
chapter 4 the unloved sons

After they told her what she must do as a mother, Song Chen left and went back home. It is sad to show flavor on one son and not love the other son. Ren Fu and Cao Jain went through the same pain and hardship as their parents turn out the great dragon loved them both and show them their blessing, Ren Fu blessing was on Chengdu he started his workshop business, married the love of his life, Tao Fu and they had a son of their own which they are crazy about, Cao Jain finally married the dragon queen who also the love of his life they have kids that they are crazy about. So this evening Ren Fu called his nephew up on the screen. "(Cao are you there?) Asked. Ren Fu, "( the king 🤴is out at the wall, my queen 👸.) * Sun Jain walked up to the screen💻, "( dang nephew where you find her at?) said, Ren Fu. "Who the heck is this! Why he calling my screen 💻 !?) cao Jain rides up to the castle 🏥 and walked inside, " The Wall has a massive hole in my queen 👸. Hey uncle Ren, "

Call a Masoner to repair it after you get a price for how much it going to cost to fix it. Do you know him? Asked, * Sun Jain. " He is my uncle, he left Yanying thirsty years ago. I will call after I talk 💭 to him. She looked 👀 at him with Ferran in her eyes 👀. And she said" we got too much to do today, you don't have time to talk. Call the Masoner and get a price, Li follow me, please. She followed her down the castle, " (Is this a bad time nephew?) Asked. Ren Fu, " (yeah we are kind of busy with the kids, and kingdom right now, and she's stressing out because the coronation is coming up in a few days, and their birthday 🎁 is also coming up, and it's almost time for the harvest festival. Just madness right 👉 now,) said. Cao Jain, (plus I need to get the wall fix and head to the South to our little inn. Meet father 🧔 at the farms to get supplies, call back 🔙 tonight by then it should be calm here.) He cuts him off and got hold of the Masoner, they walked into the door. " What is this place Sun? Asked. Li Feng," this is the historical recks of everyone in the dragon 🐲 kingdom, my family 👪., Events, celebration 🎄, marriages, children 👶 birth, and birthday 🎁, you want to know about me and keeps the vault seal. Here is where you learned 📘 about the Jain family 👪 and not from Gou Qi. Said, * Sun Jain. They walked up to the golden dragon 🐲 scroll 📄, " here you go happy 😃 reading my friend. She hands 🖐️ her the keys 🔑 and walked out of the vault,

As the sun 🌞 went down in the sky. The Jain family 👪 is still working, " Jr, * Sun, Huang, and Xiong have a seat and began to write your topic is"castle 🏥 politic" said. * Sun Jain, " good 👍 one, my queen 👸 say your captains don't agree with the aid and the aid don't agree 👍 with the captains. On your scrolls 📄 how will you resolve the dispute? Asked. Cao Jain, they start to write 📝 it down on the scrolls ���, " (what can I do for you, my king 🤴 and my queen 👸.) Asked. The Masoner, on the island called Chengdu. Inside Ren Fu's house 🏠, Tao Fu is cooking 🍳 dinner on the stove. " (how much to fix a hole in the wall?) Asked. Cao Jain, " (2% my king 🤴. How big is the hole?) He sent him the slide of the hole, " my queen you need to relax we have plenty of time to get everything done, he got it and take a look at it. " As I was told by my mother, grandmother, great grandmother, great-great-grandmother, and great-great-great-grandmother the queen 👸 doesn't have the luxury to relax, you telling me this because? " I haven't heard, seen him in thirty years plus he is on our side my love ❤️ , his mother did the same thing to him as mine did to me. Said, Cao Jain. " Oh he is on our side, I loved ❤️ you, you know that?" She still didn't give me an answer. I loved ❤️ you too, said. Cao Jain, " as the queen 👸 doesn't have time to relax, the king ��������� doesn't have time to chitchat with family 👪 members,

We are working 🏢 overtime Cao. Even the East is pulling an all-night 🌚, everyone is putting together and preparing for all three major events. Cat 🐯 princess birthday 🎁, the dragon princess and princesses birthday 🎁. And the harvest festival said. * Sun Jain, " they won't be here for a while, it is only one time Sun. Said, Cao Jain." I do not need you slack off Cao, no, mean no. You got my answer, get the price. She told him, " I put up a lot of crap here. I will not tolerate my freaking wife telling me what I can not do now! Cao Jr, * Sun, Huang, and Xiong look . At their parents, " back ⬅️ to your studies my princes 🤴 and princesses, this is my last time telling you this, never call me your freaking wife! Are your wife, your queen, and the mother of your children, you want to pull a Bai talk to your uncle of thirty years so what, you not only be without a crown, wife, and kids but a home. so my freaking husband go-ahead pulls a Bai Chen do what you want, you will be not only without a family, crownless, and homeless try me see what happened. She crossed her arms, that hit him hard in the hearing, he turns back ⬅️ to the screen, " as ️ I thought so. She walks up to the desk and pulls out a folder, they stand up and clap for their mother. "(My king🤴, it's not bad I can get it done today. To

Repair holes in walls cost are only two pieces of gold.

) He told him, " he said can do it now and only cost two pieces of gold. Said, Cao Jain. " Thank you we have your payment 💰 ready for you, said.* Sun Jain, " ( thank you for doing this for us.) -(" not at all my king 🤴.) They cut the screen 💻 off, she is still working on the menus. " if my wife prehnite all I did, once just back 🔙 off. Cry 😭 out loud Sun you act like ❤️ it talking to him going to set us back! She looked 👀at him, " kids give your parents ���� a moment take a small break from writing, go see what's being prepared for dinner. Said, Sun Jain. " you don't have to tell us twice momma, said. Cao Jr. and got up, " papa why you just drop it and check out the south. They walked into the kitchen, she walked from behind the desk. " there he is, that be the wise thing to do. you didn't want the duty of a king 🤴 you shouldn't marry me, all you had to do is stay a captain. no, just because I tested 💯 you and you pass 💯, you wanted to be with me. Said, * Sun Jain. " where was this beloved uncle when you were going through your hardship? Living his life I was there by your side helping you through it! where was he when we were getting married? living his life! where was he when we were building 🔨 a family 👪? living his life! where was he when we got burned down and had to rebuild? living his freaking life!

Open 👐 your freaking eyes 👀 Cao he wasn't here for you, as your entire family 👪 only cares about Bai, he only cares about Bai and himself, if he really cares for you he would be here for you like my family 👪 was, you can fight 🤛 me over this hate 😡 me for it I only telling you the truth. I do not want to hear his name or you fusing about it ever again. This is my last time telling you king 🤴 Cao Jain you as the king 🤴 goes not have the luxury to sit on your a** and talk to a guy who never on your side, to begin with. is that freaking clear to you, do I made everything freaking to your understanding. As for being stressed out. You freaking stressing me out! How is that for your crying out loud!? she went back to finishing the menus for the inn. " feels like ❤️ I married to Bai all over again, the only difference is with you. Is with is you want to convert back into a kid and go talk 💬 to your favorite uncle, she hands him the menu. He takes them, nothing more was said between them and he heads back 🔙 out again. They walked out of the kitchen 🔪, " chinse burgers 🍔 yum. Cao Jr. " you okay 😒 momma? Asked, * Sun Jain." yeah, it does sound 🎵 good 👍. continue ⏭️ your lesson, said. * Sun Jain, they sat down at the table. " we can help 🆘, mom since papa is dropping the ball 🏀, said. Huang Jain, "he hasn't slack yet son. He heads up to the slaughterhouse, where Wu, Shi, Cao, Zhou, and Gao waiting at."

How is the wall? Asked. Wu Jain, " it is getting repair as we speak sorry 💔 that I am late, said. * Cao Jain, " you are a king 🤴 you got a million things to do, son we been in your shoes 🧢 before without son's coronation around the corner, they got off their horses 🐴 and walked into the slaughterhouse. Back 🔙 at the castle, Li Feng walked into the room, " wow ❗ Sun you had a lot on your plate 🍽️ as a kid, said. Li Feng, " yeah my life has been the duty of people 🧍 of the kingdom what my job as a mother preparing these four to do someday. Said, * Sun Jain. "who was that guy momma? Asked. Xiong Jain, " some relative of your father, Kang what ☹️ the people 🧍 need or want. Asked, * Sun Jain. " the water well is low, and flour mill. Said, Kang Deming. At the slaughterhouse the butcher walked up. " knew you were going to come, I have Today specials of ram 🐏 meat and goat 🐐 meat, how many fillets for the coronation dinner? Asked. The butcher, " ( 200+ 300 more father.) Answered, * Sun Jain. " ( Also make sure there are

the finest cuts Wu.) Said, Wu Jain. "(Yes 👍, my dearest.) Said, Wu Jain. " Make sure they are 200 + 300 cuts ✂️ , Shi, Sun Yuan mother grandmother Xai I see you at the inn.) Zhong Jain, "( I'll stand here in count if I have to my wife,) said. Shi Jain, " ( Sun is the menu done? Cao sir bring about 12000 crops to the castle 🏰, and 11000 crops to the South.) Yao Jain, " ( we on it my sweet🍭.) Said, * Cao Jain. "( Yes, it's with the king's grandmother.) Said, * Sun Jain. " So what is your special on the ram 🐏 cuts ✂️, asked. * Cao Jain, " does that get on your nerves that they tell you what to do. " No, when did you stop looking at her *Cao. Asked, Wu Jain. " My uncle screen 💻 the

Castle 🏰, and just want to talk and she won't let me. She acts like ❤️, I going to drop the ball 🏀 and forget about my duties as king 🤴. I haven't seen him in thirty years, it's not going to hurt anything. Said, * Cao Jain. " son when you are a king 🤴 you don't have the fortune to just talk 💬 to a long-lost relative when you are working 🏢 beside the queen, said. Shi Jain, " were they handling the army, the festivals and the people, we are tending to the walls of this land and farmlands. Said * Cao Jain, " you work 🏢 not only beside your queen 👸 but you work 🏢 with your queen 👸. Zhou Jain, even the greatest lord's 🤴 time * Cao the kingdom and the People said. Gao Jain,

" what we have great grandparents you

Never told us about their father? Said. Zhou Jain, shows them the cut ✂️ of ram meat, " see how the grain of fat melts against the meat? Said, the butcher. " they are in the dragon Island, it was too far for you to fly ️ son, said. Gao Jain, on Chengdu in Ren Fu house, is out plowing the fields. On Yanying in the castle, " stay in the castle and continue ⏩ your lessons, we won't be gone

long. Said, * Sun Jain. " momma, * Sun Jain called to her. " yes, my daughter. " are you and papa okay? Asked. Xiong Jain, " guys there are going to be times where we are going to have debates, That does not mean that we stop being in love ️ with each other or we don't love ️ each other. Explain * Sun Jain, " that was a pretty big debate momma. We never saw you'll like that before, said. Huang Jain, " yeah we never before momma. Said, Cao Jr. " guys I worry about that, what everything we have to do and prepare for, now is not the time to get in a debate about nothing, it has given me a serve headache and put me in stress. Said, * Sun Jain. " you need to just lay down momma, let us help out. Said, * Sun Jain. She looks at her four teenagers all grown up as young men and young women. " get the king on the screen please. said, * Sun Jain. " yes, my queen . said, Zou Youngzheng. He got Cao Jain up on the screen. "(yes, my queen.) asked, * Cao Jain. " (go to where he is in visit him for a few days, Cao Jr. And Huang will help out with the farm and meat when you get back ⬅️ , make this the last time you slack off. ) said, * Sun Jain. "(What about the celebrations Sun, we still got a lot to do.) Said, * Cao Jain,

" ( we still preparing when you come back my king, take care.) * Sun Jain, she cut the screen off. At the slaughterhouse, they got all the meat 🍖 from the butcher, and now they are heading to the shrines to get the baskets 🧺 of crops. And put them in the wagons, and head back 🔙 to the castle 🏰. While Cao Jain heads to Chengdu, " okay 😔 you can help 🆘 out Jr and Huang go help 🆘 your grandfather and great grandfather's with the supplies, girls with me. But tonight finish your studies 🧮 because you will be saying it in front of the whole family 👪 snd kingdom, said. * Sun Jain, you didn't mention that before momma. said, Cao Jr. "sure yourself as the rightful heirs and heiress of the dragon 🐲 kingdom. I had to do it, your grandfather Wu Jain had to do it your great grandfather Shi Jain had to do it, your great-great-grandfather * Cao Jain had to do it, your great-great-great-grandfather Zhou Jain had to do it, and your great-great-great-great- Gao Jain had to do it too. Said, * Sun Jain. " how many greats do we have momma? Asked. * Sun Jain." I can really say, my daughter. There could be thousands across the world 🌍 that we haven't met, said. * Sun Jain, he arrived in Chengdu at the house 🏠. " Cao? Said, Ren Fu.