
The Brightest Light Of Dying Star

Tác giả: Tls1101
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What is The Brightest Light Of Dying Star

Đọc tiểu thuyết The Brightest Light Of Dying Star của tác giả Tls1101 được xuất bản trên WebNovel....

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The lives of two best friends Eden and Fitz. They are avatars of the highest-ranked and most powerful angels in all creation. Their existence is to regulate the process of life, death and rebirth. Which creation has been undergoing for millions of lifetimes. FITZ: The smartest mind in the book, the best friend of Eden, a scientist who doesn't like the limits of destiny or fate, at first all he sought was the secrets of creation and it led him to discover the truth about his existence, being the very avatar of an angel, he eventually caused the death of his universe and afterwards realised he and his best friend Eden has been causing the deaths of countless universes over their countless lifetimes, not willing to accept this fate he revolted against his purpose, seeking a purpose of his own, hoping to change it. Eden: Is also a curious being like his best friend, unlike Fitz though he isn't bothered about the fact that he and Fitz had caused the death of universes over countless lifetimes, however, he took the impression that he represented life and his best friend represented death, He believes in this function but Fitz refuses to accept this fate for himself. This difference as usual led to their clash in every lifetime and of course their current lifetime. Book one focuses on their normal lives on Earth how they came to the truth of their existence and how they eventually ended their current universe.

Elanor8Fitz · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Feérico: The Demon Prince and the Crown of Blood

The Feericos were a mysterious existence, humans hardly had contact with one throughout their existence and if they found them, they might not even be able to remember. However, they existed, they were always there, as a magical part of nature.Unlike what was said in fairy tales, the Feericos were even more facinous than human beings, not being provided with much kindness. They had great beauty and little empathy empathy However, Chaos Moorcock could go beyond all classification, considered a nefarious being even among feerics, the third prince of the Kingdom of Moorcock,was the Marshal of one of the largest armies of the entire Magical continent, under the command of his troops, had never lost any of the wars he led.For his dubious character and bloodthirsty acts in the middle of the battlefield, Chaos came to be known as the vitable DemonPrince. ..... Noah Lewis had already decided to forget the past and rebuild his life quietly, however, the monsters of the past always come back to haunt him. Thirteen years after the incident that destroyed everything he loved, Noah finds himself living in a small village in the Kingdom of Arcais, where there are not many expectations for the future, but life goes smoothly. However, he finds himself again face to face with the monsters of his past,when his best friend Maria is brutally murdered by giant wolves. In front of a child who turns into a wolf,Noah finally discovers that the beasts that brutalized his childhood are real and hide much more than he could imagine. "The Son of the Demon Prince has been kidnapped and disappeared into the HumanKingdom."

Anaa_isa · Kỳ huyễn
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一对一,甜宠爽文,身心干净! 亲父陷害、继姐折磨、未婚夫欺骗,上辈子的姜绾活的痛苦不堪。 重生归来,还没等姜绾撸起袖子报复回去,已经有一群人已经将她护在身后。 清贵冷漠商业大佬大哥:有人欺负绾绾?让你连回炉重造的机会都没有!绾绾喜欢奢侈品?买!绾绾想要进娱乐圈?捧!绾绾和小鲜肉传了绯闻?这不行,我早就预订的小媳妇,可不能让人抢走了,赶紧抱回去。 温和谦逊娱乐圈二哥:我就小绾一个妹妹,谁让她不开心,我就让你不开心!小绾要进娱乐圈,二哥给你铺路! 暴躁刺头二世祖三哥:有人敢在网上骂小绾?看我的拳头不锤爆你的脑袋! 姜绾本以为,重生回来复仇道路荆棘,却发现身边都是恨不得将自己宠上天的人。 你以为这是复仇文,其实这就是个从里到外从头到脚,元氏总裁宠妻文! 人人都说元氏总裁运筹帷幄、世无其二,更是冷酷无情、不近女色,但高高在上的元氏总裁却会在深夜站在超市货架前红着耳尖为某人买卫生用品,会和某人穿幼稚的情侣装,更会在某人不想走路的时候,蹲下身体.... 元羲宠妻录:心跳给你,冲动给你,第一个吻给你,深夜呢喃给你,拙劣情话给你,早安晚安给你,余生都给你。

成珍珍 · Tổng hợp
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264 Chs

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