
The Brightest Light Of Dying Star

Tls1101 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


In the span of a few days, Kaito found himself inexplicably transformed. He awoke with aching muscles and no recollection of recent events. As he examined himself in the mirror, a more robust and fit physique stared back, leaving him in awe.

Returning to school, Kaito noticed a shift in how others perceived him. Unfamiliar glances and whispers followed him down the hallways. Seating himself near a window in class, he was confronted by the return of bullies, eager to taunt him.

Bully 1: "Look at who's here, ladies and gentlemen... It's Kaito."

The bullies approached his desk, and one continued the mockery.

Bully 2: "You were gone for a week. Who are we going to bully if you aren't here, huh? Did you really get scared for what happened the day before you disappeared?"

Kaito couldn't comprehend how he went missing for a whole week. Vague memories of being bullied, returning home, and listening to music left him bewildered. Suddenly, a strong headache struck, clouding his recollection. Everything became foggy, and the bullies walked away as the teacher entered the classroom.

The school day passed quickly, and Kaito, still unable to understand what had happened, began walking back home. Across the road, he spotted the bullies waiting for him, accompanied by a sense of ominous foreboding. As he walked past them, one bully stopped him.

Bully 1: "Where are you going, little guy? Drop your wallet and everything you got right now."

Kaito complied, and the bullies attempted to further embarrass him by tearing his shirt and taking pictures. But then, an unexpected surge of strength manifested.

Bully 4: "Yo, what the..."

Terrified, the bullies fled, leaving Kaito bewildered by his newfound power. Heading back home, he contemplated the source of this strength.

After a while, a beep from his arm caught his attention. A golden wristband displayed a message."Alpha 01, Do you copy me?"

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