
Super Template System In Marvel and Beyond

I never imagined this would happen to me. Reincarnation? A second chance? Into a fictional world, no less? It was the stuff of wild stories, impossible dreams, and late-night "what ifs." But life has a funny way of playing with your expectations. When the choice was offered—life as I knew it or a chance to die and be reborn somewhere else—how could I say no? The catch? I wouldn’t return to just any world. No peaceful afterlife, no utopia waiting for me. Instead, I landed in the heart of chaos. Here I am, standing in the shadows of giants—of gods, heroes, and monsters. Welcome to the Marvel universe, where cities are playgrounds for battles that could shake the world, and everyday people like me are nothing but collateral damage. But I’m not just another face in the crowd anymore. Somehow, I’ve got a role to play. My name in this world is Dave Garcia, and this is the story of how an ordinary guy from another life navigates a place where the impossible is an everyday reality. What would you do if you woke up in a world where the fate of everything could be changed with a snap of the fingers? Because that’s exactly what I’m trying to figure out. ******* Daily one chap release except on Sundays ******** I don't own marvel or any other character that I will depict here aside from my OC. Happy Reading. **** Advance chaps on : - patreon.com/FantasyLi

FantasyLi · Phim ảnh
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8 Chs

Killing Abomination

Both Dave and the Abomination were momentarily stunned by the powerful impact of the attack.

[Master, he is merely a physical brute with no magical abilities. Your demonic energy, especially with its corruption attribute, is extremely effective against him.] Sei explained.

Dave absorbed this information with a nod. This is turning out better than I expected, he thought, leveling Ebony & Ivory at the Abomination.

"Any last words?" Dave asked, his tone cold and decisive.

The Abomination sneered defiantly. "It's futile. I'll regenerate in no time."

Dave glanced at the Abomination's wound, still spilling blood, and replied, "I don't think so."




The Abomination roared in defiance, but a final shot from Ebony & Ivory blasted his head out of existence.

His headless body fell on the ground, lifeless.

Dave surveyed the scene, noting the red energy forming near the Abomination's remains. "Spending 2,000 points of demonic energy to kill the Abomination. Not a bad outcome," he mused, pointing at the energy as it was drawn toward him.

The energy was absorbed, and the system notifications appeared:

[Soul Devouring Unlocked]

[Dante Template + 3%]

[Congratulations, Master, on finding the Demon's Soul Devouring aspect.]

[Host can now use it to increase the fusion rate]

[Quest Complete]

[Host receives B-grade Template Shop Draw and Dante Template Fusion +5%]

[Dante Sparda Fusion Rate: 33%]

New Abilities Unlocked:

[Demonic Power Manipulation Unlocked]

[Telekinesis Unlocked]

[Basic Combo Increased to Intermediate Combo]

[New equipment unlocked : Ifrit ]

Dave glanced at the notifications and then looked up at the sky, specifically at Ross. "You're lucky the system doesn't want me to kill you," he said, pausing as he took in the chaos around him—death and destruction everywhere. "Or I would have," he mumbled to himself as he began to leave.

Dave then looked at big green guy, he just arrived, he looked at Dead Abomination and at Dave, Dave smiled in response as waved bye.

Using his Air Trick, Dave vanished from the scene and reappeared back in the alley. He undid the transformation, hopped onto his bike, and revved it up, ready to return.

At the scene, General Ross watched the footage of Dave taking down the Abomination, his eyes fixed on the guns—Ebony & Ivory—in Dave's hands. "I want to know everything about him," he ordered his men, who began searching for Dante, a name that didn't even exist in official records. Little did they know, their search would be in vain.


On the top floor of S.H.I.E.L.D., in his office, Alexander Pierce scrutinized the footage. "Those red energies... Are they like the Tesseract?" he mumbled, his curiosity piqued. He too ordered his agents to track down Dante.


In a high-level meeting, Nick Fury remarked, "He could be a valuable addition to the Avengers Initiative." Coulson nodded in agreement and began preparations to locate Dante.


As these organizations, including Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., intensified their efforts to recruit the elusive Dante, the real Dave Garcia was back in his room. He examined the two dragon gauntlets in his hands, smiling foolishly.

As he played with the newly unlocked equipment Ifrit.

[ Ifrit ]

[ A pair of fiery gauntlets that possess hellfire hotter than a volcano. They grants host higher physical strength.

Rolling Blaze: Surrounds his body in flames and damages enemies upon contact.

Magma Drive: Dante charges power and releases it in the form of a magma uppercut.

Kick 13: A quick and powerful flaming back roundhouse kick, its impact will drive the enemy back. ]

Dave clenched his hands, and the gauntlets—modeled after open dragon mouths—erupted in yellowish-orange flames.

"Dante is the best template I could have gotten as my first one," he mumbled with a satisfied grin as he lay on his bed, admiring the gauntlets. "Not only does it grant incredible abilities, but it also comes with some really cool equipment."

[Master , you also have B grade template shop draw] Sei informed and Dave nodded as he sits up while putting away the Ifrit.

"Use it, Sei" Dave said, as once again the roulette begin to spin as it stopped on a hot women, with blonde hairs.

[Congratulations on obtaining Trish Summoning Card]

Dave looked at the card which depicts a mature women with silver blonde hair and wearing a black jeans and top.

Dave looked at the image and thought " I can summon her?" 

[Yes, Master, you truly got lucky. Typically, the odds of summoning something like this are 1 in 100 draws, but you managed it on your first try,] Sei informed him happily.

"Of course I'm lucky. How do you think I got you?" Dave nodded with a smile. He paused, thinking, and added, "The only problem... what will her identity be? This is the 21st century. I can't just have people popping out of nowhere."

[You don't have to worry about that, Host. All summons come with a designated legal ID,] Sei reassured him.

Dave nodded, feeling more at ease with the situation.

"Alright, let's summon her," Dave said as he tossed the card into the air. As it reached eye level, the card suddenly shattered into light. The glowing shards formed a silhouette, and as the light subsided, Trish stood there, her hands confidently on her hips.

"Did you summon me?" she asked, looking directly at Dave.

Dave, momentarily stunned, stared at her in awe. The card hadn't done her justice—she was far more striking in reality. Her beauty was almost otherworldly, her cold, piercing look only adding to her appeal. She resembled a Greek goddess, though that would be an understatement—after all, she was a devil.

"Yes, I did summon you," Dave replied.

Trish looked him up and down with a cold, scrutinizing gaze before turning her head toward the window. "I don't serve the weak," she said, her voice laced with disdain.

[Emergency Quest Initiated]

[Defeat Trish]

[Reward: 100% Trish Loyalty]


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