
The Brightest Light Of Dying Star

Tls1101 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

CHAPTER 2 - A Twist Of Fate

In the midst of a mundane classroom, Kaito's piercing scream of "STOP!" echoed, capturing the attention of everyone. Shock and disgust painted the faces of his peers. Overwhelmed, I fled from the classroom, haunted by unintelligible voices echoing in my mind, causing extreme pain and disorientation. The restroom offered a momentary sanctuary. As I gazed at my reflection, a concoction of disgust and confusion, the world blurred, and consciousness slipped away in a slow descent.

Awakening in the nurse's office, confusion clung to my thoughts like a stubborn fog. What had transpired? The answers eluded me, leaving behind a trail of perplexity.

Allowed to leave, the journey home unfolded as a solemn walk. Along the way, a trio of tormentors, self-proclaimed bullies, intercepted my path. Anticipating trouble, I braced myself. Their mockery reached my ears as one pulled my bag, toppling me to the ground. Their taunts echoed, referencing my outburst in class. The words stung, but silence became my shield.

Quietly retrieving my bag, I began to depart when a sudden punch threatened from behind. In that moment, a surge of unfamiliar energy coursed through me, guiding my evasion effortlessly. Walking away unscathed, the arrival of a teacher forced the bullies to retreat, leaving me to ponder the inexplicable intervention.

Returning home, the events replayed in my mind. Unraveling the threads of the strange encounter, I sought solace on the terrace. Music played softly in the background as I gazed upon the serene moon and nearly clear sky. Yet, an unshakable sense of foreboding loomed, as if an unseen malevolence lurked. The air crackled with an inexplicable tension. Movement, invisible to the eye, surrounded me, and a mysterious voice pierced the silence, declaring, "You... You sense us, you'll become one with us."

I'll keep posting 1-2 chapter everyday if im not busy and keep supporting.. Love you guys <3

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