like the queen blue? What is the new baby's He asks Jr after his father and great grandfather?dWu Mei," so where are they at? My wife is going crazy, said. Zhou Feng, " they are good and safe, tell her not to worry about them. " It will be ready soon, he told him. He sat down and cross his legs and pick up a scroll to read, " take your time, at the cottage * cao Mei pick him up and wrap him up and a towel and walked out of the bathroom, " they sat down at the table and eat breakfast 🥐, and feed him, he had a smile on his face. " There that smile little one, grandmother and great grandmother and great-great-grandmother special meal for a special boy. Said, Yuan Mei, " their food is a good son. Just what sun dragon like you need, said. * Zhong Rong, Zhou, and Su Rong walked out of the room, stretching and yawning. " Thank you for coming, the price does not move, these things need a dragon warning, if you see anything like attacks on my family, you have the go-to counter-attack, so after we finished our meal we will be heading to the cottage, any questions? They understand and they are at the king and queen Beck and call. She walked back inside the cottage. They just got done eating breakfast 🥐, so they clean up everything. Wu, Shi, * Cao, and Zhou's head back to the West to have a word with the Chen's. The queen and the king, head down to the family cottage. Bad timing too because now Cao Jr is starting to phase as a dragon, and the sun has to heat him. He starts to cry rapidly nonstop, " Cao we need to stop, something is wrong. Said, Sun Mei. " What is wrong my wife? Out of the blue hunters on horseback chase after them. " Come on, let go delivered the queen and the king warning to them. They ride past them and at the hunters, " we are almost there, he is okay? Asked. Cao Mei, " I don't know, but he is burning up. Said, Sun Mei, they pulled up at the cottage, they got out of the wagon, " he has been in the sun all day. So they walked in the door of the cottage and they called the castle physician to come to the cottage, so he came and took a look at the prince. He is done and he looked at him, " my queen and my king he is okay he is phasing into a Sun dragon , like those before him. The castle physician had told them, " is there anything we need to do? Asked. Sun Mei, " just keep him cool, he is okay. Said, the castle physician. He left and heading back home, they call the West, the first ones are the Mei's. "( You are there?) Asked. Wu Mei, "( yeah, we got news for you,) said. Sun Mei, Cao Jr would not stop crying. " Shih, we going to have an ice bath soon, ( we need your help with now,) said. Cao Mei. " What you mean by you have news what news?) Asked. Yuan Mei, " ( what's wrong?) Asked, Wu Mei. "( Your new grandson is a Sun dragon ,) said. Sun Mei. " ( And we don't know to handle this father,) said. Cao Mei, "(did I hear right?Jr is a sun dragon ?) Said,* Cao Mei. "(Yes, the great grandfather he is like us,) said. * Sun Mei, "( yes, he is what you call phasing I guess. He won't stop crying.) Said, * Sun Mei. "( You go our wives. We belong shortly,) said. Zhou Mei, "(we on our way Sun and Cao.) Said, Su Mei. They head down to the west to give a warning to the Chen's, and they off to the cottage. As they cut the screen off, and try to get him calm down. They pulled up at the cottage, they walked out of the cottage, " how's he doing? Asked Yuan Mei. " He has been in the sun today a lot, he is not calming down. Said, Cao Mei. " Did you call the castle physician? Asked. * Sun Mei, " that is the first thing we did when something was wrong grandmother, Yuan Mei take him from Cao, he looked at her, with his wet eyes. " Hey, sweet 🥰 boy. Nothing is wrong, we just phasing into a baby dragon . Mommy and daddy just need to know how to handle a special dragon boy. Said, Yuan Mei. " We going to teach you how to handle a special boy, dad get a bucket of water and ice, mom takes your son. She takes him and they are walked into the cottage, and pumped water into the buckets take it inside. Dump them in the tub and then he went to get the ice, she takes his armor off him, he walked in with the ice and dump them in the tub too. " Gently put him in the tub Sun, she put him in the tub to cool down in the ice water . " Nothing like a special bottle and bowl 🥣 of soup to keep a little one down, so they started to prepare a pot of seagrass stew with chunks of beef and goat cheese in it. * Sun Mei is slowly stirring it to a boil, next they brew some ccoconut milkwith some duck 🦆 sauce in it. After they got done delivering the warning message to the Chen's, now they are heading to the cottage. They look at them, " this is phase 1# the calming.

Phase 2# waiting in a twenty minutes break, they walked in the room, it is working he starting to calm down and cool down in the tub, Cao is stretching and yawning, " this is just beginning son. Get ready for it, said. Wu Mei, he picked him up and put his armor back on hi, m, and walked out of the bathroom, they sat down at the table, *Sun Mei give him his bowl of soup , he slowly feeds him. While she waiting for his milk 🥛 to get done, while Yuan, * Sun, Yao, and Su if cooking stuffed buns with meat and soup or nothing in the oven, and put on some soybean milk 🥛 on the stove, he wipes his face." Nothing is like a good bowl of special soup to calm you down. Said, * Sun Mei. He finished his soup , * Sun Mei give Cao his bottle of Coconut milk 🥛, he slowly drinks it. " Mmmm, Coconut milk 🥛, phase 3# take his armor off and lay him on the bed the way he is, said. Shi Mei, as he was drinking the milk 🥛 he was drifting to sleep. " That's enough milk 🥛 for now. He wipes his mouth and burps him. They walked into the bedroom and, he takes off his armor and gently lay him in the middle of the bed . Cao Jr is fast asleep on the bed , so they walked out in sat down at the table to just relax, and eat, " maybe he will sleep throughout the day. Said, * Sun Mei. She eats some of her stuffed buns with meat and soup , " we all wished for that to happen, and it doesn't. Prepare for a rough day and night said. Wu Mei, " that's why we are suggesting that you stay with us because we are still new at this, Said. * Sun Mei, " a course we will, that's why we are here for, we just got through phases 1-2, said. Yuan Mei, " so what is the next step? Asked. * Cao Mei, the Feng is back from spending few days in the South, they just arrived at the house , " will home sweet home, said. Zhou, they walked in the door of the house . So Li Feng called the castle and see if they are back. "(They are at the cottage Li, hang on I about to call her now,) said. Zou Youngzheng, he called the cottage screen, Sun Mei got up and cuts it on. "(Talk Softy he is asleep Zou go ahead and start the ocean view when Kang gets to the quarter tell him to get set upptandhanhandlee Feng to go ahead and do the weather ️ report.) Said, * Sun Mei. "( Report back when you all are done,) said. * Cao Mei, "(yes, my queen and my king , is all is well?) Asked. Zou Youngzheng, "( yeah, we are good we will see you soon, you and Kang are charge until we get back,) Said. * Sun Mei, "( we got you, my queen and my king .) They went off the screen, she sat back down at the table, " twenty minutes break all we get as parents and grandparents and great-great grandparents. Said, * Sun Mei. " that is not flavor, said. * Cao Mei, " twenty minutes is all you need if you are a good parent and grandparentsandgreatestgreatatttrandparentsndparentsi, " do you both love your son? Asked. Zhou Mei, " yes we do great grandfather, answered. * Sun Mei, " more than anything in this world. Said, *Cao Mei. " Then twenty minutes is all you need then, said. Su Mei, while he is sleeping still, they relax after breakfast, Wu and Yuan Mei are walking around outside, Shi and * Sun Mei is sitting outside in the chairs. , *Cao and Yao Mei is in the kitchen ., Zhou and Su Mei is at the kitchen table., And * Cao and* Sun Mei is in the bedroom asleep, back at the west and inside of the castle . They are busy at work. And Kang is busy taking down people concerned and problem scroll. Back at the cottage cao Jr is crying and wiggly. " Son dad and mom are tired, cried. * Cao Mei, " he wakes? They walked back into the room. " Phase 4# nip back in the tub again, he hot again. Asked, Yuan Mei. " I can't take too much of this! What has happened to my son? Said. * Sun Mei, " I am so tired, son calm down. Said, * Cao Mei. " We all know how you are feeling son, phasing it is torture on a father, said. Wu Mei, " we all said that same thing. Phasing it is also torture on the mother as well, said. Yuan Mei, they got up and put him back in the tub to cool down, he just fusing ad chatting. " We know that you are aware greenerthat'ss you are in a tub of ice. Said, * Cao Mei. " How long does this last? The captains walked into the cottage. " They have been taken care of by my queen and my king . The pricremovremovedm you. Reported Hou Long, " how is the prince, asked. Zheng You, " he is in his phasing stage right now, and thank you all for doing that, said. * Sun Mei, " you are Royal family, there is nothing we will not do for you, said. He He, " thank you just stand by and you can see your nephew. So they walked in the bathroom, all at once he settled down. " What you know, you Eighteen steps in the room and he calms down. Said, * Cao Mei. " He acknowledged his brothers and sisters like you did Cao, Said. Zhou Mei, " and your son, Shi. Said, Cao Mei. " And you Wu, he like his grandfather and Mom, said. Shi Mei, " he got that Mei eye down right grandson? Said. Wu Mei, back at the West, inside of the castle . " The weather ️ t did how do we get hold of the queen and the king ? Asked. Li Feng, "the ocean view report to, we need to wait for Kang to finish getting the scrolls, said. Zou Youngzheng, " how long will that take? Asked. Li Feng, " he tookience down along wthe the the the ith living audience to its going to be a while, Scan the woods while I scan the ocean waves. Said, Zou Youngzheng. Out in the village side in the office people is line up, " where is the Royal family? asked an old man. " somewhere and they what to know what is wrong? Asked. Kang, Deming. " What is being done about water ? He took it down on the scroll.

Audience: elderly village man.

Problem: what is being done about water ,

Solution: talk with the queen and the king .

" The queen and the king will get this when they get back, next. Said, Kang Deming." Tell me they got meat ? Asked a young village man. "

Audience: village man

Problem: is there anything meat ?

Solution: will check with the queen and the king ,

" I see with the queen and the king has. Back at the cottage, Cao Jr finally cool down and went back to sleep again. " I suggest you Eighteen stay in bond and help out with the phase, he picks him up out of the tub. And lay him down on the bed , " we are here for you my queen and my king . Said, Zheng You, " you Eighteen are my hero thanks. Jr knows who you are to him, that is important to us and him. Said, * Sun Mei. " For a few days then he will be okay mom and dad. Said, Yuan Mei, it is now dark outside in Chengdu, he finished getting everyone audience down on the scrolls. "( My queen and my king , we all do.) Report Zou Youngzheng. She walked up to the screen and cuts it on,"( put everything on the deck we will go over it when we get back to the castle .) Said, * Sun Mei. "( Are you okay Sun?) Asked. Li Feng, "(yes, Li just tired. Go get some sleep and we will see you soon,) answered.* Sun Mei. He cut the screen off, they locked up the castle , and went home, at the cottage, everyone is fast asleep in their rooms, * Cao Mei is on the left side of his son, laying on his back, and * Sun Mei is on the right side of her son laying on her side, and the next room. Wu Mei is on his stomach, and Yuan Mei is on her side and the next roomomomShi Mei is on his back, and

* Sun Mei is on her stomach. And the next room, * Cao Mei is on his side. And Yao Mei is on her side to, and the next room. Zhou Mei is on his back, and Su Mei is on her side. And the next room the Eighteen captains are asleep to. Deep in the woods of Chengdu, there is a loud howl, " what is that? Asked. Ye after he shot up in the bed. He didn't hear it anymore and he lay back down went to sleep again. As the sun slowly comes up in the sky . The ocean water is calm down in the ocean. And everyone is still sleeping in. At the cottage, Cao Jr starting to cry again. " Son dad loves you, said. * Cao Mei, phase 4# dip back into the tub again so he can cool down again. So they got up in stick him back in the tub and the bathroom, they both yawn out. " Will a few hours is better than nothing, said. * Sun Mei, " tea would be nice, said, * Cao Mei. Wu and Yuan Mei walked in the bathroom, " hot again, you doing good you two, if your mother gets up tell I'll be back, I got the idea that will help him to stay cool in the sun , said, Wu Mei. He left and went to the west, he is raving and howling. Yuan Mei walked in the door of the bathroom, " morning, how about some oodles of noodles , and some pancakes 🥞 and eggs 🥚? Asked. Yuan Rong, " it sounds good. Right son? Said. * Cao Rong, " mmm, that sure does baby boy. Zhong Rong, they walked into the the n and start cooking breakfast 🥐, Shi Rong walked inside of the bathroom. " Phase 4# cool downtime, I will be back I got the idea that will help him to stay cool at night. So he heads back to the West to get the cool gel, * Cao Rong rubs his face. " Son, how are you feeling today? * Cao Rong asks his son. " Where are Wu and Shi? Asked. * Zhong Rong, " they went to get something to help him to stay cool in the sun and at night, said. * Cao Rong " I remember asking Shi that too. Where's mom and grandma at? Asked. * Zhong Rong " getting breakfast 🥐 Cookie about to start up again, the castle physician arrives at the cottage. " Morning my queen and my lady how is the prince doing? He asked them. " Hot and in the tub cooling down, answered. * Zhong Rong, " where you at with the phasing stage? They walked vintage the here bathroom room. He picks him up and examines him, on the bed . He is doing good, " phase 4# is he okay? * Cao Rong. " He is very well, he just needs to get some fresh air, stay cool, and get something to eat and plenty of rest, said. The castle physician, " you are doing well my queen and my king . Zhou Feng was about to head out when he saw Wu at the cloth shop, " my Lord how may I help you? Asked. Asked the owner, " yes, I need the same cloth armor that you made for my daughter, it's for my grandson, he like his grandfather and Mom a sun dragon , he is still an infant so I need like an only. Said, Wu Rong" I know my Lord it is just like the queen blue? What is the new baby's name? He asked. " Cao Jr after his father and great grandfather. Said, Wu Rong so where are they at? My wife is going crazy, said. Zhou Feng, " they are good and safe, tell her not to worry about them. " It will be ready soon, he told him. He sat down and cross his legs and pick up a scroll to read, " take your time, at the cottage * cao Rong pick him up and wrap him up and a towel and walked out of the bathroom, " they sat down at the table and eat breakfast 🥐, and feed him, he had a smile on his face. " There that smile little one, grandmother and great grandmother and great-great-grandmother special meal for a special boy. Said, Yuan Rong, " their food is a good son. Just what sun dragon like you need, said. * Zhong Rong, Zhou, and Su Rong walked out of the room, stretching and yawning. "