
chapter 24 wives day

Every husband that is all of the islands is celebrating their wives on wives' day. First, as they rest in the bed, they will be prepared a wonderful breakfast in bed, Soybean Milk, and Deep-Fried Dough Sticks. At the cottage in the kitchen, cooking is all the kings, Cao, Wu, Shi, * Cao, Zhou, and Gao, along with Cao, Zeng, Lain, Tan, and Zhang. "guys go see how momma, grandmomma, great-grandmomma, great-great-grandmomma, Great-great-great-grandmomma, and great-great-great-great-grandmomma are ready for their luxury bath. Said, * Cao Rong. " okay, they ran into the rooms. " morning my little ones, said. Yuan Rong," mommy. Called, Sun Rong. " yes, my daughter. Answered, * Zhong Rong. " papa want to know are you guys are ready for your luxury bath. Whatever that is, said. Cao Jr." You tell us the five of them got us a luxury bath? Asked. * Zhong Rong, "They look at her. Every wife is getting a luxury bath. " grandmother they young and do not know what that is. She sat up in the bed, she is starting to show a little, I didn't sleep well at all. I am okay Sun, her screen pop up."(Zhong, yeah they are both, I on it my Queen . and I need to talk to you in person,) said. Li Feng, " (we got a warning from an invading army my queen.) Said, Kang Deming. "(Thank you Li, I am in my family cottage right now, can we talk over the screen, it's kind of like ️ taking in person,)-(where they at my grand Marshall of warfare. And what's the warning?) Said. * Zhong Rong, as breakfast is cooking on the burner, they walked into the room. " so which one of our lovely wives ready to be wash by their husbands? To answer your question, yes we chip in and got you all luxury baths, said. Wu Rong," we think Zhong should go first. Said, Yuan Rong. " then on down the line, said. * Zhong Rong, * Cao Rong pick ⛏️ her up and carry into the bathhouse. "( She will get back to you, later on. We need to know everything when they are attacking when it going to happen and what trying to knock down the wall,) said. Yuan Rong, " hey this is wives day no working. Said, Wu Rong. " this is all nice boys, but there is a warning at the dragon kingdom we need to get everything ready, talk with Chen and Xiao see if we can camp our people in the east of them. Said, * Zhong Rong. " your husband will handle it, for now, relax, and enjoy your day. Said, Shi Rong. And the bathhouse, her armor disappeared off her and he sits her in the cool water . and he begins to wash her, " relax my queen your king will get everything ready. The size you can't move anyway said. * cao Rong,

I know my husband, we can not ignore this threat against us. We got to make sure they are ready to move, said. * Zhong Rong, " Zhong relax we make sure we have the preparation, said. * Cao Rong, " with training a new warrior, teaching Jr. And Sun how to be a king. And queen, training the legions, see to everyone's needs, and wants, and preparing for the arrival of the twins, on top of a warning. Can only hope that they got an army and willing to fight with us, said. Said, * Zhong Rong. " look, you know this warning has been happening for ages, the treat burning of the west, slaughter of its people, said. Wu Rong, " yeah and each time we make preparation and rebuild, said. Yuan Rong, " yes, they will too. Not on your special day love ️ , said. Shi Rong, " shi come this can wait, but this is an emergency again. Said, * Zhong Rong. " We know and we will be on it, said. * cao Rong, " first we need to go around and get tent sizes for everyone. Said, Yao Rong. " we will, now will you set back ⬅️ and relax? Said. * Cao Rong, " you want us to relax now there is a Panic on our hands? Said. Su Rong, " Is that too hard to do? Asked. Zhou Rong helps her out of the tub and her armor appeared on her again, he picks her up and walked out of the door . Wu picked ⛏️ up Yuan and said to her" your turn. No more nonsense, he walked in the door of the bathhouse. He lay her gently on the bed, and rub her stomach. " Huang and Xiong remain calm let's go easy on mom okay. Cao said to his unborn children, he was also relaxing his wife. " mom stop, we will handle it okay. This is the day that we design for you, come guys. They walked back ⬅️ into the kitchen, wives day decorated for every wife on every island. With a warning waiting in the wind, the dragon family must do all they can to," protect the families of Chengdu, after each wife goes wash by their husbands, they bring them breakfast . In bed. " enjoy and we will see you in a bit, Jr. You are the man of the cottage, keep an eye ️ on them for us. Said, * Cao Rong. " what can I do poppy? Asked. Sun Rong, " you sweet pea can help him keep an eye ️ on them, they walked out and head back ⬅️ to the castle. I called back, ⬅️ ."( i don't see anything * Zhong, and it's about my husband.) Said, Li Feng. "(What you want to do my queen !?) Asked. Zou Youngzheng," ( go around take orders of and wagons then get every coin bags and buy tents and wagons. Kang does the same for the legion villages, this is not a defeat we will return ↪️ , and we will rebuild again. What about your husband?) Asked. * Zhong Rong, "( is your husband there?) Asked. Li Feng, " ( my husband is heading to the Castle, ) said. * Zhong Rong, they arrived at the castle . " my king !!! All three said. " (listen up, we have a warning of fire, we are by with wages and tents.) Said, * Cao Rong. "( do not panic please, we are working non-stop to get you safely to the East.) " ( Chen and Xiao do you have a legion yet?) Asked. Wu Rong, back ⬅️ at the cottage, they finished eating breakfast. now they are laying back ⬅️ on the beds enjoyed their special day. " so much to do, what this Army wants mother? Asked. * Zhong Rong, "I been wondering the same thing, my daughter. Mother, why are they attacking us? Asked. Yuan Rong, " you got me. Mother said. Yao Rong, " you ask me this Yao, you need to ask your father . said, Su Rong. " all we know they want the East and us out of the way ↕️ , said. Xai Rong, "


Momma, called. Cao Jr." Yes, my son. That is not a very helpful mother and grandmother, said. * Zhong Rong, the whole kingdom is packing up. "( we think it is best to have an army at your beck and call, we heard about your warning what you are going to do?) Asked. Chen Heng, " (if it's okay if we camp in the back of you again,) asked. Wu Rong, at the cottage. Zhong Rong is having a rough time, and she is in a lot of pain. Cao Jr. Is rubbing his mother stomach," oh wow, huh. Moan out Zhong Rong, they laugh . " you making your mother feel good baby boy, said. Yuan Rong, " don't stop my son. Her eyes roll back in her head. Mommy, you okay? Asked. Sun Rong, " she is okay dear, your brother just making her feel good. Said, * Zhong Rong. " Jr. You have your father's magic rub. Please don't stop, "( i hope I not disturbing anything.) Asked, Li Feng. " I love ️ you, momma, said. Cao Jr."( oh wow, the baby has grown. How old is he *Zhong? )-(you not going going to like ️ what I have,) said. Li Feng, she looks at her, "I love ️ you both to a son, (no, my son is just calming his brother and sister down for me, he is two still. Yes, I know, what do you have for us?) Asked. * Zhong Rong, Zhou shows up at the castle. Cao Rong look at him. "

What are you still doing here!? Roared Cao Rong, " Cao please , we work out our marriage , size you said we have to be married to live here right? (zhong please .) "I know we had our differences I willing to move forward and be friends, said. Zhou Feng, " to you it's king Cao, I was talking to everyone when I say that not you. Matter of fact takes your wife and kids to go back to where you come from. Stop calling her without her title to you it's queen Zhong, in fact, you are not her friend anymore and you do not hire a hand or advisory anymore go back ⬅️ to where you come from. He told them, " my king I sorry why are you doing this? (Queen * Zhong.) "(If we are friends then why are you calling me by my title? Put my husband on the screen Li,) he walked up to it. She looked at him, " (we need her Cao, ) said.* Zhong Rong, "why are you bugging my freaking wife! ( you want to a phase that again king * Cao Rong sr!)-(and calm yourself down before talking to me,) she told him. "( I mean my beautiful, enchanted, loving ️ wife, my goddess, my queen and the mother of my sons and daughters,)-(she not going to be without him and find a better husband, I don't want him here. We talk about this Zhong! You said if she can find someone else to help raise her kids with her, all of them should leave or return ↪️ back to the home they left. ) said, * Cao Rong. " ( never refer to me as your freaking wife, understand my king . thank you for reminding me of what . I said, put Li back ⬅️ on.) She walked up,"( if you want to stay you need to find a better suiter that will support your career as a royal advisory of the dragon kingdom, and your sons and daughters paths as well, if not I going to have to let you go and replace, you going to be with him I am afraid that you and your family. Is no longer welcome here, ) she told her. " please I love ️ working for you and our friendship, he doesn't want me to be friends with you, Zhou said he changes, we have been married for twenty years, I love ️ him still.) Said, Li Feng.

"( you want to ruin your future and your son future in the legion all because you do not want let him go, I had a husband like him, they never change, they never love ️ you back, they never support you, they always find someone else to sleep with, be like ️ me kick out of your life and find the one you mint to be with, not for me but for your parent's sake, your children sake and for your sake.)-(i need you at my side Li, as a queen I have to be one voice with my husband and king , for four nights we talk about you and him, four nights I tried to convince him that we need you, for four nights we finally decided that we can not have someone disrespect a crown, and you say yes my wife we do need her but if you could talk to her in convincing her that she can do better than him, that you wouldn't have a problem ⚠️ , what change my love ️?) Asked.* Zhong Rong, He wipes his face, " ( yes, my queen . nothing change, ) if she talks with you and convinces you to leave him that you can do better than him will you talk sound advice from a friend, or you will not listen to what she has to say and do what you want? Asked. * cao Rong, " if you talk with our wives even it on their special day. Because you are not making wise choice her, said. Wu Rong, " if he loves ��� you, he will honor the path that you pick ⛏️ as the advisory of the castle and the path that your son picked ⛏️ for himself if he truly loves ️ his family he will not stand in his way ↕️ and support them. Said, Shi Rong. " you need to let this piece of crap go because he not going to change his way ↕️ for you or nobody. You need to talk to our wives, said. * Cao Rong, " you are going to ruin your future as the advisory and your son's future in the legion, all because you don't want to cut your lost's go. His he worth it everything you gain here? Asked, Zhou Rong. " you need to hear them out and found out what a loving supporting husband is, do you want someone to fix you breakfast in bed, get you a luxury bath and wash, bring you exotic roses and gives to you on your special day, fix you lunch in bed, order a therapist and music to give you a full-body massage, and fix you dinner and bed, get you the rarest of diamonds to shower you with? Asked. Gao Rong, " that sounds great, what special day? Asked. Li Feng, "

The lords of Dragons created a day today called wives day and my wife is thanking for it my lords, right after I give her a luxury bath and wash I fix her tray of pancake 🥞 and eggs 🥚, said. Zou YoungZheng, the nod, " ( she needs to hear from all six wives of dragons, will you not talk with her our loves?) Asked. Gao Rong, " ( bring her to us our husband, and your wives want to know what is for lunch?) Asked, Xai Rong. So they left out of the castle before they head to the cottage they stop by an exotic flower stand and got dozen of exotic roses for their wives." ( wait and see Xai,) " those are very beautiful, said. Li Feng, " nothing is too good for our heart's ️ desire, has he ever fix you breakfast . In bed? Asked. Zhou Rong, " no he probably thinks this day is stupid. Said, Li Feng. " why again do you want to work on a faded marriage with a guy that doesn't want to honor his wife! Honor the mother of his children. Yelled out * Cao Rong, they head up to the cottage and pulled up to the cottage, they walked into the door, papa!! They ran up, " papa all you see little ones? Asked. Wu Rong picks ⛏️ them up and gives his grandkids a big old . Bear hug, they laugh . " what is grandpapa is doing to you, Wu Rong roar as a bear . " pop bear is hungry, he roars 🐅 again. " grandpa you funny, said. Cao Jr. He put them down. " need to catch my breath. " it is must be great to have kids running around, " yeah it's fun . Being a dad, they enter the room, " and being a grandfather, evening our exotic wives, said. Wu Rong, they Give them their roses, " you do know how to sweet me off my feet Gao. Said, Xai Rong. " you old romantic soul, you have forgotten our favorite flowers, welcome to our family cottage. Said, Yuan, " please have a seat hun. The women in this family's favorite flowers are the Exotic rose, Zhou you still got your touch. Said, Su Rong. " you are filled with surprises * Cao, what this we hear of that you want to rekindle something that was never there. Said, Yao Rong. " you always bring me these you sweet soul, said. * Zhong Rong, " you just need to give up on him let him go his own way. Kang still single is he not? Wives everywhere their husbands bring them Exotic roses, " his father . Found his wife when he was working for us, what are we going to do with them? My mother is right you just need to let him go. Said, Yuan Rong, Cao kiss her. " thank you they are beautiful my king, Li my mother Yuan, my grandmother * Zhong, my great grandmother Yao, my great-great-grandmother Su, and my great-great-great-grandmother Xai, long you know my husband, my father Wu, my grandfather Shi, my great grandfather * Cao, my great-great-grandfather Zhou and my great-great-great-grandfather, Gao. And you met our son Cao Jr. This is our daughter Sun, the twin Huang and Xiong which their big brother and sister pick for them. I agree, with Li, is he even honoring you on wives day? He is single and I see the way he looks at you, Asked. * Zhong Rong, " what she told he is not, my daughter he thinks it is stupid, said. Wu Rong, " what he wants you for what if not to show you how much you mean to him, they walked in the kitchen start to cook . " he believes in a wife should know her place at the house, cook, clean, and raise the kids. I love ️ my sons and daughters, but I wanted to have a baby.

But he didn't want any expensive to worry about, said. Li Feng, " what he thinks when you got four teenagers living with you? How old are they Li, Jr. I need you or your father ? Again to rub my stomach. Sun starts rubbing her stomach, " ohh, ohhh, baby girl, you really got the gift , please don't stop . never mind our daughter got it from her," you okay?" My daughter, you making the pain is at ease. Can not wait until they are born , said. * Zhong Rong. " you are so lucky to have them, Ye is just turned twenty looking for a place to his own, Cheng is nineteen trying to find her calling, Hao is Eighteen is fine, and su his Seventeen and find where she is too. Can you help my son and daughter? Asked. Li Feng, " first thing first hun, you first. By married to Kang Deming your name will change, your future as the castle help and advisory will be sealed up and secured, maybe a room in the castle right my daughter. Said, Yuan Rong. " yes , I can see them living in the castle with us, mmm-mmm. You are doing your mother Justice Sun, thank you . Said," Zhong Rong. "So will your oldest training with the princes 🤴 and the processes too, and a house in the hometown of Legion said. * Zhong Rong, ". Yes, we will still train him, stop , please don't stop . Said, * Zhong Rong. " maybe a jr apprentice spot as assistant help in the castle, said. Yao Rong, " yes , there could be an assistance Jr. In the castle , that is if you let him go to secure a better future for you and your kids. Tell me you still love him, you still want to work . On your marriage . With him?asked. * Zhong Rong, " no, I rather have a husband like you all have but wonder Kang said no, what about them? Said. Li Feng, " your kids will understand and they would be happy for you. And I know Kang my entire life, and he been looking for the right one and he sees it in you. Just have tea with him, if it goes well then have dinner with him. Said, * Zhong Rong.

They bring them lunch of Covered Rice, " what's the verdict I can tell him to get lost? They start to eat, " I don't want to get and it with him, and I afraid that he might turn me down. She waved her and her screen appeared. "( Kang put that deguise piece of filth on the screen ,) said. * Cao Rong, " ( Kang do you still feel the same for her!) Asked. * Zhong Rong, "( there is no future on the west for you, there is no, future on Chengdu for, you are a terrible person who is jealous of others accomplishment, you are a terrible father who stands in the way ↕️ of your sons and daughters future father you are terrible husband who doesn't deserve a second chance,) said. * Cao Rong, " ( yes , my queen will she have tea with me?) Asked. Kang Deming, "( it is not up to you it's our marriage .) said, Zhou Feng. * Zhong Rong looked at her and asked" will you have tea with him Li?"(we are speaking for her, she has a good thing for here you are ruining it for her! Leave get your a** out of the west now and I do not care where you go!)Said. Wu Rong, " yes , a course when. Said, Li Feng. They finished eating their lunch and so have the kids, "(






